Author note

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I'm so sorry. I was busy this weekend. I'll update when I can. My weeks are usually packed. I have practice most of the time. Or homework. Let me make it up by giving a little introduction of myself. I'll write a chapter after this and hopefully get it publish today.
This is my schedule every week
Monday- softball practice and school
Tuesday-pitching lesson and school
Wednesday-pitching lesson and maybe softball practice and school
Thursday-nothing that I know of and school
Friday- either free or playing tournaments and school
Sunday- depending on how we do on Saturday tournament.
I'm 14 years old. I'm in 8th grade. I play softball and basketball though basketball season hasn't started yet. I have 7 sliblings. I like to listen to music while I'm reading.

I'm am so sorry I haven't been updating. I'm making the chapter right now. If I keep writing till 5:00 I'll publish it by 7:00. That is my plan. I'm so sorry. I'll tell you if I won't be updating if anything comes up. Thank you for reading!

Kuroko betrayedWhere stories live. Discover now