The finail game

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Nobody p.o.v.
Both teams arrived at the gym only to see... testsuya father. He was apparently the tournament director. He had red hair with little got blue eyes.

"Hi everybody I'm Kuroko Dai

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"Hi everybody I'm Kuroko Dai. I'm glad to say we are at the finals of the inter high!" The Whole GoM was shocked. "Did he just say kuroko?" Said Aomine. "It must be a coincidence that he has the same name." Kagimai said laughing nervously. But he wrong wrong. Dai was introducing the teams. "First we have GoF! This team was made by my three children. First the captain and my son No.1 kuroko testsuya!" Kuroko walk out and give a fist bump to his dad. "Co-captain and my other son No.4 kuroko soma!" Soma walk out and give both of them fist bump. "No.13 my daughter kuroko nakiri!" Nakiri walk out and give smile to the three boys. "No.14 Yamamoto Reo!" Reo walked out and give a wave to his fan girls. And walk over to his team. "No.99 Satō Mitsukuni!" Mitsukuni walks out with a lot of snacks causing his teammates to sweat drop. "No. 7 Kudo Shu!" Shu comes out with his lucky item today which is a a plastic frog. "No. 23 Akashi Zen!" He walk out and said "I'm absolute!" Than walk to his teammates. 'No wonder he my brother.' Akashi thought. "The twos aces of this team No. 41 Kobayashi Kane and No. 46 Abe Daimon!" The two walk out and walk up to testsuya and give out their fist. "Hey I'm fist bumping testu first!" Yelled out Daimon. "No! I'm am!" Then they started to fight. Testsuya give them both fist bump at the same time. They went to their spots and still arguing. 'They remind me of two people.' Thought all of GoM. Kagimai And Aomine notice the stares but they didn't know why they were getting them. "Next the coach Aida Yui!" Yui walked out and went straight to the team. "The manager and my son boyfriend satauki momoi!" Momoi walked out and walk up to testsuya and give him a kiss before fist bumping all the boys. 'I miss her.' Thought GoM. "This is the GoF team!" Everyone cheered. "Next as their opponents Gom! Fist is their captain and coach No. 4 Akashi Seijūrō!" He said loudly but not really excited. "I'm the absolute one! Not that person!" He yells out. Which made the whole gym sweat drop. "Next the giant No.4 Murasakibara Atsushi!" Murasakibara walks out a bit sad because Akashi made him put his snacks away. "The 3 point shooter No.6 Midorima Shintarō!" Midorima wall out with his lucky item which is doll with a pink dress with a bow to match it. "Hahaha!" Laugh Shu seeing midorima lucky item of the day. "Be quiet Shu." Said testsuya with a dark aura. Which made everyone shiver beside his dad and his sliblings. "The copy cat No. 7 Kise Ryota!" Kise came out and wave to his fans. "Tch." Reo made the sound. "The ace of the team No.5 Aomine Daiki!" Aomine came out and had his hands behind his head. "The tiger No.10 Kagimai Taiga!" Kagimai walked out and went straight to Kuroko. "Hey Kuroko we are going to win." "No we are." Then his team left to their respected bench. The GoM decided to do the same thing. Like before they didn't warm up. They were watching the GoM warm up to see what there going up against. When the buzzer ringed the GoM went back to their benches. The pick the original GoM.
GoM: Kise ryota, Akashi seijurō, Murasakibara atsushi, Aomine daiki And midorima shintarō
GoF: Reo, Zen, Mitsukuni, Daimon And Shu.
The people that went in the middle was Murasakibara and Mitsukuni. "Eh? Why are you still eating?" Asked Murasakibara as he saw Mitsukuni eating something still. "Just getting my energy." Was all he said as the referee blew the whistle. Mitsukuni caught it and passed it to Daimon. Daimon was really fast and really good handling the ball. Aomine marked him. "So how has it been?" Ask the dark blue haired boy. "It's been good. Bye." Said daimon than he breaks pass Aomine who was shocked and just stayed there. Daimon made a shot and score the first basket. Murasakibara threw the ball in to midorima. He shot a three pointer but reo made it in time. Got under the basket and tip the ball before it got in. Everybody was shock so shock they didn't notice reo made a long range three pointer. Akashi decided it was best to start the serious now so he called a time out.
GoM p.o.v.
"Why did you call a time out akashichii?" Asked kise. "Because it better to play serious now than in the second quarter." Everybody just started at him. "But they only made two shots! Why can't we just wait till the second quarter!" Yell out kagimi. "Because if we do, I can't believe I saying this, we will lose." Everybody was shocked. Their absolute captain was saying there were going to lose. "That said we now need to guard reo. Who want to do it?" "Me! Pick me!" Exclaimed a excited kise. "Ok. Make sure he is no where near the basket when midorima shoots." "Ok!" Then they waited till the buzzer goes off.
GoF p.o.v.
"Good job guys!" Said momoi. "Yeah y'all did great but when am I going to play?" Said Kane. "When they put kagimi in." Said kuroko. "Anyway I think they are going to start playing serious. So we shouldn't hold back anymore." Said momoi. "She right. Instead of using 20% let's use 100%. Let show them no mercy!" "Yeah!" The buzzer goes off. They all went to the court.
Nobody p.o.v.
When the buzzer went off the teams went back to the court. Murasakibara threw the ball in to Akashi at least he thought he did. The ball never got to akashi instead in was made in to the basket. Everyone looked at where the ball came from and it was daimon. The whole team just smirked at this. Murasakibara once again got the ball and passed it to Aomine. When Aomine got the ball he was marked by daimon. He tried to break the mark but couldn't so he passed to Akashi. When Akashi got the ball he was guard by his brother Zen. The both use emperor eye which cause them to bumped into each other. That cause Akashi to lose the ball. But luckily kise was there. Kise was marked by reo. "Hello kise." "Hello Reo." Then they went to a one-on-one. Kise lost the ball and shu was there and did a long three pointer. The score was 10 to 0 GoF favor. Murasakibara passed the ball straight to midorima because reo was guarded by kise. Midorima shot and made it which cause the coach to yell. "Why weren't you there shu?!" He replied with a "Because oh asa said to stay away from cancer."(A/n: I think this is it.) The whole team then got into a praying position. "May we give bless to shu." Said Tetsuya. "Amen." Said everyone else. Everybody was confuse as to what they were doing. "It's fine." Said Yui with a really innocent smile. This made a shiver go down shu spine. "I won't do it again!" He yelled. The referee got tired of this and blow the whistle to say the game still going on. Mitsukuni threw the ball to reo which copied the three pointer that midorima made just second ago and is was a buzzer beater. The score was now 13 to 3 GoF favor. Everybody went to their benches and rest.

(A/n: I'm so sorry! I was working on it this whole time but I got writers block! Then I got grounded. Then I got the flu. I'm so sorry! I really am. It is finally spring break so I could finally finish this chapter. Once again I'm so sorry! This was what I could came up with at the moment. I'm so sorry! The next chapter hopefully be updated by sometime towards the end of the month. I hope you liked it.)
Word count: 1384

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