Roof Top

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Lena and Frank hid behind a truck in the Dogs of Hell truck pitstop. Frank nodded at Lena and that was their cue, they shot people with their shotguns and when everyone was on the ground they took a truck and put a Dog of Hell member in the driver seat.

"Now what?" Lena asked.

Frank got next to the corpse and started the truck, "We take this to where they plan to trap us and we trick them." Lena got in the passenger seat and Frank drove to a shipping dock.

Frank got out of the car and tied the gas pedal down and started the truck. Just before the truck hit a shipping container Lena and Frank got on top of a water tower. The two watched as the men realized that Frank wasn't in the truck and chuckled a bit. 

Before they could chuckle anymore, a homemade smoke grenade landed at Lena's feet. "Shit," Frank mumbled.

A shadow had kicked Frank off the water tower and he landed on the shipping containers below. Lena gave her try at the shadow but was also kicked down with Frank. 

The two rolled over to a rooftop of an abandoned building and braced themselves for the fight with the shadow. 

Since Lena was the closest she gave her best. She swung at the man's head but he ducked and kicked her in the shin. She punched at his stomach, once he bent over to clutch himself Lena grabbed his shoulders and used her knee to attack his stomach some more.

Once Lena stopped kicking, he bent down and grabbed her by her legs and dropped her on the ground leaving Lena in pain.

It was Frank's turn, at this point the police had figured out where they were and had started shooting. Frank threw a punch and some kicks, things that he had learned in the Marines. Just before he took the shadow to the ground he had gotten shot in the arm. The two had started to wrestle, for now, Frank forgot about the gunshot wound. They rolled on top of a glass roof and it broke under them and they fell through.

Lena ran to the stairs and found the two laying on the ground. She nudged Frank, "C'mon, their gonna be looking for us soon."

Frank got up and so did the man, they glared at each other. Frank had a gash on his cheek and his nose was bleeding. All the injuries that you see on the man was a busted lip and a bloodied nose. 

Suddenly the man got a headache and wasn't reacting to Frank walking in circles around him. Frank and Lena shot each other a questionable look. Lena then wrapped her arm around his neck and he struggled but then Frank punched him and he fell unconscious.


Lena and Frank had taken him to the top of a building, miles away from the one they fought on. Frank had chained the man in red to a pillar, Lena was stitching up Frank's gunshot wound.

As the man woke up he pushed on the chains but they wouldn't budge, Frank was too good at tieing people up.

"Hey Red, enjoy your nap?" Frank spoke.

The man chuckled then tried the chains again but was unsuccessful. "Why kill everyone, why try and kill Grotto?" The man asked.

When he said Grotto's name, Lena looked behind the wall where an unconscious Grotto laid. The two had found him trying to steal cars so they took him.

"Because I put them down for good. If I don't they just get out of jail to make the same mistakes." Frank said, his voice deep with intimidation.

"People make mistakes, doesn't mean that they deserve to die."

"Well, some of them do."

"Who? The ones that hurt you? Or is it the one that took your loved ones," Frank had gotten tense giving a clear sign to the man that he had lost someone, "Hate to break it to you but everyone loses someone. Boohoo, its a part of life everyone deals with it."

Lena set her hand on Frank's shoulder, "Everyone deals with it differently Red." Frank said as he got up and walked over to the crates that had boxes of bullets in them.

"What about you, why are you so ok with this death of innocent people." The man had asked Lena.

She sighed, "Quit digging."

The man chuckled, "I get it, you like to hide."

Lena pushed his head up against the pillar, "I told you to quit." She walked away from the man who was only the slightest bit affected. She stood next to Frank and leaned on him as she touched the tips of the bullets

"You two dating?" The man asked.

Lena looked at Frank, "Can we just kill him?"

"Remember what you told me at the hospital?" Lena rolled her eyes at his comment.

Moments had passed, Frank was loading guns while Lena helped or made sure he didn't tear his stitches.

The man in red cocked his head, "Someone's coming. Please don't kill him."

"I might if you give me a reason Red. You make a sound and his brains will be all over this rooftop." Frank said just before he got behind the opening door.

The man looked behind the door to see Frank, he was startled enough to drop his flashlight, "Who are you?" He asked Frank, Lena was now standing shoulder to shoulder with Frank.

"Frank, and this is Lena." 

The old man cocked his head, "So what are you two doing up here."

"Enjoying a couple of cigarettes and the city," Lena spoke adding a small smile.

The old man nodded, "Ah, I see, well stay here as long as you like." The man started down the stairs but stopped when Frank added one last thing.

"Ay, I like your hat." It was a marine corps baseball cap.

"Thanks, man, have a nice night." 

"Semper Fi." Was the last thing that Frank added before closing the door.

Frank and Lena had started back to the man on the pillar. "So is Frank and Lena your guy's real name?"

"Yea is the Devil of Hell's Kitchen your real name. I don't hide behind some mask." Frank said which made Lena nod in agreement.

"So let me ask you this Frank, do you believe in hope? Do you believe that those men that did evil things can change?" 

"Hope? I don't believe in Santa Claus no more Red."

"What about redemption Frank. I-I've seen it."

Frank scoffed, "Oh yeah? So you want me to put people in jail just so that they can kill women and rape children again?" 

"What about you Lena? I know you've seen mercy and redemption."

Lena's nose flared, "Yea I've seen it but I've also seen mercy turn into cruelty and I've seen suffer in too many people to get my mind changed."

"Y-you two are unhinged, off the rails. Nothing will stop you, even if God made this world pure you would still kill innocent people. Your nuts to think you're doing good."

"Oh, yea Red?" Frank grabbed a wrench and tossed it around in his hands, he then hit the man in the face making him go out cold.

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