The real Tetsuya

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G.o.F. P.o.v.
"Let's go show them!" Said their captain. "Yeah!" Said the team.
Nobody p.o.v.
GoM: Kagimai, Akashi, Aomine, Murasakibara And Kise
GoF:Kane , Daimon, Soma, Mitsukuni And Tetsuya
They all go to their places and it was GoM ball. Murasakibara threw the ball in and pass to kagimai. Kagimai got the ball and started to dribble to the basket but he stopped but he knew better to stay dribbling. "Hey bakaimai! What are you doing?!" Yelled out Aomine. "I fell like theres two people guarding me." The ball was stolen from him and pass to dajmon who scored a lay up. Murasakibara passed the ball in to akashi but before it got to akashi someone stole the ball and made a three pointer.
Score: 18-3 GoF favor
Murasakibara got the ball again and passed to aomine. Who was guarded by daimon. He try to dribble passed him but couldnt. So he pass to Kaigami. Who once again was guarded by an invisible force. He look for testusya but didnt find him. So he look more closely at who was guarding. He saw pink hair. "Kane?!" "Huh? You finally notice. Will it too late." He sotle the ball and pass to mitsukuni who was guared by Murasakibara. "You cant get pass me. Ill crush you." But what mitsukuni did surpise everybody beside the GoF. He went in between the giant legs. "Shortness has it strengths and weaknesses." He said as the did another simple layup. Murasakibara grab the ball and passed to kise. He got the ball and the GoF let him score for pity.
Score:18-6 GoF favor
Mitsukuni passed the ball to daimon who was guared by the two basketball idots. Once again he looked for Tetsu  who wasnt there again. "Dang it! Tetsu  you need to stop doing that!!!!" He yelled put again. The whole GoM team was confused. "What do you mean?" Asked aomine. "Tetsu just does whatever he like whenever he likes!" Daimon said and as soon as he said that a pen come flying in betwenn the three. "What was that?" Tetsuya said as he was walking to the court. "You need to stop leaving in the middle of the game!" He yelled. "Yeah. Yeah. Just pass the ball to me already." Daimon pass the ball to him and he shot it. Everybody was confuse. 'He left in the middle of the game.' Tetsuya walked to yui and told her to switch daimon with Shu for self punishment. So that what she did. When they were switching out Daimon gave a glared at tetsuya. Another pen come flying his way. "Doubled." Was all he said. After that whole thing happened Murasakibara picked up the ball passed to akashi who scored.
Score:21-8 GoF favor.
And the whole quarter was like that but after GoM score was 11 they couldn't make a shot while GoF was stacking them. The whole GoM was at awed at who kuroko was playing. It was now the end of the third quarter.
Score:109-11 GoF favor.
GoF p.o.v.
They all went to their benches. Tetsuya look up at the score and smirks. 'This is exactly what i wanted. To remind them when they first broke me with that match.' He thought to himself. But the team knew what he was thinking as he told them when they first broke him.
GoM p.o.v.
The GoM looked up to the score and looks of pain were on their faces. Kagimai was confuse. "Why do you have pained looks on your faces?" He asked. The GoM turned to him. "When we were in Tekio we played his childhood friend and we beat them. The score was 111-11. We win but the look on tetsu face was pained. His childhood friend quit basketball after that." Aomine said. "Oh." Kagimai said.
??? p.o.v
Looks like he getting back at them for me. But this isn't the kuro i know. "Sup' kuro!" I yelled out. He looked towards me and you can see the shocked on his face. I run down the stairs for i was on the top floor. I ran towards the basketball court and hug him. "Ogiwara?" He asked. "Yeah. What happened to you? Why are you like this?" I asked as tear run down my face. He was about to answer when the buzzer rang throwout the gym. "I sorry but i have to get back to the game." He bowed and left. I was on the court crying. 'Why? Why?! Why was he like this?!' I asked myself.

(Author note: This was the best i could do for now. I was writers block so I'm sorry. But why did ogiwara show up? Who knows. The chapter is shorter than the others as i had ran put of ideas. So I'm sorry for not posting. Till next time!)

Word count: 813

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