The Ending

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Ogiwara p.o.v.
I was still on the court crying to myself when somebody came up to me. "Are you ok?" A girl voice ask. I look up to see a girl with pink hair holding her hand out. "Y-yeah. Who are you?" I wiped my tears and grabed her hand. "Oh. Im Kuroko Satsuki. Im Tetsu-kun fiancé. Im also the GoF manager." She said. I was in disbelive kuro got a fiancé. "W-well nice to meet you. I am kuro childhood friend Shigo Ogiwara." (Is that how you spell his last name?) "Oh! Tetsu-kun talks a-lot about you. He says he misses you!" I stared at her. "I um have a question." She looked at me and stare in my eyes like she telling me to ask it. "Why is kuro the why he is now?" I ask. I looked up at the score it was 111-11. The GoM tried to score as for GoF stoped them and everytime they get the ball they just throw it out of bounds. The GoM was mad at this and was in the ZONE but still they couldn't score a point. "Well how do i say this? The serin and GoM betrayed him for being weak but they didnt know about the accident and now they are paying for it. His way of beating them was to remind them when they first broke him and that was when they play against you." She said. 'They betrayed him?!'
'But still this is no way to get back.'
'Well he happy'
'He will break them just like they did.'
'He found good teammates he can trust.'
I was arguing wither if this is a good thing or a bad thing. And by the time i decided it was a bad thing the buzzer had already rung. I started at the final score.
They had won. Kuro team all jumped around him and lift him up to the air. But i found something weird. He wasn't smiling or wasn't laughing like the rest of the team. But instead was smirking at how the GoM left the gym with their heads low. I could tell. He was becoming just like him. I see his left eye glowing gold as akashi was before. There i knew he was never going to be the same. I cried. 'I need to save him. Just like he had save the GoM. He was walking up to me. "Hey Ogiwara." He said looking me in the eyes. With his now teal blue and gold eye. "Who are you?" I asked. He answered "Well I'm Kuroko Tetsuya." I move my head left and right as i was saying no. "No you're not! Who are you?!" I yelled catching everyone attention. "Im Kuroko Tetsuya well the sadistic side of him. I turned just like Akashi it was about time any way." 'No!' I thought i run out the gym crying harder than i did before. I bumped into someone and look up to see the GoM. "You have to help me! He changed just like akashi did." I yelled. "Woah. Woah. There buddy who change just like akashi did?" Asked aomine. "Kuro!" They all looked dumb founded. "Um who kuro?" Asked Kagimai. "Kuroko Tetsuya!" I yelled out and they all looked at me.
"How can we help?" They all said at the same time. I looked up and hug them. "Thank you!"

(Author note: So this is the ending of kuroko betrayed. There is going to a part 2 to the book. Thank you for supporting the book. And dealing with me not uploading for a long time. Till next time!)

Word count: 618

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