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Nicole's P.O.V

"Your such a bitch. I don't want anything to do with you and I feel bad for Matt he has to put up with a slut like you" I screamed in her face.

"So do I. You know. Where I come from I thought there were a lot of sluts that are low and self centered but your the worst" Jocelynn yelled at her.

"Just leave me alone you don't even fucking know what happened." Sophie screamed at us

*2 hours earlier*


Matthews P.O.V

"Hey Nicole are you re-" I barged into Nicole's room to see her passed out on top of her bed with her phone in her hand and faint Taylor swift playing in the background. She looked like a baby when she slept. So delicate and wonderful. But I had Sophie.

"MATTHEW" Nash yelled up the stairs.

I left Nicole's room and went downstairs.

"Yes?" I asked Nash.

"Uhh so what time is she coming over" Nash asked with a disgust look on his face.

"Well sHE is coming over in about an hour" I smiled.

"Yay" Nash mumbled under his breath.

*skips an hour ahead*

Soon enough Sophie was here. She was dressed in a black skirt with a white v-neck shirt tucked into it. She had black vans on and her hair was curled. I will admit, this girl wears way to much makeup but she looks very pretty tonight.

"Hey babe" Sophie said walking into the kitchen and plopping herself into a chair.

"Hey" I kissed her forehead.

"Matthew Lee Espinosa we have arrived" hayes yelled walking into the apartment with all the boys following him also Jocelynn in the back on her phone.

I looked over to Sophie who had an annoyed look on her face when she saw all the boys. She looked at me and gave me a sickly sweet smile. I wrapped my hand around her waist as she put her head on my shoulder.

"Where's Nicole?" half of the boys say at the same time.

"Upstairs sleeping" I pointed.

"I'll go get her" they all said in unison as they ran up the stairs.


Nicole's P.O.V

I wasn't in a deep sleep, it was light enough to hear everything that was going on around me. I heard about 500 footsteps coming up the stairs.

"NICOLE" Taylor yelled down the hallway in his country kinda accent. I heard the door open and the bed dipped down like 50 feet below sea level.

I pulled the covers over my head as someone pulled them down.

"You have to get up" Nash mumbled into my ear as he pulled me up. My eyes were about halfway open but still very heavy. I felt someone pick me up by my waist and spin me around. They pulled my arms so I was sitting up.

"What do you want" I mumbled rubbing my eyes.

"Sophie's here" Gilinsky say as he rolled his eyes.

"Yay. I'll be down in like half an hour." I yawned.

"Alright" they all said in unison.

"Don't make me come back up here" Cameron said walking out the door.

"No promises" I smirked.

He shook his head and laughed.

I got up and looked through my dressers. I found a pair of Hollister shorts and a crop top the say 'you can't sit with us' in the black bold letters. I put on my makeup and then did my hair. I put it in a French braid and then slipped my vans on and went down stairs.

I walked over to the couch and sat next to Matt who was on his phone.

"Where's your girlfriend? " I asked leaning my head on the back of the couch.

"Bathroom" he smiled.

"Cool" I smiled back.

He pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arm around my neck.

Sophie came out of the restroom and sat next to Matt and started kissing him. I got uncomfortable and left.

"Hey" I heard someone call down the hallway after me.

I turned to see Jack G. "Where are you going" he asked.

I shrugged. "Anywhere but here"

"I'm coming with you then" he kept following me.

"Alright" I smiled.

Once we left the apartment building we decided to go to the park.

"I bet I can get higher than you on the swing" jack laughed.

"You think? I can't jump but i can get higher probably" I told him trying to keep a straight face.

"$5" he sat on a swing.

"Deal" we shook hands and were off.


"I told you I could beat you" jack said. "Now pay up"

"The only reason you won was because my phone fell out of my back pocket." I threw the money at him.

"Yeah sure" he rolled his eyes.

"Round two" I questioned.

"Sure." He smirked.

"$10" I offered.

"Your on" he ran to the swing.

"Wait" I stopped him "hold my phone. You have big boy pockets"

"Fine" he took my phone and slid it in his pocket and started swinging.


"I TOLD YOU BITCH." I yelled jumping and running around the swing set.

"Lies" he rolled his eyes and chuckled.

I jumped on his back and wrapped my hands around his neck and my feet around his stomach and whispered "now pay up"

He gave me the $10 dollars. He wrapped his hands around my knees so I wouldn't fall. I reached down in his pocket for my phone. I grabbed it and checked to see what time it was. It was only about 8:30 at night so we were only fine for like 3 hours tops.



YAY update. Hahah sorry guys it took so long. Part 2 coming soon.

Keep reading and voting (even though I only have one😂) LUHH you guys.

- Sneaky white

P.s: my friend gave me a stripper name😂😂

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