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Frank stared at her, perplexed at the identity. "Were you following me?"

Lena shrugged, "I guess you could call it that."

Frank stood up, "For how long?"

Lena looked around then made eye contact with the girl that was zip-tied to the bed frame. "Not long... Who's she?"

"Just some kid that can't tell the truth for shit." He replied. 

Lena sighed, "Damn, I gotta get this bullet out of me. Got some wire?" Lena walked into the bathroom and saw the first aid kit already on the counter. "Looks like you already did some fixing didn't you?" She laughed and saw Frank who's expression only got more confused.

He closed the door behind him, "What happened to you?"

"What do you mean?" Lena asked as she started digging at the wound trying to get the bullet out of her torso.

Frank scoffed, "What do you mean?! You have a bullet in you and you're treating it like a scratch. A-and your neck, it's cut, what is that from?"

"Some guy couldn't control his knife." Lena rolled her eyes then took her shirt off. The countless amount of scars caused by bullets sat on her back waiting to fade into her warm porcelain skin.

Frank saw the scars, "What have you been doing? W-why and how?" 

Lena let a grunt out as the bullet slid out of her skin, she reached for the wire and then the needle and started stitching. "I've got enemies Frank, I thought you would understand."

"My last enemy was Billy." As Frank said this Lena's mood changed, she turned cold and dark.

She turned to him after she finished the last stitch, "Tell me, Frank... Did you kill Russo? Did you watch the life drain from his eyes?"

Frank stayed silent, unsure of how to answer, he only stared at her. He had opened his mouth to speak but it was forced closed when Lena delivered a fist.

He held the side of his mouth then leaned over to the sink and spit out a molar. "What the fuck Lena?! Did you start boxing or something?"

"Yes, I have actually." She said rubbing her knuckle. "You better hope he's not dead Frank." She said before she walked past him and out of the bathroom. 


The next night came, Frank had booked the room behind their's and dug the drywall out to make a door. He had been on the lookout and had noticed that they were being watched.

"Rachel, you know how to use this?" He held up a pistol.

She looked down, "No, and I don't intend to."

"Well, you aim and shoot." He threw the gun on her lap and went to look through the window. 

Rachel stood up and aimed the gun at Frank. Before Rachel could demand anything Lena pushed her up against the wall and aimed her own pistol at her.

"Wrong person to aim your gun at kid," Lena spoke as she stood two inches away from Rachel.

This had caught Frank's eye, "Lena, give the kid a break."

"Then who should I aim my gun at? You?" Rachel had asked Lena.

Lena pulled the trigger but a bullet wasn't shot, "She needs to learn Frank."

"Were there even any bullets in the gun?" Rachel had asked, Lena answered her question by opening the barrel and letting the bullets fall to the ground.

Before anymore discussion could take place Frank was escorting Rachel to the back room and waited for the bullets to fly.

The two went outside and were greeted by four people. Two male and the other two female. One of the men fired the first bullet missing and instead hitting the wall. Lena and Frank crouched behind the truck and occasionally shot at the group.

They had taken one of the females and one of the males out. When Lena turned to shoot she was greeted by the woman. The girl grabbed Lena's long blonde hair and dragged her by it. Before the woman could take Lena to their truck she pulled out her knife and cut the woman making her drop Lena. As Frank killed the last male the cops showed up and arrested everyone, even Rachel.

As Lena and Frank were on their knees with their hands above their heads, "Is your record gonna be good?" Lena asked.

"Yeah, what about your's?" Frank asked.

Lena let out a pssh, "Of course, Lena is dead, Ally has a clean record." They nodded their heads at each other as they were shoved in the police car.

Once they got to the police station everyone was required to give their fingerprints. Once everyone was identified they were allowed one phone call. Lena watched as Frank was on the phone, he was getting a little mad but after a couple of seconds he hung up. 

Before Lena could ask what the problem was an officer approached her, "Ally, we will be putting you in a temporary cell until we figure this whole thing out." Lena shot Frank a look but he just nodded her way.

She reluctantly went with the officer and walked to the other side of the station. The room reeked of urine. There were two cells, the one on the left had a man in it who looked homeless and drunk. The one on the right was empty.

The officer opened the one on the right and pointed to the cell. Lena got the signal and entered. She watched as the officer closed the door and walked away.

Lena started looking for a way out but was interrupted when the man in the other cell start to talk, "Trust me, I've already tried." He let out a hiccup and clutched his stomach.

The officer walked in again but with Frank. He opened the left cell, Frank entered and the officer closed the door and left.

Lena let out a sigh as Frank leaned against the wall.

Lena had opened her mouth to speak but shut it when the officer walked in again but with the girl from the fight at the motel.

He opened Lena's cell and the girl entered and just like with everyone else the officer closed the door and left.

The girl and Lena glared at each other. "Your name?" The girl asked. Lena just stared at her. She shrugged then spoke again, "I'm Marlena, I'll just call you bitch."

Lena kept her glare, "Watch it." Frank was watching the two, hoping a fight wouldn't start.

Marlena chuckled, "Oh, did that hurt your feelings? Want me to call your Mommy?" She toned her voice as if she was talking to an infant. She spoke again this time using her normal tone of voice. "Or maybe I should call your uncle, he would know how to punish you, right?"

It was almost like slow motion from Frank's view. Lena had lunged at Marlena and pinned her against the concrete wall.

"How do you know that?" Lena asked but instead of a response, Marlena spit in her face.

Lena was quick enough to swing her fist into Marlena's face. But Marlena kicked Lena back hard enough to send her to the other wall where the two cells met.

As the two were stunned Frank reached through the bars and wrapped his arms around Lena's waist. Restricting her from going at Marlena again. Lena tried to break free but Frank was too strong. She soon gave up and surrendered. Marlena couldn't help but show off her grin.

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