The true kuroko

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Nothing p.o.v
They all went to the middle of the court. There was Kuroko and murasakibara. "Huh? Why did they put the shortie in front of me?" Then Riko blows then whistle. They both jump the first one to get the ball was... kuroko he had somehow jump higher than murasakibara. Kuroko pass the ball to soma and soma started to dribble towards the basket. Instead of his normal gold eyes, He had one red one. Same with Nakiri but hers was blue. Aomine went to guard soma and soma went to pass the ball behind him but no one was there then Nakiri show up. 'She wasn't there a second ago.' She start dribbling the ball and Kagimai marks her. "Hey you're a girl you can't play basketball." That made Nakiri mad and she start to dribble faster in between her legs. Kagimai watch her and started to get dizzy. He tried to slap the ball out of her hand but she was gone. She was doing a layup when murasakibara block her. She then passes it sideways. There stand soma and he did a three pointer. 'Man they're good' everyone thought.
Kagimai p.o.v.
'That girl is really good but her eyes weren't they purple before?' Murasakibara threw the ball in and Akashi caught. He starts dribbling and soma marked him. Akashi tried to do ankle break (hint-tried) but it didn't work.
Akashi p.o.v
I tried to do ankle break to the red head but it didn't work. "My brother told me about you. The ankle break trick won't work." Soma Said then Akashi decided to do emperor eye. Akashi swore he had gold eyes but one wasn't gold it was red. He predicted that Nakiri was coming from behind and steal the ball. So Akashi pass to Aomine.
Aomine p.o.v.
When Akashi ankle break didn't work, he use emperor eye then pass it to me. Then guess who was in front of me. "Kuroko. Do you think you can you can beat me? After all the only one that can beat me is me." "Yes." Then he look me in the eyes. He had one blue and the other was purple. Then he disappeared. 'Weak.' Then he was behind me and stole the ball. Then he turned around and did a high arch three pointer.
Soma p.o.v.
When my brother did that I yelled. "Yeah. You are fully healed!" I walk up to give him a hug when a basketball was thrown in. More paficialy towards kuroko. Kuroko then caught the ball and did his so famous backward shot. "Yeah that what I talking about." Then I give him a hug. "Yeah. But I tried can we go home let go home." Kuroko Said as he yawned. "Yeah. Come on Nakiri and Momoi. We got to go the king is sleepily." Then all our eyes turn normal as we walk away. "Wait one more thing. If you think I'm weak then you are wrong. I'll show you the real me." Then they all left.
Murasakibara p.o.v.
"What did he mean by king?" I Said. "I have no idea." Midorima Said. "Guys Nakiri eyes were purple eyes were purple right?" Kagimai Ask the team and they all nodded yes. "But one of her eyes wasn't purple it was blue." Kagimai Said. "Same thing here soma eyes I swore they were gold but one was red." Akashi said then Aomine spoke up. "So I wasn't tripping." Then Kagimai And Akashi turn to him. "Did you notice to.?" Akashi Ask. "No I didn't notice about the other two but Tetsuya was the same way. He had a purple eye." Everyone was shock that when I decided to say something. "Eh? I thought kurokochin had blue eyes." Then everyone looked at me. "Yeah we known him for years never once metioning his brother and sister. Less a purple eye." Said kise. "I have a bad feeling about this he isn't telling us something. And what did soma mean by fully healed? There was nothing wrong with him." Akashi said. Then everybody left all thinking the same thing. 'What was he going to tell us before we said those harsh thing?'
Nobody p.o.v
Soma was carrying kuroko because he was fast asleep. "So Momoi-San why are here with my brother?" Soma spoke up. "Oh well he was about to tell the others about the accindent and they backstabbed him. When he said he quit they team and thankful he didn't tell them I broke down because I knew what he was talking about. Because I'm the only one he told." Momoi Said. "Ok. So you are coming to our school right?" "Yeah but where do we go to school?" Momoi Ask. "We go to testsuya high school." Then Momoi was shocked. "H-how that a elite school." " Man brother sure doesn't talk about us a lot. Our mom is the principal of the school. She always tried to get him to go but he wanted to go to serin so our mom didn't push him." Soma explained he they arrived at the house. "We should all go to sleep we have school tomorrow." Soma Said. "Ok." Momoi and Nakiri agree. We all went to sleep.
Morning time
Momoi p.o.v.
*ring* *ring* I heard my phone go off it was 6:00 in the morning and it wasn't my alarm so I answer. "Hello?" Then a voice I didn't want to hear spoke. "Hey Momoi-San you gonna me late for school." Aomine Said. "Oh I'm not late in fact you woke my up a hour then Im supposed to wake up!" I Yelled which cause Nakiri to wake up with a dark aura. "What do you mean school starts at 7:00?" "I don't go there anymore. I going to a new school." "Which school?" Aomine ask interested. She smirked and replied "Testsuya high." Then Aomine was silent. "Bye." Then I hang up and apologize to Nakiri. "I'm sorry Nakiri didn't mean to yell." Then she went back to sleep real fast. Me on the hand couldn't go back to sleep and so I got up and made breakfast.
Aomine p.o.v
When she said testsuya high I was silent. Then she said "Bye." And hang up. "Testsuya high that the elite school. I heard it was hard to get into." Aomine being sums he didn't notice that the school name matches someone he know. (Aomine: I'm not dumb. Author: yes you are! Let get back to the story.) I walk to school a little sad that Momoi wasn't going to be there. Today we have practice but I didn't go to it. I went to the rooftop and read some Magazines hoping a certain pink hair girl to drag me to practice. But it ever happened the practice was over and she never came. I miss her.
Soma p.o.v.
I woke up to smell a horrible scent from the kitchen. I walk there to see Momoi making pancakes which by the way was all burnt. "Hey Momoi-San." I Said walking up to her. "Hi soma-kun!" Then I Ask "Do you know how to cook?" She looked at me with tears eyes. I was gonna freak out if Kuroko saw this. "Hey don't cry. Please don't." I Said to calm her down but she cried. Now I'm screwed. Then I felt a dark aura behind me. "Who made Momoi-San cry? Was it you soma?" He asked with a pen in his hands. (Author: he has a obsession with pens like Akashi with scissors.) "N-no." I Said. "Then who else it only you two in the kitchen. "Dang it." I mumbled out then Momoi spoke up. "It's fine Kuroko *hick* heals me a question and I cried because I don't know how to cook and didn't want to be useless." Momoi Said then Kuroko dark aura was gone and he said. "Momoi you are not useless if anything you are awesome." Kuroko Said then Momoi felt lips on her. I was shocked that Kuroko kissed somebody. Momoi was kissing back as her tears were still coming down. Tears of joy I guess. Then we all hear a high pitch squeal. I turn around to see Nakiri with sparkles in her eyes.
Nakiri p.o.v.
I woke up because I felt a dark aura and decided it was best to wake up. I went to the kitchen and I saw Momoi and Kuroko kissed. I gave out a high pitch squeal. Soma turn around to find out it was only me. Kuroko then stop kissing Momoi. And blush. "Hey do you want to be my girlfriend?" Kuroko Ask. I was really happy he found someone he love. "I would love too!" Momoi Said. And hug him. I was so happy.
Momoi p.o.v.
When I felt lips on mine I was shocked to see it was Kuroko. I kissed back tears of joy rolling down my checks. Then we all heard a high pitch squeal. He stop kissing me and turned around to hide his blush. "Hey do you want to be my girlfriend?" He ask. I was shocked he ask me to be his girlfriend. "I would love to!" I Said then hug him. He hug back. "Hey can I put this on instagram?" I ask him. "Yeah sure." Then he came closer to me and give me a peck on my check when I pressed the button. I put down in the description "Hey just wanted you all to know I got a boyfriend! His name is Kuroko and I love him so much!" I finished typing and I also tagged him. "Ok guys it's time to go to school it's already 7:30." Soma Said as we changed and did our morning routines. We all grab our school bag and put on our shoes. We all left to our new school.
Kagimai p.o.v.
I was scrolling though instagram when I found something that shocked me. I ran to the gym, I was skipping practice because I didn't need it anymore now that I'm GoM. "Hey guys!" I yelled out and everybody turn towards me then coach said "first of all why are you skipping practice and what so important?" I walked up to her. " The reason I skipped practice is because I don't need it anymore. And this is important." I Said holding my phone to her face. Then she screamed. "What?!!!" Then caught everyone attention. "Hey Riko what wrong?" The captain hyuga (I think that how you spell his name.) "This!" She grabbed my phone out of my hand and showed them. "What?!!!!!" Everyone Yelled. "I know he somehow got a girlfriend before me."I Said. "No that not surprising. Anyone can get a girlfriend before you. It just I didn't except that Kuroko had feelings and much less love." Riko Said. "Hey what that supposed to mean?" Everyone looked like they are all holding back laughter. I then storm out of the room mad.
Aomine p.o.v.
I was skipping practice like usual and got bored of Magazines. So I want one my phone to go on instagram. I look at Momoi profile and found something that shocked. "How?!" I scream out. I call Akashi. "What do you want?" Akashi Said. "Did you know?" I ask him. "Know what?" He didn't know. "That Momoi and Kuroko were dating." With that I sense his dark aura. "What?" He questioned. "Kuroko and Momoi is dating." Then he said "I demand that Momoi comes to the phone now." Then I was gloomy. "I can't." "Why? How dare you disobey?!" Akashi said furious. "I'm not disobeying I can because she doesn't go to this school anymore." Then Akashi was quiet. "Which school did she go to?" "Testsuya high." I replied. Then he hanged up.
Nobody p.o.v.
When they all arrived at the school Momoi eyes widen. "This is a school! It's look like a mansion!" She Yelled out. Then a women with teal hair and gold eyes came out. "Hi I'm...
(Author: So Kuroko got a girlfriend and a women show up I know I'm doing so much at one time but I like writing if it's on my phone. Anyway thanks for reading and voting. Kagimai: hey how come Kuroko get a girlfriend before me?! Kuroko: in the words of Akashi "because I'm absolute." Everyone laughs
Soma:see you next time!)
Word count: 2073

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