Eternal Sleep

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"What was that one song?" Mortiz asked Lena. "Its starts like ooga chaka, ooga ooga ooga chaka."

Lena smiled then threw the candy wrapper on the floor. "It's Hooked on a Feeling, an absolute hit."

Moritz smiled then spoke, "It's my favorite, it's funny." Lena smiled at him then laid down shutting her eyes for the night.


As Frank left the R.V, Lena started to pack up her things. She looked at Moritz, "Don't go anywhere. Maybe clean all this shit." She pointed to the candy wrappers from the night prior.

Moritz sighed and bit his lip. "Are you..." He was building courage. "Are you going to Scott?"

She dodged his question, "C' mon clean this up. I'll be back soon." She gave a small smile then left, shutting the door behind her.

She walked to the street and waved a taxi down. Once she got in the car she told the driver where to go. Tavola, an Italian restaurant that Scott has been running. It was a safe house in disguise.

As the taxi pulled up to the restaurant she handed him the twenty-dollar bill and grabbed her duffle bag. This duffle bag was very special to her at this moment, it held an AK-47 and a 9mm pistol. Two things that should save her life.

She walked up to the door and pulled out her AK-47. She held it above her head and shouted to the innocent customers. "If you don't know German get out!" Lena watched as people ran out but there were some left. "If you don't know who Scott is get the fuck out!" She walked past the rest of the people, who were now exiting as she entered the kitchen.

She saw guns all over the place, but no one was in sight. She walked farther until she got to a flight of stairs leading in the basement. She saw a bunch of men aiming guns at her. After taking a quick glance and realizing that none were Scott she shot them. Lena walked over the bodies, accidentally stepping on someone's hand. 

She walked farther and saw Scott sitting at a table. "Is that all the men you got? Wow!" She put her gun down and spread her arms. "I thought that someone so high maintenance would have more security." Scott waved his hand as two men hit Lena with the butt of their gun.


Lena woke up in a wooden chair with her hands tied behind her back. She looked around as a smirk appeared on her face. "Nice one Scott!" she yelled hoping she was talking to someone.

There was a clicking of a boot as someone started to walk towards her. Scott's face was hit by the light as he had a smirk on his face, but this one a little more evil than Lena's. "How did you know where we were?"

Lena chuckled, "Man! Did i miss you thick German accent." She smiled but Scott slapped her.

Her smile faded, "Don't make me ask again Lena." he said.

"Just came by to grab a bite."

Scott pulled his other hand out of his pocket to reveal a pair of brass knuckles. "Did you know that my nephew is missing?"

Lena scrunched her face in confusion, "You have a family? I feel really bad for them."

Without warning, Scott grabbed Lena by the troat and continuously hit her with his brass knuckles. The shiny brass color was quickly covered by Lena's blood.

When he finished he stepped back and smiled at his "masterpiece". Lena bent over and spit out a molar.

"Are you going to talk now?" Scott asked, pulling out a handkerchief and wiping the blood off his choice of weapon.

"Are you gonna talk now?" Lena mocked but in a higher voice with a German accent. "Of course not dumbass."

Scott grabbed her by the throat again and continued to punch her. But this time he didn't stop until she lost consciousness. 


She woke up in the same room. She tasted the blood in her mouth. But then she couldn't breathe. Lena laid on the floor gasping for air trying to not choke on the blood but all she could do was that.

Moritz stood above her with her bowie knife in his hand. He saw her choking, "L-Lena what do I do?" Worry shined in his eyes.

Lena signaled for him to turn her on her side and he did, allowing her to breathe. He took the bowie knife and cut the ropes binding her hands together.

"Lena? Don't do this to yourself." He mumbled.

She took a breath. "Go back, Moritz. This isn't fo-" 

"Now look who it is," Scott said, interrupting Lena. "It's my nephew!" He spread his arms. Moritz's breathing increased but anger filled his eyes. 

Lena took the bowie knife from Moritz and held it behind her head as if she was going to throw it. Scott only smirked and then took out her AK-47. He pulled the trigger and before Lena knew it Mortiz had jumped in front of her.

Lena looked down at the mess in front of her. Moritz... his blood spilling out of his chest. It was a sight she never hoped she'd see. She looked up at Scott who was walking away, "I'm gonna kill you!!" She yelled before he left the room.

She looked down at Moritz. She tore his shirt off revealing his slender and untoned torso. She put the shirt on the wound and looked at him, "Hold this." He nodded at her.

Lena picked him up and swung him over her shoulder. She walked outside and called a cab. When the taxi pulled up she gave the location of the R.V and they were off.

When they arrived she handed the driver a bloodied twenty bill and grabbed Moritz. She rushed to the R.V, opening it with force. Inside was Frank and Amy playing with a deck of cards.

"Move!" Lena scream at Amy who was sitting on the couch. She did, quite fast too.

Lena laid Moritz on the couch and started to look for things to stop the bleeding. Frank just stood there staring at her unsure of how to help.

Lena went back to Mortiz's side and tried to put a rag on his wound. But Mortiz only shoved the material away.

"Lena..." He stared at her. "I'm going to die."

She shook her head. "No, your not. Y-your gonna see the sunrise tomorrow. Your gonna see the sunset too. Damn, you'll live to see Scott's tombstone."

Moritz smiled as a tear fell down his face. "Its fine Lena. Just let me go."

Her breathing increased. "Please Moritz." Her voice trembled as she tried to put the rag on his wound but he only pushed it away. "Moritz, please. Just let me."

He looked at her, "Vergiss niemals, wer du wirklich bist." He said. She knew that phrase too well. She stared at him as he closed his eyes, falling into an eternal sleep.

Lena waited there for a while until she knew he was gone.

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