The new team

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Nobody p.o.v.
When they all arrived at the school Momoi eyes widen. "This is a school! It's look like a mansion!" She Yelled out. Then a women with dark blue hair and gold eyes came out.

Hi I'm

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Hi I'm... Kuroko mei, Testsuya mom." She greeted and shake Momoi hand. "Hi I'm Momoi. It's nice to meet you." She smile. "How are you testsuya are you ok? I heard what happened. Do I need to send assassins to kill them all?"She said giving off a gold dark aura. "No you don't need to but I was wondering if there a basketball club here?" Kuroko Ask. "No." She said then she started to speak again. "But I know you are going to start one so yes and you need to find a coach, a manager and 6 players. And if y'all find more that great!" She explained to them. "Well we already a manager and 3 three players." "Really?! Who your manager?" Mei was excited. "My girlfriend Momoi." Kuroko Said blushing a little. "Aww. So your his girlfriend? He has good taste." Mei Said. "Y-yeah." Momoi was blushing real hard. "Anyway can you make a announcement to tell everyone about the tryouts today?" Kuroko Ask his mother. "Sure! Anyway here yours schedule. You have the same classes as soma and Nakiri so just follow them." Then she walk off. "You have a nice mom." Momoi Said. "Thank you. She very supportive." Kuroko then Ask soma to show them to their first class. "Yeah. I'll lead you. To our class."
Then they heard a announcement. "Hi I'm the principal and wanted to say there are tryouts for a new basketball team." Then you heard a beep indicating that it was over.
Anonymous p.o.v.
"Huh? A basketball team. Sound interesting."A boy with gray hair said as he was eating snacks. "I'll crush him."
Anonymous p.o.v
"I've never played basketball before. Maybe it more funnier than any sports. After all I'm can copy." Said a brown hair kid. "I'll show that annoying model kid who better."
Anonymous p.o.v
"Yeah! Basketball! I just got here from America to see strong players." A guy with pink hair said as he finish his 15th burger in the cafeteria. Earning stares from people. "I can't wait to beat him."
Anonymous p.o.v
*on a rooftop some where* "a basketball team. So fun." A white hair guy said as he reading magazines. "I can finally beat him at something that he loves so much."
Anonymous p.o.v
"Huh? Basketball I bet if I can get they arch right I can do high arch three pointers. With the help oh ohsa" a orange hair teen said holding his lucky item for today. "I'll show him ohsa is more on my side than his."
Anonymous p.o.v
"Hah. That sound absolutely fun." Said a guy with blonde hair. Then out of nowhere had a Scissors. "It a absolute way to pay my brother back."
Anonymous p.o.v
"I'm not sure about playing but coach would totally be fun and a way to get back at my sister." A black hair girl said with a dark aura.
All Anonymous p.o.v.
"I will try out and make the team and make them pay."
After school
Kuroko p.o.v
We saw a lot of people there then I walk up. "Hi. I'm the captain of the team. My name is Kuroko testsuya and this is our team so far." Then soma, Nakiri and Momoi walk up. "Hello I'm Kuroko soma. I'm the co-captain." And Nakiri spoke up "Hi I'm Kuroko Nakiri I'm a player too." Momoi was literally jumping up and down when she was introducing her self. "Hi I'm Momoi. I'm the manager." Kuroko then spoke up and said "First I'm wondering if any one of y'all want to be our coach." Then a girl with black long hair with the same eyes as Riko raise her hand. "Hi my name is Aida you and I'll like to be your coach." "Are you related to Riko?" Kuroko Ask. "Yeah but we are not on speaking terms." Kuroko was shocked Riko was the nicest person on the earth but he figured it was good to have her on the team. "Ok. You are our coach. I have a question to ask yui." Yui looked back at him. "Yes." "Do you need the boys to take off their shirts?" Then everybody was shocked that he ask that question. "Huh? How did you know?" Then everyone was shocked again that she said yes. "I use to play with your sister. Alright everybody take off your shirts." Then everybody took their shirts off and stand in a straight line. "Wow all you stats are pretty average." She said as she walked down the row then she stopped in front of 6 boys. "Hey Kuroko we found our team!" She Yelled out. "Oh yeah who?" He ask with interest. "These six boys there stats are very high." Then Kuroko notice a weird group of hairs and smile. "Ok everyone thank you for coming but we found our team." Then every groan and they all left. "So what your names?" He ask. A boy with gray hair step up while eating snacks. "I'm Satō Mitsukuni." He said as he finished he snack. Next a brown hair kid step up. "Im Yamamoto Reo." Then a boy with pink hair step up. I'm Kobayashi Kane. I'm came from America!" Then a white hair hair stepped. "I'm Abe Daimon." Then a orange hair kid walk up with a bowling ball? "Hi I'm Kudo Shu."Then one last boy came up. "I'm Akashi Zen." That When Kuroko smile. "So are you related to Seijūrō?" "Yes. Why does that have to do with anything?" Kuroko then smiled. "Everything." He Said And that put shivers down their spines. "Hey Kane you said you came from America do you know a person name Kagimai?" "Y-Yes I always beat him." Kane said scared for his life. "Shu why do you have a bowling ball? Isn't that the lucky item today?" "Yes do you know ohsa?" He asked. "No but I do have a ex-friend who does." Then he turned around to the guy with many snacks. "Mitsukuni you look like you could eat a lot. Do you know Murasakibara?" Then the kid stop eating. "Yeah. I'll crush him." And last but not least the brown hair kid. "Reo I seen you before where?" "Really?! I'm a model!" Kuroko smile. "Than do you know kise?" "Yeah. He thinks he better but I'll show him." Then Momoi and ask the white hair boy. "I'm assuming here but you look like someone who always read magazines you remind me of a ex-friend." The the white hair guy was shocked. "How did you know that?" Kuroko smile then look at Momoi who had the same smile. "So since you know kise, Kagimai, Murasakibara And seijuro. Do you two know anybody name Midorima and Aomine?" Kuroko asked. Then Shu spoke up. "I know midorima." And the white hair said "I know Aomine." That When Kuroko had the most priceless face and started laughing. When he stop he asked "Do you want to beat them down?" Then every person said "hai!" "Momoi I want you to take Reo and Shu. I want the both of your to be in synced. I want to see no difference." "Yes sir!" They both left with Momoi. "Yui I want you to take Mitsukuni and damion and want I want them to do is damion going to shoot and Mitsukuni going to block." Then damion Said " Why? He short he couldn't block me." Then Kuroko said. "You'll be surprised. I also want Mitsukuni to work on jumping Yui." Then they walk off. That left kane and zen. "Soma and Nakiri I want you two to train them with emperor eye." Then soma spoke up "you sure?" "Yes I'm sure." Then they left and Kuroko all by himself he grab a basketball and start to sharped up his skills. 'You think I'm weak. Huh? Then I'll show you my real self.' After a few hours Kuroko stop to check on their teammates. He went to Shu and Reo first. "Momoi How is it going?" Then Momoi look back. "It's going awesome I can barely tell they difference with the movement." "That good. The next thing I want them to do is Shu is going to learn how to shoot like midorima. Reo is going to be on one end of the court just in case that ever happened and runs under neath the basket and tip the ball out before it goes in. And vice versa." Kuroko explained. "Ok. Guys I want you to do this..." she explained everything to the guys. Kuroko walk owner to damion and Mitsukuni And Ask Yui "How Mitsukuni doing with jumping and blocking?" She turns "he actually doing really good. Damion needs to handle the ball better but he really good at dunking." Kuroko took this and said "I want you to go get some rock and give them to both damion and Mitsukuni. With damion I want him to hold it while bouncing the ball and if he loses control give him 20 push ups. With Mitsukuni I want to put the rocks in his pockets and make him jump. I want him for now at least touch the net and when he does I want you to take out the rocks and tell him to jump. If he doesn't touch the net again put the rocks in and do the same thing." Yui was scared. "There not going to hurt them self's right?" "No." Then Yui went to get rocks. Then Yui came back and explained to them. Kuroko walk to his sliblings and notice zen eyes were different colors. Before they were both gold but one turn blue. And same with kane they were both light pink but the other turn green. "Hey look like it going well here." Soma turned around and screamed "ahhh! When did you get here?" Kuroko was mad but didn't show. Nakiri notice and said "yeah it going really well here they caught on real quick." "Alright Soma i want soma to teach zen ankle break. And Nakiri I went you to tech Kane misdirection." They both agree and went separate ways. Kuroko went back to what he was doing. After a few hours he call practice and everyone went back home. "That a interesting group I find it weird they know all of GoM though." "But that good it looks like they all have a grudge against them." They all went to their rooms and fell asleep.
(Author: hey guys I'm going to show picture of the team in the next chapter so yeah. I hope you like and vote)
Word count: 1810

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