Thirty Eight

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The next few minutes of the night were a little blurry. All you could remember was the phone call from Eunha, the phone call that helped ease your tensed and shaken self. Lisa was back at your shared room, safe and sound.

You hung up a little while after hearing this news. In that moment you had just about forgotten the older woman on the phone with the police.

"Y/N? Y/N!" She yelled after you as you bolted out of the room and towards the elevator.

Coach groaned in frustration before hanging up the call and following right behind you.

"She better not do anything stupid." She mumbled to herself as she leaned against the metal doors, not making it in time. Out of panick, coach tried pressing the buttons for the elevator in an attempt to bring it back but it kept on descending.

She ran a hand through her hair before turning to look towards her right just about ready to give up.

'Emergency stairs,' she read before quickly rushing over towards the metal door, swinging it open harshly.


He stared at his phone intensely, just as he had been for the past few minutes. His roommate, Chenle couldn't get past the constant sighs and groans coming from the male seated on the other side of the room.

"Yah! Taeyong, why do you look so down?" He finally asked as Taeyong let out an awfully audible groan once again.

"I had this while evening planned. It was just going to be Eunha and I, but..." he sighed for the nth time now. "She cancelled at the last minute."

Chenle put down his phone after ending his video game. He sat down beside his friend, close but not too close.

"That can't be right. I mean she wouldn't cancel for no reason-" Taeyong interrupted his friend, obviously still upset.

"Well she had a reason." He replied shortly. Chenle's eyebrows furrowed wondering what the reason could be. Was it that bad?

"Well..what was it?" Taeyong hastily adjusted himself on the sofa ready to confide in his friend.

"She told me that Lisa had been missing the whole day and now her and Y/N are worried about her."

"Dude," Chenle chuckled a bit while reaching over to the coffee table, grabbing a potato chip from it's bag. Taeyong's eyes widened as he watched the boy waiting for him to explain his sudden laugh.

"That doesn't mean you have to mope around like this. At least she didn't blow you off." Taeyong looked at his phone one last time before placing it on the table, grabbing a chip in the process.

"But it would've been the only chance we would've gotten to spend time together. She's great and I just wanted to spend time with her." A stinging pain spread across his back as Chenle slapped it. He hissed in pain.

"When did you get so cheesy... but I'm curious though. How did you meet her?" A smile crept up across his face as he recalled the events from that day.

"It all started with a wall..." Taeyong chuckled to himself as he played with his thumbs.


Lisa sat up in her bed lost in her own thoughts, recalling all that had happened the night before. She smiled to herself as her eyes wandered over at your sleeping figure on the next bed.

"I don't deserve to be called your friend, Y/N.." She murmured softly, allowing the smile plastered on her face to drop.

There was a game later that day but she hadn't even gotten any sleep. She tossed and turned all night before finally accepting that her body wasn't ready for sleep at around midnight.

Now it was close to 4 a.m but she was still wide awake, her head clouded with anything and everything. From the early hours of the morning to the late hours of the night, to all the new people she met and the people she already knew that welcomed and conforted her.

Lisa tossed aside the white bed sheets and proceeded to head out to the park across the street.

"Where are you going?" You asked as you sat up on your bed. Lisa wasn't the only one who was unable to get some sleep that night. You brought your knees up to your chest and hugged your legs watching her.

"I'm not running away if that's what you're thinking. I was just going to the park across the street." She said as she slipped on her most comfortable sneakers and a warm jacket, since it was chilly this time of day.

"Why? And at this time?" You sniffled a little as you placed your chin on your knees. Lisa stopped what she was doing and turned to face you.

"I couldn't get any sleep last night so what's better than staring at the clock than practicing for the game. It's a big one. Wouldn't let the team dow-" While in the middle of her monologue, you got up from your bed and slipped on a pair of socks followed by your white fluff slippers. This made Lisa quiet while silently observing what you were doing.

"What are you doing?" She finally asked as you grabbed your phone from the night stand.

"What do you think? I'm putting on my shoes." You said nonchalantly as you slipped on the last shoe from the pair. Lisa crossed her arms over her chest while staring intensely in your direction. You gulped a little and let out a small laugh trying to ease the tension.

"I'm just kidding." You ckeared your throat before continuing. "I'm going to the park with you."

Lisa arms dropped to her sides as a smile made it's way onto her face.

"You don't have to-" You held her hands in yours as you gave them a tight squeeze, giving the girl a bit of reassurance.

"I know I don't have to...but I want to...because you're my friend." That's it. Her face was turning red at the lovely words spoken out by her friend. Someone cares about her.

This was all she ever wanted. Lisa wanted to feel...well wanted. She longed for someone to offer her a bit of love, the love she lacked in her life.

"And besides, I wouldn't want you wandering off again. Just think of me as your very own human leash." You smiled cheekily whilst making weird facial gestures. This seemed to lighten the mood as you both burst out into laughter.

"Well then I'll just get my water bottle then we can head out but-" Lisa scanned you from head to toe. "Are you going out in your pajamas?" Your eyebrows immediately crashed together in confusion. You quickly glanced down at what you had on.

"I mean they don't look bad, do they?" You shook your head. "No they don't. Besides I'll be warming up the bench while cheering you on."

"I know this is supposed to be a sweet moment but you guys are so loud."

Both you and Lisa stopped cold as you remembered that Eunha was in the room as well, and probably woke her from her slumber. Eunha groaned as she ran a hand through her messy hair.

"Sorry. We didn't realise we were disturbing your sleep." Lisa let out as she laughed at the crazy amount of bed head Eunha had going on.

"You'll only be forgiven if.... i get to come with you guys." You turned towards Lisa waiting for her approval. She met your gaze before turning back to Eunha nodding her head with a smile plastered across her face.

"Then what are you waiting for, grab your shoes." Eunha hurriedly dressed her feet and threw on her go-to hoodie before crashing into us, probably out of excitement. You all laughed together as you made your way over to the park sharing jokes and stories.

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