Revenge On You

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Ever since Merrily left to go back home, Yule has been over the moon.
"Can you believe it?" he asks me for about the twentieth time.
"Believe it or not, I can," I groan, trying to write another letter for Rosanna. Yule, however, is just making too much racket. Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy for him, but I just don't want to show it because it will get him even more ramped up. And here's the thing about ghosts: once they get ramped up, they don't ramp down. They don't exactly have any energy to lose.
"She wants to be my girlfriend, Bill! My girlfriend!" At this rate, he's literally going to go through the roof. "Did you hear what she said? And she's immortal! Isn't that crazy?"
"Yule, even I was immortal once," I say, trying to calm him down.
"That's different! Merrily's always been human. You wouldn't understand, anyway. You've been dating Mabel forever from, like, ever since you met her!"
     "Not true!" I huff, turning to face him. "Plus, it's only been a little less than a year. If you wanna talk about long term relationships, go Dipper and Pacifica... or Soos and Melody for that matter! Now, I'm trying to write a letter, if you wouldn't mind!"
"You can write a letter any time!" Yule shouts back with a grin, his dimples showing. "You can't, however, celebrate the romantic success of your best friend every day, can you?"
I sigh and put my pen down. "I guess you have a point," I surrender, standing up. "So, what kind of celebration do you have in mind?"
For the first time in a while, Yule goes still, lost in thought. He obviously hadn't thought this far ahead.
     There's a sudden knock on the door, urgent and quick. We seem to be getting a lot of visitors recently. I silently pray that it's not about another pulse from the portal.
     Yule and I hurry to the door and open it to a man standing on the other side.
     I have never met this man, yet he looks strangely familiar. He's in his mid-twenties, and he has startled eyes. His hair is in a small, puffy black afro, almost like a black female's hair. He has a dark complexion and is slightly heavyset. His clothes look tight and loose in the wrong places, like he's wearing women's clothing.
     "Do I... know you?" I ask, debating closing the door on this mysterious person.
     "Um, yes!" he shouts, as if I should obviously recognize him. "Okay, look," His voice drops to a whisper. "I'm not supposed to be here saying this, but I had to come and do it. I don't know what's going on. It's Omi! I'm Omi."
     I suddenly realize that it truly is Omi, one of the members (female, mind you) of the Society of the All-Seeing.
     "I woke up this morning like-" Omi gestures to her/his body, "this! I don't know what is going on! Is this permanent? Does this have something to do with that quafly?"
     "It's not permanent," I assure her/him. "And yes, it is from being exposed to that quafly."
     Omi suddenly clutches her/his stomach in pain with a moan. Before my very eyes, I watch her/him shrink a couple inches and grow slightly larger hips and breasts. Omi's face softens, her cheekbones becoming less defined. Her waist shrinks, giving her more curve. She gasps, patting her body down in shock.
     "What," she says breathily, her eyes wide, "just happened?"
     "Gender swap?" I look at her in shock. "That was really weird. How is the rest of the Society faring, if I may ask?"
     "I feel like such a snitch," she groans, rubbing her temples, "but it's been insane! Shad grew a third eye on his head and it stayed for an entire ten hours! Frigh has literally only been able to speak cat since last night. The others are fine as of now, but who knows for how long? I wasn't very concerned until Sil completely vanished earlier today. She hasn't appeared back yet. And right before that, I became a guy. I tried not to freak out... but I totally freaked out. So..." she sighs, looking at the floor, ashamed, "I came to you for help. I know," she laughs bitterly, "what losers the Society is if we can't even solve something like this."
     I shake my head in disagreement. "No, that's not your job. You're trained assassins. You were never meant to fix stuff like this. I'm not even sure if I can..."
She looks at me with worry. "Then what are we supposed to do?"
"Wait it out?" I suggest, because I really can't think of anything else. "But I will try my best to find a way to get all of this to end as soon as possible."
"Don't stress about it," Yule says, resting his apparition of a hand on my shoulder. "We'll think of something. Let's listen to whatever else she can tell us for now."
"Yeah, you're right," I turn and answer.
"I didn't say anything," Omi says, looking confused.
"Oh!" I turn and gesture toward the empty space next to me, where I can see Yule and she can't. "Remember Yule? Well, he's kinda still here."
Omi's eyes widen in surprise. "A category one, huh?"
"A special case of one. Only a few of us can see him and talk to him," I explain.
Omi's expression suddenly changes. "These weirdness pulses aren't the only reasons I came here. The Society tracks my every move. I'm not supposed to be telling you everything going on with us, but I am here to warn you about yet another danger in your life.
"You see, we track every anomaly that goes on in this town. Many are harmless, but some we have to keep an eye on. We only pursue if some oddity or monstrous thing puts a human in danger. We have had our eye on a certain changeling in this town for years. Up until this point in his life, he's proved to be harmless. I don't even think his family has ever been aware of his identity, that's how much he has fit in. But now, he's become horribly angry with you, Bill. Somehow or other, he's found out exactly how you were the specific reason that the dream fiends came to Gravity Falls. And a certain development in that skirmish affected him deeply. He seeks revenge on you, Bill. Perhaps even others, if they were involved in the situation. He believes that you are the reason something dear to him and his family is now gone."
My blood chills as an idea comes to my mind as to who this fae offspring could be. "Do I know this changeling?" I ask with a grimace. "What is his name?"
Omi looks at me dead on, then to the ghost she cannot see.
"Tyler Shields."

Sincerely Yours, Bill CipherWhere stories live. Discover now