Hot Cocoa

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Chapter song: Another One Bites the Dust by Queen

Perfect song for the first real fight scene.

Frank looked at Lena with shock plastered on his face. Even though Lena was scared she didn't let it show. "So you're the Frank Castle, also the Pete Castiglione. Right? You gonna kill David and me?" She looked at him with an attitude.

As Frank started to approach she set down the bags of coffee and frozen dinners but she kept the hot chocolate in her hands. Once he got close enough Lena threw the hot beverages on Frank. He flinched and stumbled but was back on his feet quick enough to hold Lena against the wall. "What are you doing here?" His voice was automatically intimidating. She squirmed under Frank's grip as he pulled zip ties out of his pockets. He led her to a metal pipe and tied her onto it.


Lena watched Frank walk over to David, who was now naked, she watched as Frank threw a bucket of water over David's head and he woke up immediately.

"So you're Micro huh?" Frank got on David's level.David nodded his head tiredly as the computer's alarm rang. Frank pointed to the computers, "How do I turn the alarm off?"

"It only takes a retinal scan."

"What happens when that timer reaches zero?" Frank asked as he sat on a stool.

David chuckled, "It's gonna get really hot in here."

Frank got up from his stool and walked over to Lena, "You know how to turn that off?"

Lena chuckled, "Takes a retinal scan."

Frank walked back to David and dragged him to the computers. Frank cut one zip tie and watched as David entered the code and leaned forward to scan his eye. Once he was done Frank dragged him back to the hall.

"Start talking." Frank got on David's level again.

David sniffled, "I have an idea, why don't you get me in some pants. I can make you some coffee." Frank stepped back in annoyance.

"C'mon Lieberman! Cut the bullshit just tell him what he wants to know." Lena said from down the hall.

David sighed then rolled his eyes, "I was an NSA analyst and they sent me a C-D to analyze. Later on after about a week of having it, they came after me. Shot at me right in front of my wife. I'm still here because a phone blocked the bullet."

Frank walked over to Lena, "What's your story? Why'd you go as Ally at the construction site?"

"What can I say, Frank? I like my privacy, just like you."


The alarm blared in the background, "You gotta spin me around Frank."

"I've looked everywhere and there isn't a single bomb, stop lying Lieberman."

"Just spin me around Frank." David urged. Frank spun David around and he started to enter the code, "You see Frank if this timer reaches zero then all this footage will be released to various social media outlets. The entire world will know that you're still alive." David leaned forward and scanned his pupil.

As Frank was putting David's zip tie back on, David stabbed Frank in the arm with a pencil. Frank stumbled back and fell to the ground almost immediately losing consciousness.

"What happened?" Lena asked for she couldn't see.


David had gotten dressed and taken Frank's body and put it on a cot. When Frank woke up he grabbed for the gun left on his chest, "Why didn't you kill me?" He asked once he saw David approaching.

"Yeah Lieberman, why didn't you kill him?" Lena yelled from the pole since David didn't untie her.

Frank tried to get up but ended up using the wall for support, "Why is she still tied up?"

"She would've killed you and that's not what you're here for." He responded, not knowing if it was true. "C'mon get in the chair." David rolled the chair up to Frank.

Lena stood up and put her foot on the pipe and used it as leverage to try and break the zip ties. Even though it didn't work she kept trying no matter how much it hurt her wrists."Lieberman, you better let me go! I'm not even joking I will fuck you up!"

Once Frank sat down in the office chair David rolled him to the computers. "Look, there's a cargo that's gonna be shipped off tomorrow. It's full of guns and ammo we could use to take down Agent Orange and everyone involved with the murder of your family." Frank didn't respond to David's plan. "C'mon Frank, we want the same thing."

"Ok, under two conditions, you untie her and we kill Agent Orange." He pointed to Lena.

David took a sharp breath, "Fine." David walked over to Lena and cut the zip ties around her wrists.

"'Bout time." She immediately walked over to where she had set the bags of goods and moved them to the kitchen. Lena then walked to where her cot was and started to search through her bag. Once she found the item she turned around and cocked it then took a shot at the ground next to David's feet. He jumped up and put his hands up in surrender, almost pissing himself. "I told you, Lieberman! I told you!" She cocked the pistol once again and aimed it at Davids' head.

"Lena put the gun down," Frank said as he tried to stand up but failed.

She gave a smile, "You two thought I wasn't gonna keep true to my word. I bet that you two thought I didn't even know how to use this thing." She waved the gun in the air like it was a toy. "Well, I do, so you gonna stop treating me like another dumb blonde?"

David answered with a nod "yes" and this convinced Lena to but the gun down.

"Jackass." She mumbled under her breath.

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