Three years later

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Nobody p.o.v.
It been three year after the GoM and serin betrayed him. Their basketball team was made in Japan but never played in the inter and winter high cup. They play everywhere to America to Germany. Testsuya told them with what happened when he was back stabbed a while back. They were all mad ready to crush the two teams. "Hey testsuya-chan!" Reo shouted. "Yeah reo." Testsuya turn around to met his eyes. "Are we going to enter this year?" Reo asked with little hope. "Yeah why not? We made our name known everywhere else. We should make own name known here two. It finally time to put GoM and serin in their place." Testsuya Said.
Reo p.o.v.
When testsuya-Chan Said yes I was so happy. "We can finally show those jerks than you're not weak!" I had shouted. Then Kane and zen walked up to me. "What?" Kane was confused. "We can join this year!" I screamed out to Zane. "Yeah! We can finally play in Japan!" Kane said excited. "Yeah. This will be fun." Said zen. The coach blow her whistle she called us all up. "Ok guys inter high is in two weeks so we need to train hard. I want all of you to do 5 laps then do your footwork!" Yui Yelled out then everyone started doing everything she had folded them to.
After two weeks of hard training
Kagimai p.o.v.
Serin and GoM was here. We were at the gyms were serin won the winter high cup. We saw old teams when I was a first year. But then I notice a certain pink hair guy with pink headphones and his gaming system. I called out his name. "Hey Zane!" Then Zane looked at me and just ignore me and walk to other people I didn't know. Then the announcer came up. "Hey I'm so happy that all of you can be here today. I'm Aida Kagatora and I'm the host of this year inter high. I want all of the teams coach and captain to come introduce their team." We watch as old and new teams introduce them self then it was serin turn. Our captain huyga and Riko walk up. "Hi I'm the coach of serin basketball club." Riko Said. "Hi I'm the captain of the siren basketball club." The captain said. Then they introduce everyone on the team. Then it was GoM turn. Only Akashi walk up because he was the coach and the captain. "Hi I'm the coach and captain of the GoM. We will be victorious this year and will not lose to serin." He said. Serin And GoM we're rival on the court but off their were friends.
Kuroko p.o.v.
It was our turn so me and Yui walk up to the stage and we saw faces we both knew. "Hello I'm Aida Yui and the coach of the GoF." Yui said as the whole serin team yelled out "What?!" Then huyga turn around to see Riko shocked. "I haven't seen here in years. I wonder where her captain is?" Riko Said as she was shocked to see her sister. Then all of a sudden a voice came out from no where. "Hi I'm the captain of GoF. And I'm here to beat GoM and serin." Then everyone jump in a heart attack. 'Where did he came from?' Kagimai asked. "Just So y'all know before you ask I was here the whole time." Then seemed familiar line but couldn't remember where he heard it before. "Hey captain! Where are those guys?" Yelled out a certain orange hair kid with a sword. That was the lucky item today. Then Midorima knew that voice he turned around to see Shu. "What are you doing here Shu?" He ask but he didn't get a answer. "Well Shu they are right there." The captain pointed to serin and GoM. "So you the guys who hurt are captain?" He drawed out his sword. "Oh midorima what are you doing here?" He ask Then the captain spoke up again. "He one of them Shu." Then Shu give off a dark orange aura. "I hate you. How dare you hurt our captain like that?" Then he swing his sword towards midorima but thankfully someone stop him. "Hey I don't know who you think you are but you can't just swing a sword at my teammate." Akashi said giving off a dark red aura. (I'll refer to sejero as Akashi. And zen as zen so it won't get confusing.) "Oh yeah so you can back stabbed our captain but I can't stabbed your teammate!" Shu Yelled out. Everyone was surprised he wasn't scared of Akashi aura at all. But then he started to shake feeling the temperature drop. Shu turned around to find Momoi behind him. "H-Hey Momoi. I was just playing?" Then Momoi grabbed him by the ear. "I'm sorry. He will be punished. Yui?!" "Yup I'm already one it." She grab Shu and pulled him away. "No! Save me testsuya!" He yelled out. "I can't you know that once you get punish you can't get out of it." Then testsuya jump off then stage.
Riko p.o.v.
Testsuya. Testsuya? "Testsuya!" I Yelled out and hugged him. "Hi Riko." He replied back. "How hav you been?" "I'm been good. I still see you with the basketball idiots." Then Kagimai spoke up. "What do you mean by idiots?" He was walking up to testsuya but someone punched him in his stomach causing him to kneel. "You don't speak to our captain that way!" Zane yelled. Then Kagimai looked up. "So this weakling is your captain?" Ask Kagimai Then he felt dark aura around him.
Mitsukuni p.o.v.
Did he just call our captain weak. I drop all my snacks and walk up to this guy. "How dare you call our captain weak?" When he didn't answer I grab him by the collar. "Answer me!" I Yelled Then Kagimai look me in the eyes. "It's because he is." Then I threw him to the ground.
Murasakibara p.o.v.
I saw Mitsukuni and saw him mad about Kagimai calling kurokochin weak. "Eh? Why is Mitsukuni here?" Then Mitsukuni stop punching Kagimai and turned to me. "What are you doing here Murasakibara?" He ask. "I'm here with GoM." Then he aura came back and started to walk towards me but the he also started to shake I thought it was Momoi again but it wasn't it was a guy with blonde hair and gold eyes. "Mitsukuni? What do you think you're doing?" Then Mitsukuni turned around and said "Before I get punish Can I get my snacks?" He ask. "Sure. Then go to Yui and say that Shu punishment is over and you'll be taking his place. Mitsukuni shake at the thought of being punish but he didn't mind as long as he had his snacks. "Eh? Why does he gets snacks when he gets punish Akashi?" He turned to see Akashi eyes widen.
Akashi p.o.v.
There he was my brother that I haven't seen in years. He give the gray hair a talked and he left with a scared face with his snacks. "Oh Akashi. It been what 4 years?" Then everyone turned to him. "Yeah What are you doing here zen?" "I here to bring down the people that hurt testsuya. And you of course brother." Zen then smirked. "You have a brother Akashi?" Aomine Yelled. "Oh it's Aomine it nice to see you again." Said Daimon
Aomine p.o.v.
"Why are you here Daimon?" I Ask. "Same thing that zen said. I'm here to bring down the people that hurt testsuya." Said Daimon.
Novoby p.o.v.
Testsuya was mad already and was giving his team a really dark aura. Then everyone looked at him. Then zen said "let me guess self punishment." "Yup." Testsuya said with anger in his voice. Then team left and start to do their self punishment. "It was so nice to see all of you again. Me and my team will take you all down." The testsuya left leaving serin and GoM in shocked they have never seen testsuya so mad. "Was that the testsuya we know?" Aomine Ask. "It is." Said Akashi. 'This is going to be interesting.'
Testsuya p.o.v.
When I walked out I saw zen and Daimon do self punishment and Mitsukuni getting punished by Yui eating his snacks. After everyone was done I call them in. "Want we're thinking showing yourself?" Testsuya was furious. "The red hair call you Weak I was not letting him get Anyway with it." Mitsukuni Said. "I appreciate it but we can beat them on the court." Testsuya said. "Yeah!" Said Reo. "Where were you Reo?" Testsuya Just notice Reo wasn't there. "I-I was with n-Nakiri." He Said like he going to die which he is. "Soma?" Testsuya Said and held out a hand. Soma give him the knife. "Now did you do anything to her?" He ask with a dark aura. "N-no not w-without the c-captain permission." Reo Said for his dear life. "Ok. Here you go soma." He handed back the knife. "Hey testsuya ." Yui Said as she walking up to them. "Yeah?" "Our first game is tomorrow we're our going against Kaijo high." Then testsuya smile. "This will be fun." Said testsuya. "Let go practice." Said Yui. They all went to their gym and practice. After practice they went to maji burger. Zane get 20 burgers and give one to testsuya. Mitsukuni just eat of his snacks. Daimon just sat down and went to sleep until. "Why does Daimon always sleep? And you wonder why he get bad grades." Zane said. "Hey! What did you say?!" Daimon woke up. "I Said you don't get good grades because you sleep to much!" "But Zane-chin doesnt get good grades either." Reo Said to try to stop the fight. (Author: who tries to stop a fight like that. -__-) "You don't either Reo!" Yelled out Zane and Daimon at the same time. Then there all fighting. Shu trying to stop them. "Come on guys. Stop fighting." He draw out his sword. All of them were scared that their heads were going to get chopped off so they stop fighting. "Finally." Then went back to eating his fries. Testsuya finished the burger and was drinking his vanilla milkshake. Then a certain group came in. It was serin and they didn't notice GoF until "Hey are you sleeping again?!" Yelled Zane. "Yeah got a problem with that?!" Daimon woke up again. "Yeah why do you sleep all the time?!" "Because I always tried!" Daimon answered Zane question.
Riko p.o.v.
We were walking into maji burger when I heard someone yelling. "Hey are you sleeping again?!" Yelled Zane. "Yeah got a problem with that?!" Daimon woke up again. "Yeah why do you sleep all the time?!" "Because I always tried!" Daimon answered Zane question. I thought it was Kagimai and Aomine so I walked up to them. "Hey." Than a certain gray hair spoke up. "Who are you?" I then open my eyes to see a different team in front of my. Then Daimon yelled out "You know what I done. I'm going back to sleep!" Then he passed out. "Hey you can't do that!" Yelled out Zane. "Hey Riko." I turned around to see Yui. "Hey Yui how've you been?" I asked. "I'm been good. This is my family. I'll introduce you." Yui Said and turn around then everybody got into a line including Daimon who was asleep. 'Man I wish I can do that.' I thought then Yui started taking. "This one here is Reo." She pointed at the first person in line. "Hi!" Then she pointed to a orange hair guy. "This is Shu." "Hello." Then she pointed to the next guy. "This is zen." Then zen pulled Scissors and start sipping them. "Hi." "You remind me of someone." I Said. "Who?" Then I thought. "Akashi." Then he get a dark aura. Yui give him a eye then zen groan and start doing sit ups. 'Man I really wish I could do that.' The she pointed to a white hair kid. "This is Daimon. "Yo." And then she move on. "This is Zane." He look up from his gaming system and said "Hi." And she pointed to a short guy eating snacks. "This is Mitsukuni." Then he look up. "Hi do you want a snack?" He offered. "No thank you." I Said. "Ok." Then he went back to eating his snacks. Then she pointed to a familiar red head. "This is soma." "Hey Riko." Then I Said "hi soma." She moves on she also pointed to a familiar blonde. "This is Nakiri." Then I Said "hi. It nice to see you again." "Yea it is." Then she pointed to a pink hair person. "This Momoi." Then I Jumped "OMG! I haven't seen you in so long!" Then Momoi also jumped "me too! We have so much to catch up on!" Then Yui cleared her throat. "I'm pretty sure you know this person. This is testsuya." She pointed to a All too familiar teal head person. "Hi Kuroko!" "Hey Riko." He replied back and smile. Then Yui Said "Are you going to watch us play tomorrow?" Then I look back at Kuroko he nod his head. "Yeah!" I replied. "Alright team go to the house and get a good rest we have practice at 9:00 and then our game starts at 2:00." She Said And everyone walk out without complaining about the long work till there game. "Man there practice starts at 9 and there going to practice till there game starts there going to be tired." Huyga. Then everyone went to get there food and eat.
Nobody p.o.v.
They all went to their house and slept but one boy couldn't sleep. 'Man tomorrow is our first step to beat those jerks and Kagimai.'
Morning time
Everyone woke up due to the sound of pots clanging together. "Wake up you have to eat breakfast and practice!" Yelled out Yui. Everyone woke up at the mention of food especially Yui food. Unlike her sister she knew how to cook and her food was delicious. When everybody got down to the table there was pancakes and one vanilla milkshake. Kane ate like 20 pancakes. While testsuya just drink his milkshake everything right in the world then it was 8:30. Everyone stop eating finish or not went to their rooms did their morning routines and went to the basketball court. Shu was working on his high arch three pointers while Reo was timing to stop them. Then they went to synced together and work on their surprise plays. Daimon and Mitsukuni are working on their blocking and shooting. Then Daimon and Mitsukuni set up for jump ball to see who will be jump balling in the game. Mitsukuni caught it even though he shorter than Daimon so Mitsukuni will be doing jump ball. With soma and zen they are doing ankle breaks and zen making soma fall which is good. When I walk up to Nakiri I ask her "when kane?" Then someone came up from behind me "I'm right here." I turned around. Now I know why they always screamed. "I see you got it down." "Yeah but it sucks to be invisable." Then I told him. "You'll be invisible in the second half the first half you'll be the light and I'll be the shadow." Then Zane jumped "Yay!" It was already 1:45 and their game starts at 2:00 so Yui Yelled out. "You have 15 minutes till your game I want you to run to the gym!" Then everyone grabbed their stuff and started running. While you get in the car and follows them. When they got their they weren't out of breath everyone was staring at them all with a question in mind 'who in their right mind will run to the gym if they're playing a game?' Then they walk to the changing room without a sweat. They change into their uniforms. They're teal blue as their jersey and white with a teal blue stripe. When they went outside they saw kaijo. "Hey Kuroko!" Said the captain of kaijo Yukio Kasamatsu. "Hey kasamatsu." "Let have a fair game. Even though I doubt you still any good. I've never heard of this team before." Said kasamatsu. "Oh you'll be surprised. We been together for four years and we've won nationals around the world." Said Kuroko then left. His team were just sitting on the bench instead of warming up. "What are they doing? Why aren't they warming up?!" Yelled out Aomine. "Probably because they all ready did." They all turned around to see Alex. "Hey Alex. What are you doing here?" Ask Kagimai. "Are you here to watch me play causes we don't play till tomorrow?" Ask Kagimai. "No, I'm not here to watch you play. I'm here watching testsuya play." Then Kagimai eyes widen. "Why do you want to watch that weakling?" Then Alex turned. "Him a weakling?" Then Alex started to laugh. "Man he was right he never told you." Then Kagimai remember what Kuroko Said 4 years ago 'I'm thankful I didn't tell you.' Then Kagimai Ask "Didn't tell us what?" Alex Then stop laughing. "The accindent." Kagimai was about to ask what it was about till a long ring sound out though out the gym. Warm up time was over. The teams captain walk up and shakes hand. "GoF you need 5 players." Said the referee. Then GoF started to laugh. "We have 5 players. His right here." Reo Said as he pointed to testsuya. Then the whole gym screamed. "I see he never got rid of it. He still weak." Kagimai Said. Then they all bow and said "Let's have a good game!"
GoF team: Reo, testsuya, Mitsukuni, Nakiri and Shu
Kaijo team: kasamatsu, Hayakawa, Kobori, Nakamura And Moriyama
Hayakawa and Mitsukuni was in the middle of the court. "Why is he here he shorter that Kuroko?" He asked. Mitsukuni was mad that he called him short. "Hey Mitsukuni used 5% we don't need to show our full power just yet!" Yelled out Yui. "Ok." Said Mitsukuni. Then the referee blow his whistle and threw the ball up. The person who caught the ball was...
(Author: this book is so far my favorite to write. It the longest book that I wrote a whole lot of words.)
Word count: 3091

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