Relax baby, its gonna be fine

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A/n: I didn't proof read. Sorry if there's mistakes. Hope you enjoy☺️

Cameron's POV:

I walked into the apartment building. I checked the mail, there was a package for Nicole. I picked it up and walked to the elevator.

Nicole's POV:

I had a headache. I was eating mashed potatoes in bed. I didn't feel well. I texted Taylor back.

Taylor: we need to talk.

"Ok" I sent back.

Taylor: later. I can't now.

I heard cameron come home.

Cameron's POV:

I walked into the apartment.

"Hey Cameron." Jack j said.

"Aye" I waved.

"Nicole is upstairs. She" he said.

I nodded "hmm ok" I said. I walked upstairs. She was laying with blaze on her phone. She had a bowl in her hand with a spoon. Blaze ran over to the end of the bed wagging his tail. Nicole looked at me and smiled.

"Hey babe" she smiled.

"You got a box" I told her. She set her phone and bowl down.

"Let me see" she said. I set it in front of her.

Nicole's POV:

I read the label. Cameron took his jacket off and played with blaze.

"Is that mashed potatoes" He asked.

"Yeah" I said.

"Why" He laughed.

"Because I like mashed potatoes" I mumbled.

He sat on my lap. "Are you on your period"

I laughed "does it matter. I love mashed potatoes" I smiled.

"Jack said you seem off" he told me.

"Well fine. I am. But that's not why. Now get off of me so I can open my box and then finish my show and my potatoes" I laughed.

"That's so cute" he smiled and kissed me.

"That I'm on my period" I laughed.

"Yeah." He said. He stood up and walked away. I opened the box.

Cameron walked back in the room. "So baby. What's stressing you out" he asked.

"My mom" I said. I pulled a folder out of the box.

He sat in front of me with a look telling me to go on. I laughed.

"Well. Since you asked I'll tell you gosh. So I was emailing her and I told her I was coming home to visit and she started asking all these questions like. Is your boyfriend coming, if he is we want to meet him. Or like where are you staying. You can't stay at the condo. So I don't know what I'm gonna about anything. It's just uh" I sighed. I set the folder on the table and played with the packing peanuts.

"I'm sorry baby. But I will tell you this. I'm coming for sure. I want to meet your brother and his wife and your mom and dad. I want to meet everyone" he smiled.

"Ok." I smiled "but just to worn you. My dad and my brother are very protective of me. So watch out" I laughed.

He smiled. I leaned in and kissed him.

We laid in bed together. I played zig zag on my phone as he watched.

"You need a tv" he said.

After Magcon (Matthew Espinosa and Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now