The End?

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As Frank hung up the phone with the senators' parents he suddenly got up. Lena cocked her head as Curtis stared at his feet. The senator kept mumbling pleas for escape.

"What?" Lena asked a pacing Frank.

He sighed, "I gotta get Amy." With that, he left. There was no argument between the two, he just left without any context.

Lena sighed and looked at Curtis, she got up and grabbed a stack of money sitting in a cabinet. "Are you going after him? You know he won't like that, Lena. Or are you just gonna leave and go back to Wisconsin?"

"Neither." Was all Lena said before she left. 

She walked to the nearest gun store which was 2 miles away. Once she entered she saw posters all related to Trump. Some said the usual MAGA statement others stated things like, "Trump 2020" or "Let's watch conservatives burn together". 

Lena walked up to the counter, there sat a man wearing a red MAGA hat. "How can I help you, young lady?"

"I'm looking for a gun." She said coldly.

The man grinned, "We have a pink 9MM or a turquoise 45 ACP. We have other color-"

Lena took a breath, the man obviously thought she was any other female looking to defend herself. "I need a Barrett M82."

The man's face spoke the word surprised. "What color?" His voice was a lot timider this time.


"Nine-thousand dollars please." He took out a gun case and set it on the counter. Lena threw the wad of cash at the man and took the gun. 

As Lena was walking out she gave the man the finger, "I don't get why you love the president that brags about grabbing women by the pussy!" With that, the door shut and she was on her way back to the trailer.

When she entered the trailer she saw that Curtis was already gone, and so was the senator. She shrugged and walked farther from the trailer. She got on some fire escape ladders on a building a block away from the trailer.

She set up the sniper rifle and watched the property through the sight. 

It was a long hour later that Frank had arrived at the trailer. He stayed inside for a while until another car had pulled up. Lena watched as the man who had the nickname Pilgrim took Amy out of his car, he held her like she was a hostage.

He forced her on her knees as he spoke with Frank. Soon, Amy was getting in the car and driving off, honking the horn twice. Lena watched through the sight as Frank and Pilgrim had started to fight, her finger stayed off the trigger.

Pilgrim had managed to get Frank on the ground, he picked up a weight and continuously hit Frank in the face. Lena's nose flared as she watched her friend get his face beaten in. Her finger had slowly moved to the trigger, if she had to she was ready. Ready to kill.

Things had turned around as Frank picked up a metal pipe and started beating Pilgrim with it. Both of their faces were covered in blood. 

Frank had finally gotten Pilgrim on the ground for more than 30 seconds. Lena was watching, they were talking. Frank rose the metal pipe to finish his work but then he lowered it again. Lena's finger rubbed against the trigger, Pilgrims head in her crosshairs.

"If Frank doesn't kill him in the next five seconds I'm doing it for him", Lena thought. "" She squinted her eye harder. "4 " She adjusted the heavy gun once more. " 3, 2 " Her finger rubbed harder against the trigger, she was testing herself. "1 " She fired. Frank took a couple of steps back. He looked around until he saw her. She couldn't tell if he was mad or ok with her kill.

She climbed down the fire escape, she noticed that Frank was on the phone. Once he hung up he turned to Lena, "It's Bill." The two got in a car and drove, she didn't know where they were headed. 

Once they pulled up to the church Curtis had used for his groups', thoughts of how she would approach Billy were mixed. Would she be mad? Sad? Or just happy?

They entered to see Billy laying on the floor. "Frankie! Lena!" Billy said with the smallest amount of joy. "I-I'm dying."

Frank and Lena stood over him. Lena noticed Frank's finger moving to the trigger of his pistol. She grabbed his hand and mumbled the words "not yet". He let a breath out and stood back as she crouched down to Billy's level.

"Oh Len-" Bill tried.

"Don't say anything, you're using up your energy." Lena cooed as she pressed her hand to his cheek. "Just wanna say Bill," her voice had started to crack and it felt like she was choking on water. "It was so nice growing up with you, I don't know what I would've done. But somewhere along the line you changed, you stopped being you. I don't know what happened but all I know is I want the old Billy back. Ya know, the one I grew up with." Lena gently put herself on his chest. "I'm gonna miss you so much." she chuckled letting a couple of tears fall, "And that stupid accent of yours."

Billy nodded his head and gave a weak grin. He knew. He knew this was his last moment. He was just glad that he spent it with Lena.

As Lena got up she walked back over to Frank and hid her head into his shoulder. Once the two shots went off all she could do was cry. She and Frank just stood there in a hug waiting for the courage to move on.


They sat at the train station with Amy. Lena and Frank had hoods over their heads to hide their injured faces. As Amy's bus pulled up she gave a hug to Lena then one to Frank. That was the last of Amy, wiping tears from her cheeks and heading to start a new life.

Lena turned to Frank, "You gonna leave me again?"

Frank grinned, "No, but you should go home or at least find a new one."

Lena let a large breath out, "Ya know Frank, I think I already have a home."

"And where's that?" He asked.

Lena avoided eye contact for a moment, "For me, home isn't a place, it's a person."

A hooded figure walked by and dropped a sticky note at Lena's feet, she picked it up and read it. She felt the smile from her face fade but she then covered her discomfort with a bigger smile.

"We need to get some stitches on those cuts." She changed the subject as she touched Franks cheek where a giant gnash was at. 

Frank nodded at her as the two stood up, Lena was quick to stuff the sticky note in her back pocket. Afraid to read it again.

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