The game with kajio

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GoF team: Reo, testsuya, Mitsukuni, Nakiri and Shu
Kaijo team: kasamatsu, Hayakawa, Kobori, Nakamura And Moriyama
Nobody p.o.v.
Then the referee blow his whistle and threw the ball up. The person who caught the ball was...Mitsukuni. He jump just a little bit higher than Hayakawa. He pass the ball to Reo. Reo than starts to dribble the ball to the basket as kasamatsu blocks him. Reo than passed it to Shu who immediately shot a three pointer. Every one was shocked. 'How did he make that if they didn't even warm up?' Though kasamatsu. Then kobori passed the ball to nakamura. When nakamura got the ball he started to dribble to his basket. But was marked by Nakiri. "Do you think you can stop me? You're just a girl." He said. Then a dark aura was coming out of Nakiri. 'Well he dead.' Thought GoF. Then the dark aura went back to her and she smile. Then nakamura felt the ball leaving his hand and was suddenly pass to Reo who did a lay up. The score was 5-0 GoF favor. 'What happened there was no one behind me?" Nakamura thought. He looked back at Nakiri as she left. Kobori passes the ball in again and this time passes to moriyama. Moriyama was dribbling when all of a sudden the ball was stolen from him. He looked around but didn't find anybody. The shot was made but nobody knew who made the shot besides GoF and Alex
Kagimai p.o.v.
I was sitting with my team GoM and my old team serin. When all of a sudden the ball was stole from Moriyama and somebody made the shot. The GoF just smirked. "Do you know who made the shot?" I asked my new and former teammates. They all said no but one said yes. "Yes I do." Then I turned around to see Alex. "You go testsuya!" She Yelled Then our of no where testsuya appeared and wave at her. "Hello Alex! What are you doing here?" He yelled out. "I'm here to watch you play! Even though it not at your fullest." She mumbled the last part but I heard it. "Ok! Thank you for coming!" Then he disappeared. "Wait what? First of all, who made the shot?" "Oh easy. Testsuya." She Said And that surprise me. "And second of all, what do you mean "not at your fullest?"" I asked with the same words she mumbled. "Oh you hear that. Well you see this is only 5% of their power. They are saying the rest for something." "What is that something?" I asked curious. "I can't tell you." She Said And she turned back to the game which kaijo finally made a point.
Nobody p.o.v.
The score was 7-2 GoF favor. Testsuya passed the ball in to Mitsukuni. Mitsukuni despite being small can handled the ball pretty well. He was block by kasamatsu by broke out of it. And started to get closer to the basket. At the last second he pass the ball back and Shu made a three pointer. Kasamatsu passed the ball in this time. He was going to pass it to Kobori but it was block by Reo who made the shot Shu did. Then Reo yelled out "Hey Shu-chin! Thanks!" Most people was confused because they were all thinking 'Why was he thanking somebody? He didn't even do anything.' But somebody spoke up. "What are you doing here?!" Yelled out Kise.
Kise p.o.v.
I was sitting with GoM watching my former team play. When somebody I recognize made a shot. "What are you doing here?!" I Yelled out catching most of my teammates off guard. Then Reo looked up at me and shrug and walk away. I sat down and was mumbling "that little..." and "he so cocky." Which caught all my teammates off guard because I wasn't crying just mumbling.
Reo p.o.v.
When I turned around to look at who was screaming I notice it was Kise. I was going to say something but didn't want to get testsuya-chin mad so I didn't.
Nobody p.o.v.
Kasamatsu passed the ball in to Kobori and he stared to dribble slowly letting his team set up. Before it was just run-and-gun but they noticed the GoF was working together so they started to. The score was now 13-2 in GoF favor. Kobori started to pick up the pace when his teammates was set up. Kobori pass to kasamatsu which as soon as he got it he was guarded by Shu. Shu wasn't tall but man he sure can block. Kasamatsu was having a hard time passing him. Then the buzzer went off saying that the first quarter was done. They all went to the benches. Kaijo was sweating as GoF wasn't even breaking a sweat. They had a two minute break so they went over some things.
Kaijo p.o.v.
The coach was talking and said "kasamatsu you have to sit out on this one." Kasamatsu just nodded. (A/n: I was looking at Kaijo team for this chapter. But it turns out they only have 5 players excluding Kise. So looks like I have to make characters so I put a picture and age at the end of the chapter so you can get a good idea at the person.) "you're in Hyousuke." He pointed to a blue haired kid. "Ok coach." He got up from the bench.
GoF p.o.v.
They were all talking. But when it got to one minute they stop goofing around. "I want Kane to take Reo spot and Daimon to take Mitsukuni." Testsuya said. "Alright!" Yelled out Kane and Daimon. "Soma you'll take Nakiri place" "ok. Nice job out there sister." Soma Said to Nakiri as they high fived. "Zen you'll play next quarter. If you want to because they are easy." Said testsuya as he looks at zen. I want to play my brother watching. I want to show him how much stronger he is." Then Momoi spoke up "its looks like they are putting in a different player." Testsuya turn around to face a blue haired kid. "Who is he?" He asked. Momoi went though her folder to look for him. "I-I don't know. I cant find him." She Said as she looking at her folder over and over again. "He must be new." She Said as she closes the folder. "It's fine you're observant you can figure out. As for y'all let get them!" He yelled out. "Yeah!" They all shouted out. The the buzzer rings. Everybody goes back on the court.
GoF: Kane, Daimon, testsuya, soma, testsuya and Shu
Kajio:Hayakawa, Kobori, Nakamura, Moriyama And hyousuke.
Nobody p.o.v.
They changed out some people on the teams. Since kajio had the ball last it was their ball. Hyousuke passed the ball in to moriyama. Moriyama was dribbling down the court and quickly passed it to Hyousuke. Hyousuke was fast he got passed soma and Kane . Then Daimon came and block him. Hyousuke tried really hard to pass him but he was firm and good. So Hyousuke stepped back and shot a three pointer. That made the score 13-5 GoF favor. It was a 8 point difference. Soma passed the ball to Kane and he got into the ZONE as soon he got the ball.
Kagimai p.o.v.
"He already got into the ZONE. Oh boy there in big trouble." I mumble but of course someone had to hear me. "How is he already in the ZONE? That impossible you can't get into the ZONE that fast." Said Aomine. "But he can." Said Alex. "How?" Asked Kise. "He can control it however he wants to." Then Alex went back to the game as Kane did astroid shot. It was a three pointer. Hyousuke passed the ball to Hayakawa. Hayakawa was block but there was nobody in front of him. He was trying to go passed the thing that was in front of him. Everybody looked at him it looked like he was walking in front of a mirror maze. Everyone burst out laughing. "Hey what are you doing?!" Yelled out kasamatsu. "I feel like there someone blocking me but there no one there." He Said back. "Hahaha!" Alex was laughing at this. "It funny right?" I Said laughing too. "Yeah especially when there someone in front of you but can't see him. Only people who know this move will see him." She explained. Then the ball disappeared and was in Daimon hand. He did a formless shot. The point was now 18-5 GoF favor. Kobori passed it in to Hyousuke which did a run-and-gun and made a three pointer. Then out of nowhere the pall was passed to the other said but no one was there. Was what everyone thought but somebody had caught it. It was Zane. 'When did he get there?' I mentally ask myself. Then he did a simple 2 pointer. The kajio team had enough. They called a time out. (A/n: I thought of doing them forfeiting but I was like I not sure my readers would like that so I did a time out instead.) Everyone went back to their bench.
Kajio p.o.v.
"Ok. Hyousuke I want you to block Zane. Kobori I want you to somehow block Kuroko." "Which one their two?" Asked Kobori. "Oh. Um the blue hair one." "Ok." "Hayakawa I want you to block Daimon." Hayakawa nodded. "Nakamura I want you to guard the red haired Kuroko. Moriyama I want you to get the ball no matter what and shot it." They all nodded.
GoF p.o.v.
"Momoi what do you have on that blue haired kid?" Testsuya Asked. "He looks strong. He probably really good as shooting. The same level too. But i think there are going to do Man-on-Man but thankfully someone hasn't show them selfs the quarter." Momoi Said looking at Shu. "Yeah. I though it would be a smart idea till they called time out."
Nobody p.o.v.
The referee blow the whistle to indicate that the time out was over. Everyone went back to their spots. Moriyama threw the ball in to Hayakawa who easily got the ball stolen from daimon. Then Daimon found himself marked by the person he just stole the ball from. He tried to go around him but couldn't. He looked for testsuya but somehow he couldn't find him. "Probably at the restroom?' He thought. Yes it weird but it happened before. Then he noticed Shu was open and smirked. Then he passed it to Shu and he did a three pointer. And it was a buzzer beater. Everyone went back to their locker room and rest. The score was 23-5.
GoF p.o.v.
"Kane ready to be the shadow?" Testsuya asked. "Yeah." He was not excited to be the shadow but it was a good thing to have since he can use it against Kagimai. "I know it not fun being the shadow but you can leave the court without no one noticing. I went to the restroom during the game." Testsuya said. "Hey I needed you back there, Testu!" Yelled out Daimon. "I'm sorry I had to go." He said. "Thc. Fine." He Said And went back to sleep. "Zen you'll playing for me. Shu you'll be put in and be replaced by Reo." "Yes!" Reo shouted. "Hey I know it not fun holding back but we need to save it to GoM and serin." Said testsuya. "It fine. We need to show them you're not weak." Said soma. Everyone agreed. "It's nice to have a real family." Then Reo ran up to hug him. "Yeah it is." Then everyone joined. They went out and the buzzer ringed. Everyone went to their spots.
GoF: Reo, Kane, Zen, Daimon and soma
Kajio: kasamatsu, Hyousuke, moriyama, nakamura And Kobori
Nobody p.o.v.
It was Kajio ball. Moriyama thorw The ball in but it was different this time. He threw it up instead of passing it to someone. He then step on the court and caught it. 'Good idea.' Thought everyone. He started to dribble. Daimon came and block him. Moriyama was about to pass him when the ball was gone. He was looking for testsuya but he was on the bench. He was so confuse. Reo got the pass and shot but he missed it. Then soma got it and made a dunk. Hayakawa made a pass to kasamatsu and the ball disappeared right in his face. 'What?' Then Daimon got the ball and did a layup. Everyone was shocked except the GoF and Alex. They thought only testsuya could do that. But he on the bench. Kobori passed the ball in this time. He passed it to kasamatsu. He excepted something to happened but it didn't. So he started to dribble. He was caught off guard and soma steal the ball and almost did a layup. He was block by Kobori and he successfully block it. He pass to Hyousuke and he made a basket. The score was now 27-7 GoF favor. Kane threw the ball in but no one saw him. It went to Daimon and he made another basket. Hayakawa got the ball and threw it all the way down the court where kasamatsu was. He caught it and made a basket. Now the rest of the third quarter was like that. When one team made a basket the other would to. The score was now 57-43 and it was the fourth quarter.
GoF: Zen, Kuroko sliblings, Shu and Mitsukuni
Kajio:, kasamatsu, Hyousuke, Hayakawa, Kobori and nakamura.
Nobody p.o.v.
It was GoF ball. Soma passes it to zen and he started to dribble and when he did he eye change. One was gold while the other was blue. Akashi was shocked he didn't have emperor eye.
Akashi p.o.v.
When I saw that my brother eye changed I was shocked. 'How did he get emperor eye?' I thought. Then kasamatsu came to block him and when he did he did a move that I taught myself. The ankle break. "Hi you can't steal my move like that! I made that!" I Yelled out to my brother as soma made the shot. He just looked at me. "Too bad! Testsuya told me to learn it! You should complain to him!" Then shut me up. I didn't want to talk to Kuroko. Not right now anyway. 'Wait a minute. Everyone we have met call Kuroko, testsuya while we call him Kuroko. Why do they get to say his given name?' I thought to myself. "Hey Akashi you ok?" Aomine Ask. "Yeah I'm fine. I just notice something." "What is it?" He ask. Then everyone turned to me. They probably thought I came up with a way to beat GoF. "Well, I notice that everyone calls him testsuya while we call him Kuroko. Don't you think that weird? We met him first. Shouldn't they call him Kuroko while we get to call him testsuya?" Then everyone one just noticed that. "It's probably because he doesn't trust you enough." Alex said as she was standing. "I got to go now Kagimai. I have to congratulate testsuya." The whole GoM and Kagimai was down. They remember what they had done to him. GoF was racking up points when they were talking. The fourth quarter was done. The score was 84-55. GoF won. They went to the middle of the court and said "we are going to beat the GoM! So you better not lose!" They all Yelled except one and that was Kuroko himself. He just smirk. He walked to Alex and they were talking. Everyone went to go hug him which cause him to fall to the floor. He was laughing and smiling. Some thing he never did with GoM and serin. They all left disappointed that they lost a good friend. Then it was Friday the day of the finial. It was against GoM and GoF. The GoF met up the day before. They talk about the goals and how they were going to beat them. Since everyone had a bone to pick with the team. They decided that they are going to guard that person. And if that person wasn't playing them they would sit out to. Both teams arrived at the gym only to see...
(A/n: I'm so sorry that haven't been updating. The plan was to update at 7:00 but I had dinner and had chores so I publish this at 9:20. I'm so sorry. I hope you like it! Vote!)
Word count: 2773

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