The final game part 2

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Nobody p.o.v.
The score was now 13 to 3 GoF favor. Everybody went to their benches and rest.
GoF p.o.v.
"Ok let's see who they put in this quarter and we pick but Reo your out so soma can play." "Awwww! I want to play more! But good luck somachin!" "Thanks." Said soma. "Ok! Let's keep this lead!" "Yeah!"
GoM p.o.v.
"Man testu really improved huh?" Said Aomine. "Yeah." "I think you are wrong there." They heard a woman say. They turn around and saw testsuya mom. "Hi mrs. Kuroko." Said Akashi and bowed. "Hi akashi and GoM." "What do you mean I wrong?" Ask Aomine confuse. "This is the real him. He got into this accident. One that change his life for good." They whole GoM was curious. What is this accident they've kept hearing about? "What is this accident?" Ask Kagamine. "Well it happened when he was four years old...."
15 years ago
It was a nice day the sun was shinning and the birds were singing. But that doesn't mean it was a nice night. People always think the morning defines the whole 24 hour. If it was a nice day then everything would be right. If it was a bad day then everything would be wrong. But today it was a nice day but the night was not. "Mom can we go to the store ? I want a popsicle!" Ask a four year old testsuya. "Sure we can honey just wait. Let me finish this paper work." "Ok!" Then the 4 year went to the couch and waited. "Ok let go." "Yay!" He happily jumped off the couch. "Go get the twins." Testsuya nodded and woke up the twins. It was in the afternoon. "Wake up! We are going to get popsicle." The two twins woke up. "Huh?onii-Chan were up." Said a two years old Nakiri. They both got dressed and want to the grocery store. Testsuya got a vanilla popsicle. Soma and nakiri got chocolate popsicle. They play all day till it was night. "Ok kids we have two go now." "Ok!" Said all the kids. Soma was running down the sidewalk not noticing the cross man was red. A truck was coming and almost hit soma when he was pushed out of the way. There in his place was testsuya. "I-its hurt. H-how are y-you soma?" Ask testsuya completely ignoring his own pain. "B-brother?" There mom was there horrified. There on his back was a big cut. She called the ambulance and they got there as quickly as possible. When they were at the hospital the doctor ask to see mrs.kuroko. "Hi mrs. Kuroko my name is doctor kaito. Your son has a awful scar on his back. Luckily he was strong enough to survive but he can not play sports all out. He will also have to do physical therapy till he fully healed." "B-but he going to be ok?" "Yes ma'am." They stay at the hospital for eleven day which led him for picking eleven as he's basketball number.
Back to present time
The whole GoM was surprise he went threw all of that by himself. The bell ring just as she finished. "Well good luck boys." She said and waved as she walked off. "Well that was..." Said Aomine. "Yeah. Surprising." Said kagamine finishing his sentence. "Well since we finally know about the accident let's go out there and play!" Said Akashi. "Yeah!" They all walked out. Ready to face the team GoF.
(A/n: I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating my schedule got more busy. I have practice almost everyday now and STARR is coming up. For those who don't know what STARR is it's like final exams. I'm so sorry it short. Anyway you finally found out what the accident was. I couldn't come up with anything so if you have better ideas please tell me. I was thinking of having a OC competition. Here how the forms should be. )

Form for OC
Special abilities:
Taken or not: and if taken by who?

Ok that all. Once again I'm sorry I haven't been updating.
Word count: 706

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