Having fun already

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Matthews P.O.V

It was about four in the morning when I heard a huge slam of our front door. I went to see what it was and saw Nicole on the couch. She was passed out. I brought her upstairs and laid her in her bed and went back to my bedroom.

'I wonder why she was here this early in the morning?' I said walking back to my bedroom and shutting the door.

By the time I got back up and went down stairs I saw Nicole. She was taking Advil again and drinking water.

"Hey so why did you come home this early this morning?" I asked her.

"Oh because I was really cold and I couldn't find any of her blankets so I came here to get one off the couch but I feel down and didn't feel like getting up so I ended up falling asleep." She told me taking another sip of water.

"Ohh that makes more sense. But anyway are you ok I saw you taking Advil."

"Yeah I'm fine. I just still have a head ache from last night. I hate rainbow road with a passion." She said laughing angrily"

"I feel you" I told laughing.

After we got done talking, Nicole went upstairs and got in the shower.

Shortly after this all the boys came downstairs.

"Hey man, so what are we doing today?" Carter asked sliding into a stool

"Well I don't care. We could all go to like a theme park like universal or islands of adventure" I told them leaning down onto the counter.

"Universal and islands of adventure are the same place pretty much Matt." Nicole said walking down the stairs plugging her headphones in and her penny board being held up against her wrist in a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a tank top the had rips in it on the back and her black Okleys around her head.

"I know I was just saying gosh and where are you going." I asked her.

All the boys were looking at her then jocelynn walked in with her long board. She was wearing shorts a T-shirt that said "yeet" on it and her Vans sunglasses.

"Oh were just gonna go ride around." Nicole said walking out pushing her phone in her back pocket and putting her skate board on ground and closing the door behind her.


Aaron's P.O.V

"Where are they going?" I said not able to take my eyes off the door in case one of them comes back. Then all of the sudden my wish came true Nicole came back in.

"Sorry forgot my brace for my wrist. Have fun at your amusement park." She said smiling and laughing.

I tried to take as long of a look as I could before she left.

"Hey Nicole, don't get hit by a car again." Matthew said being all protective.

"I'll do my best." Nicole said laughing and closing the door.

"There probably just going to the board walk." Matthew said answering my question.

"Oh that's cool. I didn't know that she skateboards." I said smiling.

"Does someone have a little crush on Matthew girlfriend?" Taylor said teasing me with a baby voice.

"No I don't. But I mean her friends pretty hot." I told them smirking.

"HEY! Back off she's mine." Hayes said really protectively

"Ok sorry but it's true." I tried to explain.

Everyone laughed and moved into the living room.


Nicole's P.O.V

Shortly after Jocelynn and I were riding we went into Starbucks and got our usual drinks. When we walked out we made our way to the boardwalk. I felt bad not telling everyone where we were going but we just wanted alone time to talk about everything.

"So how's everything with Hayes going." I asked her not looking up from the ground.

"Well. It's hard to say because we both really like each other but he's leaving soon and we don't want to be dating through texting I mean yeah we will call and text and stuff but he like 4 hours away it gonna be hard to see each other a lot." she said with a really upset tone in her voice.

"Well I see where your coming from and that but if you really loved each other you could make it work." I said looking at her.

"That's true. I guess I'll talk to them tomorrow when they get home from the park. I mean they probably will be in no mode to talk to night once they get home." she said chuckling

"Good point." I said laughing along with her.


Matthews P.O.V

We decided to go to a water park. it was much cheeper and a lot closer to us. I texted Nicole and Jocelynn saying where we were going.

"Hey girls. So were gonna go to a water park instead sense it's so hot. Uhh👹😩. But I'm not sure when we will be home so bye. I just wanted to let you know." I sent my message and began to go get ready.

{at water park}----------------------------

So once we got our tickets we decided to just kinda sit outside on the chairs for a while. That's when my phone went off.

"Hey Matt. We just got your text. Yes 2 hours later. But ok don't kill yourself by." Nicole responded although Jocelynn did not. That might be why she said 'we' but I don't know.


Cameron's P.O.V

I kinda wish Matt would have a asked the girls to come but he didn't. They would have been talking and laughing and in bathing suits. Man he should have asked them. But yeah know. Oh well.


Jack G's P.O.V

Nicole was really hot. I mean I wish we could have been sleeping in her room instead Matthew and Shawn were in there and there rooms to all the other boys. It's whatever I haven't even tried talking to her.

My thought was interrupted.

"Hey Matt, you should have brought the girls. They would have been nice ride alongs." Nash said laughing.

"Yeah I mean they are but I wouldn't call them ride alongs." Matt said giggling back.

By this time we had gotten in water and went down all the slides. We were at the water park for about 6 hours so we decided to just go home. I wanted to talk to Nicole. I was gonna.

{at apartment}-----------------------------

Nicole's P.O.V

I was all sunburned it hurt to stand. Jocelynn and I were talking about going to the pool when the boys came in.

"Geez Nicole. You look dead your so burnt." Nash said mocking me.

I kinda just rolled my eyes and left the room.

"Nicole are you ready?" jocelynn asked. We decided to go to the pool downstairs. It was an inside pool but if you get there late enough then no body is there and it's nice.

"Yeah let's go." I said following her out if the room.

{after the pool because we did nothing}

By the time had gotten done swimming it was about 12:30 a.m.

I was tired so I just went back to my apartment Jocelynn went to hers. All the boys were gone so I just went to bed I didn't feel like looking for them or finding out where they were. Then the door opened which woke me up. Everyone started piling upstairs to go to bed. Matthew and Shawn came in and laid down on the floor. Everyone went there separate ways and went to bed.

After Magcon (Matthew Espinosa and Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now