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Nicole's POV

I woke up starving. I haven't eaten in 3 days. Woah. I was alone. Oh well. I got up and went to the apartment. I saw Matt and Sophie lying on the couch together. I rolled my eyes. They were sleeping. No one else was here. I walked up to my room and plugged my headphones in. I started listening to 'Amnesia by 5SOS' as I continued packing my stuff. As I was packing I got a phone call.


"Hey babe"

It was my recent ex. Brandon. I broke up with him right before we left. I missed him. He was amazing.

"I hear your moving back to Florida. I can't wait. I miss you" he said.

"I miss you too Brandon. How'd you find out I was coming back?"

"I saw Kennedy and Sam at walmart and they told me."

"Oh cool. Well you'll have to pick me up from the airport won't you?" I laughed.

"Yes. I'll go with Sam and Kennedy to pick you up. We all live in the same condo building. I moved in there to be closer to the beach. I didn't even know you lived there"

"Really? that's awesome. I can't wait to see you. Nobody here wears tank tops like yours. And if they do there fat and ugly." I laughed.

He chuckled "I know. Nobody here has a smile as bright as yours. When do you come back?"

I blushed. "Soon. I'll text you when I'm at the airport. Ill be leaving quickly. I've done what I needed to do in this town of wanna bees."

"True. Well your probably packing so I'll let you get back at it. Bye cutie. I lo- bye."

"Bye Brandon." I smiled.

My music came back on playing through my headphones. I continued packing. I got really tired again even though it was only noon. I decided I needed coffee.

I got in the shower and changed.

I put on a crop top and a skater skirt. I put on white vans and applied makeup. I brushed my teeth and left.

While I was going to my car I saw the boys. I hid around the corner so they didn't see me.

"Man I'm not sure what's up with Matt but he's been really weird lately." Johnson said.

"Yah. It's probably Sophie. She's weird. I don't like her at all." Aaron said.

"Preach" Taylor commented. They all left and went to the elevator. Once they entered I left. I was walking towards my car when I heard voices. I looked up and saw the boys walking to the room.

"Crap" I mumbled running to my car so they didn't see me.


I got my coffee and sat down. I decided to call Jocelynn.

"Hello" she answered.

"Hey." I smiled. I realized she couldn't see me.

"Long time no talk I see. But what's up?" she asked.

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today. I'm at the park if you wanna join me."

"Yeah sure. I'll be there in 10. I need coffee" she laughed.

"I just got mine"

We laughed.

"Well bye. I'll see you soon" she said

"Bye." I hung the phone up. I realized nobody was at the park. Probably considering the 45 degree weather.


I sat in silence for about 15 minutes. I heard shuffling behind me. I saw Jocelynn. She had a bag in her hand.

"Here" she handed me it.

"What is it" I grabbed the bag.

"A muffin. I got it for free and I don't want it" she smiled.

"Oh ok thanks." I laughed.

She nodded her head.

We kinda just talked and enjoyed the time at the quite park of la.

After Magcon (Matthew Espinosa and Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now