Kuroko family

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Nobody p.o.v.
They arrived at kuroko house but it wasn't a home it was... a small house like real small. It had two bedrooms and one shower but what surprised momoi the most was he parents. They were a CEO and a principal at a world elite academy they could be livin in a mansion right now!
Then two people around their age came out.

Momoi p

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Momoi p.o.v.
I saw two people come out one with red hair with gold eyes wearing a apron and a octopus in his mouth. The other was a girl with blonde hair and purple eyes and had a serious face on. Then the red haired guy said. "Hey brother!" And ran to him and give him a hug. The girl also mumbled a hi and ask "who is she?" Pointing to me. "She a friend of mine and she here to help me get revenge on my former teammates." Then the red haired kid push away from the hug with a dark gold aura around him. "What happened this time? Do I need to stabbed some people with a knife?" He ask as he toss a knife in the air and caught it at the handle. The girl also give off a dark purple aura but she stayed quiet. "No but I'll like you to go over there and tell them there are going to regret calling me weak. Also go easy on the coach she very nice." Kuroko give a smile to both of them. "Anyway let's formally introduce our selves. Hi my name is soma and the girl is Nakiri. We are kuroko sliblings." Soma pointed at the girl. "Anyway we have to go. We need to show some people who they are messing with." And with that they both left. "We should go to sleep. We both are going to the same school as soma and nakiri tomorrow." "But where should I sleep there only two rooms." Momoi Said. "Yeah but since my parents are never really home. We made that nakiri room with a few spare bed just in case there sleep overs or something." Kuroko explained and lead Momoi to her new room. "This is where you'll stay. I've send maids to get your stuff. They should arrived in the morning. Good night." Kuroko Said And Momoi replied "thank you and good night." She then went to her bed and went to sleep.
Kagimai p.o.v.
Coach had told us to go to the siren basketball court so our training will be doubled then the door open and two kid around our age was seen. They both gave off dark auras.
Soma p.o.v
When we got to siren we had kick the door down and we both giving off dark aura then nakiri spoke up. "Which one here is the coach?" She ask sweetly but still having the dark aura around her. 'Wow I only thought coach could do that' everyone thought. Then Riko spoke up a little scared. "T-that would b-be m-me." Then nakiri look at her and said "thank you for being so nice to our brother. He told us to go easy on you. He actually likes you which is rare." Nakiri Said. Then the coach sighed relived. Then she notice something. 'There brother?' "So you guys are the ones that he wants to get revenge on?" I Said and pulled out a knife from nowhere. "I don't see why though you all look so weak." I Said as I'm twirling the knife between my fingers. "I know right? I don't know why brother wasting time on them." Nakiri agreed with soma. Then somebody spoke up. "Weak! They only weak person here is Kuroko!" Kagimai shouted then he saw a knife thrown at him and barely scratched his cheek and blood started to flow down.
Kagimai p.o.v.
As soon as I said that a knife came towards me. "How dare you speak about my brother that way?!" Both soma and Nakiri Yelled
Nakiri p.o.v.
When he said that about my brother I was ticked. "How dare you speak about my brother that way?!" Me and soma yelled somehow in perfect synced. "Oh that who you brother is weak Kuroko." A red haired boy said. 'Wait red hair. Is he Kagimai or Akashi?' I thought and decided to ask him. "Hey what's your name." "I'll tell you if you can beat me one-on-one." The red haired replied back. But that give her a idea. "How about two-on-five?" She asked everyone was shocked but soma then said something "Why? You could beat them with a one-on-five." "I know but wouldn't it be fun to triple their score and show them the power of us. Show them there places. Show them that our brother is not weak." When Nakiri was saying that soma had a smirk. "Sure why not? Two-on-five." "Are you underestimating us?!" The red haired yell. "Yes but you shouldn't be talking. After all you underestimate our brother." Kagimai was shocked. "What ever you know what how about we call Kuroko to play with us that would be fun." Soma Said and pulled out his phone.
Kuroko p.o.v.
I was sleeping when my phone went off I groan and answer it. "What?!" I Said a little ticked off. "Hey it Soma I was wondering we are at the siren gym and we are having a two-on-five but I think it will be fun for you to play since your fully healed. You could show them your full power." Kuroko heard this he smirk giving off a happy and dark aura at the same time. "I'll be there in a few." He got up and changed into a uniform. But it was tekio nor serin. It was his old jersey one he was proud of their team name was GoF(I got this name of a book I read I forgot which one but I give credit to the author) which meant god of Fiery. He then woke up Momoi. "Hey I'm going to serin. Do you want to go with me?" Momoi looked at him and said "Sure!"
Soma p.o.v
"Ok Kuroko on his way let's wait for him." Soma Said then sat down on the court and pot another octopus in his mouth. A few minutes later the doors open and standing in the doorway was GoM. Everybody was there and wonder why they have came.
Akashi p.o.v.
while soma was on the phone with Kuroko. Kagimai decided to call GoM.* I heard my phone ringing. "You better have a important reason to call us so late." I Said To Kagimai who just Gulp. "I want you to tell everybody to meet at the serin gym because there a problem." Kagimai explained. "Ok." I then hang up and call everybody to meet in front of the serin gym in 10 min.
When we were there we open the door we looked around the gym to find two people we have never seen before. "Who are you?" I Ask then a red haired boy got up from his spot on the ground and walk to Nakiri. "Does nobody know us? Hey coach does my brother ever talk about us?" The coach thought before she said "No." And he was mad "I'll show him when he get here!" Then red haired guy yell.
Aomine p.o.v.
When I walk in with the rest of the team I notice a beautiful girl with purple eyes and when the boy walk to her he ask about their brother and when he ask the coach about if they're brother ever talks about them I went to make my move. "Hey pretty. Would you like to go on a date with me?" I Ask. "No." She said. "Oh come on. Please." "No." She said again then soma started to laugh. "Why are you laughing?" "Be-because *haha* your are going *haha* to get killed." He said in between laughs that when he noticed a dark aura. He was scared. "She said no! Stop pushing her!" Aomine knew that voice and turn around to see Kuroko and Momoi. "Oh sorry are you her boyfriend?" I Ask. "Eww! No!" Nakiri Said our loud and runs to Kuroko. "Brother he ask me out on a date!" Everyone in GoM was shocked. 'He has a sister?' They all thought. Then the dark aura around Kuroko grew then give a deadly smile to Aomine. 'I don't know why but I fell like I should be scared now.' Then Kuroko then Ask soma "Hey Soma do you have a knife? I need to kill somebody." Now Aomine knew he was dead but Soma was like "why kill him? When you can beat him?" Then it was Aomine turns to laugh. "Him beat me? That funny!" "Actually he can." Said Momoi
Nobody p.o.v
Then Aomine stop laughing. "Yeah you right. My brother could be all of you!" Soma Said. "Yeah right." Scoff Kagimai. "Hey can we do that three-on-five now I have school tomorrow." Kuroko yawned. "Sure." Soma Said. "Ok then who would like to play against me, Nakiri and Kuroko." "Me." The red haired guy said. "Me! I want to play." Exclaimed kise. "I guess I can." Said Aomine. "I want to crush Kurokochin so I will." Said Murasakibara eating his snacks. "I assure you I'm absolute so I'll play in this." Akashi said. "Alreight since we have our teams let start." Soma Said. They all went to the middle of the court. There was Kuroko and murasakibara. "Huh? Why did they put the shortie in front of me?" Then Riko blows then whistle. They both jump the first one to get the ball was...
(Hey it the second part in a day it currently 1:40am here where I live. I hope you like it. And vote and comment!)
Word count: 1657

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