Boring Hospital Walls

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Karen walked in the room where Frank laid. Black and blue, stitches running up his arms. It was quite a sight. She took a seat in the chair next to the hospital bed and waited for him to wake up.

Seconds later, Frank had woke up. He was frantic, looking around quickly until Karen set her hand on his. 

"Frank, it's ok, your safe." she cooed.

His breathing was still fast but he was calmer, "Where, where's Lena?" He scanned the room but didn't see another bed.

"She's safe too, we need to talk about getting you out of here." she tried to talk to him but he just turned away.

With Frank facing away from Karen he had barely whispered, "I did it, it was all me."

Karen looked at Frank trying to find words but once she formed a sentence they were interrupted by a shout. One that was too familiar to Frank.

Lena had woken up from her dream it was the same as before. She would watch Mortiz die over and over again, then she would sit by his lifeless body in the dark nothingness. When she woke she was frightened to see that she wasn't by Frank's side.

Her breathing increased as she stared at the boring white walls around her. She then started to hyperventilate when she saw a person standing outside the door. She went to get up but was stopped by the handcuffs that caged her wrists.

She was frustrated, no she was raging with anger, "FUCK!" she shouted, using all the power from her lungs that she could. Before she could calm herself cops had rushed into the room holding her down as they waited for a nurse. All she could do was scream and squirm under the cop's grip. She hated this, the feeling of being so defenseless that she couldn't even throw a punch.

The nurse walked in holding a syringe, she held it vertical so the needle was facing upwards. She then flicked the core of the syringe and inserted the needle into Lena's vein on her forearm. Lena immediately went from aggressive to disorientated, not long after she had fallen asleep.

Frank and Karen were in the other room, listening to the yelling but they were startled when the noise stopped all the sudden.

"It's her," Frank mumbled as he tried to get up. "G-get me out, I-I-I have to help her." His wrists were turning red from the continuous irritation of the handcuffs.

Karen put her hand on his chest, "She'll be fine Frank."

Just as Frank calmed down a nurse walked in, "I have to do an exam and he needs to get naked." Frank had recognized the voice to be Amy.

Frank rolled his eyes, "You need to leave, go back Amy."

"We need to get you out of here." Just as Amy started to struggle with the handcuffs Madani had walked in.

"Looks like the whole squad is here," Madani said with a bit of attitude.

Frank looked at everyone, you could almost see the steam leaving his ears. "I did it, I'm not leaving."

"I will prove you wrong Frank," Karen said. "You're completely innocent."

Frank could only roll his eyes, he was convinced it was all his fault. Everyone had left, either to prove him wrong or to blend in with a crowd. He was left alone to just sit and stare at the blank hospital wall in front of him.

Half an hour later, a cop had come into his room. He pulled out a syringe and waved it in the air. "Hi, Frank. Guess who's gonna pay rent for the rest of his life. This guy!" He pointed to himself. "I'm gonna get this five million bounty and after I kill you, I'm gonna go over and get Lena's bounty. Man, I'm gonna be a millionaire!" 

Frank looked at the man, his nose flared, "Don't you dare touch, Lena."

Before the man could speak Amy had knocked him unconscious with a metal tray. Madani and Karen came in after her. The whole gang was together again.

"Frank, Frank! You didn't do it. Billy set you up." Karen said then Madani had taken over.

"Billy shot all those women so that you would think that you did it. You're innocent." 

Frank looked around, "Get me outta these cuffs, I need to get Lena."

Madani had unlocked his handcuffs and he ran to Lena's room. He pushed the door open and saw Lena standing over a nurse with a bloodied scalpel in her hand.

"Frank?" She dropped the scalpel and ran to him. She engulfed him in her arms pulling him close to her chest. He hugged her back with a grin on his face.

He pointed at the nurse on the ground with a questioned look on his face. "What happened?"

"She was a bounty hunter." She started out the door lets go.

They discussed their plan with Madani, Amy, and Karen. The plan was to put on the clothes of the nurse and the cop. Lena, Frank, and Madani takes the stairs while Karen goes around triggering all the fire alarms. 

Frank, Lena, and Madani started down the stairs. Frank was leaning on Madani and Lena was leaning on Frank. The white lights and the fire alarms were triggered.

Once they got to the door that led outside they walked for a short while before Mahoney stopped them. "Drop your guns!" Madani and Castle did as he asked.

"Castle you're coming with me. Bring that blonde bimbo too." Lena shot him a mean glance but he didn't care. "Get in the ambulance."

The two did as they were told. Mahoney handcuffed the two to a bar on the ambulance and then left to get in the driver's seat. 

Lena bit her cheeks with anger while Frank's lips twitched.

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