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Chapter song: Take On Me by A-ha

His anger was building up as he led the way back to the van. Once they got to the back of the van he turned to her, "Why the fuck would you kill him?"

"Because Frank." She replied as she opened the van doors to see David.

"No! That's a bullshit answer! You killed him for no fucking reason!"

She pushed him back by his shoulders, "I saved your fucking ass! I killed him because he was in our way and about to kill you. Now that I think of it. I saved your ass twice just to show you that I'm good at these missions and I can take a bullet."

David started the van, "Your calling attention to yourselves." Lena was in such a hurry to get in the van that she ripped her pants at the thigh.


Lena grabbed the medical kit and started taking care of the cut from getting into the van too fast. "Frank? Frank!" David yelled. "The cameras at my house went out. You need to check on them now!"

"Ok, ok, I'll go check on them, just chill a bit," Frank said as he walked out the door. David waited in stress as Lena finished repairing her cut.

"I'm leaving, I need a break from all this," Lena said as she left leaving David alone.


The camera came on and David saw his wife kissing Frank. He reached for his liquor and started drinking as he watched what Frank was doing.

Once Frank got back David was drunk. "What happened to you?" Frank asked as he took off his combat boots. 

David shrugged, "How your girlfriend?"

"Really? You saw that? Really it wasn't anything." Frank said as he sat down.

David laid on the cot, "Yea, ok, that's your girlfriend now."

Frank looked at David with sternness in his eyes, "I don't like your wife, I still love my wife. Your wife kissed me. Now drop it."

"Ok, ok. How long has it been since you've had sex though, its been forever for me." David stood up over Frank and started to unzip his pants.

"C' mon man you have-, " Frank said but was cut off.

Lena had walked in and saw what the two were doing, "What the fuck are you guys doing?" She threw the bag of clothes on her cot and went to the kitchen.

The two straightened up, but then David started an argument and the two start arguing. Pretty soon it escalated into a fight. Lena just watched, too exhausted to intervein. After a couple of seconds of fighting Frank knocked David out and dragged him to the cot.

Lena laid down on her cot, "Just to let you know Frank, your not the only one that can do missions. You're also not the only one that's strong." Frank shrugged and Lena got annoyed but she still decided to let it go for now.


The next morning came and David was hungover. "David, drink this so we can go," Frank said as he handed David a green colored drink.

David drank it and cringed, "Where are we going?"

"Yea, where are we going?" Lena asked.

Frank sighed, "We're going to spy on Madani. You're not coming, Lena."

Lena set her cup of coffee down on the counter, "Why not, you know I'm capable."

"Finish that," Frank said to David.

Lena picked her cup of coffee up and threw it in the sink where the ceramic broke. "Don't ignore me, Frank!"

"Bye Lena," Frank said as he got in the car ignoring her outburst. Just as Frank pulled out Lena threw a plate at the car but it didn't bother Frank enough to do something about it.


Frank was spying on Madani but was stopped once an explosion went off and screams could be heard from nearby.

"What was that?" David asked.

"I'm not sure, call Lena. Make sure she's okay." Frank said as he stood up.

David nodded and dialed her phone, but got worried when she didn't pick up. 

"Frank. She didn't pick up." David covered his face with his hand and sighed. "What if the bomber is after her?!"


The two had gone back to the abandoned warehouse and saw Lena. She was sitting on her cot playing with a tennis ball.

"Ay! Why didn't you pick up the phone?!" Frank asked once he saw Lena.

Lena rolled her eyes, "You guys pissed me off, why would I want to talk to you?"

"Haven't you seen the news?" David said as he turned on the tv.

"There has been a bomber that attacked the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Fire Arms office. The authorities are still looking for suspects. Make sure you turn on your radio, Karen Page, the woman who got a message directly from the terrorist." The news anchor said in his most monotone voice.

David rushed to turn on the radio. Frank had recognized Karen's voice. 

The radio host and Karen had talked for about ten minutes before they took a two-minute break. Once the break was over the radio host had mentioned a caller claiming to be the bomber.

"Karen... Why would you say things like that about me in the newspaper... Why would you call me a terrorist when I've opened your eyes." The bomber hung up.

Frank stood up and started to pace, "I know that voice... Where's that voice from? Wait, Curtis's support group, its that kid. David, look up a male under the name Lewis Wilson. He drives a cab and is under the age of 30."

David typed the info into his computer and found an address, "7563 Tomlin Road."

Frank grabbed his coat and left before David could stop him.

David went back on the computer and did some more searching. "I found where he is right now." Lena came up behind David's chair as he dialed Frank. She had started to leave to the address. "Frank, Lewis is at 2839 Apple Street," David told Frank over the phone.


Once Lena got to the address she saw Lewis talking on the phone. She spied some more until she saw Frank in the window, also on the phone.

"Try the white wire," Lewis said right before he hung up the phone. 

Once Lena was sure Frank was out of the window she ran at Lewis and threw a punch in his face. Lewis reacted by punching her in the face giving her a bloody nose. Lena saw the gun on Lewis's waist and went for it but was once again met with a fist in her face. She gave one more punch which left Lewis a little stunned. The two froze when they heard sirens. Lewis took off but Lena was quick to follow after him.

Frank left out of the house and was only given enough time to see blood on the ground before the cops noticed him. He ran until the cops lost him.


Once Frank got to the warehouse he noticed that it was empty and the tv was on. "Frank Castle, the Punisher. Is apparently still alive. Police have turned to him as the main suspect for the bombings." The news anchor said.

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