Useless Pink M40

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Chapter song: I Feel Love by Donna Summer

Frank parked Lena's car back in the basement. He slammed the car door and started stomping to the trunk.

"What the hell is your problem?" Lena called from her cot.

He pulled out a pink sniper. "The cargo that was apparently full of guns and ammo is being shipped by another company. The cargo that David sent me to only has this pink M40 rifle that has no ammo." He held up the gun in frustration.

"Everywhere I looked said it would be there." David bent down to his computer to double-check.

Frank laid down on his cot and closed his eyes as David swore the guns were supposed to be in the cargo.

Lena got up from her cot and went to the kitchen. "I'm getting coffee. Lieberman, do you want your shit tasting coffee?" David stared at his computer intently. "Fine, don't respond, see if I care."

Frank's phone started to ring. He sat up and looked at the caller ID. "Who is it?" David asked breaking his daze.

Lena threw her hands up in frustration, "Were you ignoring me?!" She said from the kitchen.

"Your wife," Frank responded to David.

Lena went up to David and gave him a coffee, "I didn't feel like making two different kinds." Lena walked over to Frank and offered him a coffee. He nodded his head no, "I know you haven't slept in a while." She stared at him with her eyebrows raised. After a while, he took the beverage. The only reason why she knew he wasn't sleeping is because she couldn't either.

Once Lena walked away Frank played the message David's wife left for him. "Hey, so it's Sarah. You know, I hit you with my car. Well, I need you to sign something for my insurance saying that 

you're not going to sue me. Sorry about hitting you. Call me back."

"You got hit with a car?" Lena asked but got ignored once again.

David sighed, "You should go over there just to get it done with."

Frank stood up and got his sweatshirt on, "Yeah, it'll be quick though."

When Frank left, Lena went up behind David and watched as Frank pulled up on his family's security footage. Less then ten minutes later the footage showed Frank inside the family home.

"If you just come over here I have the papers." She handed him a couple of papers and a pen.

"What if I just fix the headlight for you." He offered to avoid writing his name and possibly exposing himself.

She sighed, "Oh Pete, first I hit you with my car and now you want to fix it for me?""

Please I insist, it'll keep me busy." She nodded her head "yes" and he gave a friendly smile.

"Really Frank?" David mumbled under his breath. "Ok, Lena, I have to look through emails." He 

announced. Lena walked away with a pfft.


"Found your guns," David said to Frank once he got back.

"Yeah, who's buying them."

David went to a different window, "Looks like Homeland Security is. I have all their plans."

Frank looked at the plans and where various snipers would be placed, "You'll make a loop of the security footage and block their communication. While you're doing that I'll get the van. Then 

we'll meet up on the dock and drive back."

"Um, where am I in this?" Lena asked.

Frank reluctantly turned his attention to her, "Your job is to stay here."

"No, I can be useful." She replied.

Frank sighed, "Have you ever been shot at?"

She rolled her eyes and gave another sip of her coffee, "Yes." Frank stared at her unsure of what to say. "I can be useful, anyway, if you aren't gonna let me go then I'll just follow you."

"We're gonna need to get more cars then." Frank threw the keys to Lena.

David put his head in his hands, "I don't know if I can do this."

"C'mon you kitty, take that robe off and let's go." She said as she started her car.


Frank's whistle was a cue to go into the warehouse. Inside were dozens of supercars. Lena went to a white Lamborghini Gallardo while Frank went to a red Mustang.

They drove to the buying destination and split up until David made the distractions. Everyone listened to the radio as Homeland Security was communicating.

"Ok, the loop is on... And now the blocker is." David's voice rang from the walkie talkie as the radio emitted I Feel Love by Donna Summer.

"It's on," Lena said just before she revved her engine.

She sped around cutting off the backup cops until her walkie talkie started to make antenna noises. "Frank we got company," David said.

Lena drove around until she saw a navy blue car following Frank's red Mustang. She followed them until they went to an alleyway. She went around the block and heard the two cars driving towards each other.

"Goddammit Frank, I'm not gonna let you die today." Lena looked on the passenger floor of the Lamborghini and saw a Spectre M4 that must've slipped out from under the seat.

She grinned slightly and rolled down her window and stuck the submachine gun out. She aimed at the navy blue car's tires and shot. She watched as the air escaped out of the rubber covering. Before Lena could celebrate too much the white van hit the navy blue car and sent it flying towards her Lamborghini making everything turn to circles.

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