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I woke up groaning with the constant tug at my wounded head. Maybe because I was sleeping on my back? I thought. Attempting to turn around I figured I was restricted by something. All at once every thing that happened before I fell in my slumber crashed in, scaring the hell outta me.

My eyes snapped open as I fought my restraints to sit up breathing heavily. Looking around I saw everyone was present and staring at me, angrily. Particularly Adamson and Jake held that emotion and others I couldn't quite figure other than pity and sympathy.

They were all looking at me like a wild being left in the open. No one spoke and I took the time to take in everyone's presence. Even Jo and Erik were present And the restraints happened to be both of the boys holding me down.

"How are you feeling, cupcake" Kate asked in a small voice. Her face looked so...sad. It made me want to cry that she was so worried. Her eyes looked bloodshot with swollen lips pointing that she's been biting into it often, a habit she had. She'd do it when afraid and mostly to stop from crying out.

"Yes.." I hadn't realised how dry my throat was and how much it pained to talk. Elijah seemed to take the hint and brought me a glass of what looked to be anything but water.

Gulping down the cool liquid thirstily I calmed the desert winds that were blowing in my sandy throat. Coughing a few times after I'd emptied the glass of it's contents only feeling the bitter taste after it passed halfway my foodpipe. I made a funny face at that before going back to neutral once I heard a few light laughs pass from ear to ear.

"So, care to explain what made you take a trip to the roads like that?" Nate joked. But the wrong time.

I stayed silent but did pass a glance to the one responsible. I won't say responsible but, at least he was the one to trigger me at a moment my life turned.

"Adamson!" Everyone called out in that accusing tone that says what-have-you-done. His face screamed confused. He turned to everyone with an open mouth then at me with wide eyes. "What did I do?" He asked me.

I didn't answer and looked at Kate. She seemed to understand what I said as her eyes went wide and her plump lips made a complete 'O' in realisation.

She looked at everyone then at me and spoke "We were in the kitchen and stuff happened that shouldn't have and.." she trailed of giving me the same pitying look. I turned away not wanting it from her, not her too.

Adamson defended, "But that was just... I was ... She didn't listen to me and I wouldn't have done anything but was just angry-no furious. I was furious when I told her to stop running down the stairs but she didn't. And I just told her I'd treat her the way she wants since she doesn't want to comply to being our baby s-"

"No! I was. I was complying. You don't want it. That's all. I never refused to any of your ....thing if you remember correctly" I replied.

"You... would? " Jake questioned his mouth agape.

"I mean...a try wouldn't hurt. You people made me sign that BMS thing anyways. Besides I did ask for a trial period so I figured.." I couldn't continue partially embarrassed that I admitted I'm fine with his ways.

"So you agree? You'd give it a try?" Adamson asked excitedly.

Jake smacked his forehead and grumbled, "It's BDSM, babe"

Meanwhile I stuttered, "I... I mean....mayb-"

"You mean nothing. You just mean yes. Oh my God you cannot imagine how happy I am to hear you've agreed" Jake suddenly excited, gets off his knees filling my face with his butterfly kisses that unfortunately are mostly open mouthed. I managed to push him away with a 'yuck' and rubbed my face in an attempt to remove the moisture as he smiled victoriously and everyone laughed.

"So, you agreed to it in front of everyone okay? Can't back out for a month now" Adamson said with a devilish grin on his face that screamed psychopath. I shivered and shook my head ," I'm not really sure about my decision anymore guys..." I say with a wavering voice

Everyone laughs and he winks at me before Jake smacked his head and assured me he was just pulling my leg. The rest of the time together we gossiped about light hearted topics that didn't include me or anything about their lifestyles.

Soon enough Nate and Hans left saying they need to get back home and their beauty sleep that was 'ruined' , yes they said that, because of me. After a few bro/man hugs they left. Elijah seemed at home and it made me wonder if he also knew about everything.

"El ..." I called out, he turned to me with his sweet smile and raised his eyebrows, "You too knew about everything?" I kind of stated more than questioning.

His smile turned down a little as he barely nodded and Kate came to his rescue, "Hey babe relax ok. Both of us, infact all of your friends know about them. It's Jake who told us about your innocence and didn't want to scare you, so we kept it from you. But that doesn't change our love for you, if possible it just increases it seeing how cooperative and brave you are."

She's always so caring and had this calming effect on me. I never understood how. Jake seemed to read my thoughts and said, "Kate's like Adamson too, hon"

His words left me shocked and u turned to her in a heart beat that almost gave me a whiplash, "You have a too?"

She lets out a light laugh before shaking her head, "No sweet pie, I don't. Earlier I used to babysit a few littles of my friends when they weren't available but after you came I've always loved the idea of taking care of you. So I didn't" Tears sprung to my eyes I don't know why though. It could be the reason that I'm so happy to hear Kate cared about me or the reason that she didn't tell me before.

I quickly looked away and took a sip of the hot chocolate they'd brought me.

"So, since you are okay with trying. Why don't we go over the know more like regulations?" Adamson speaks unsure of himself.

"Rules again?" I groaned.

"Oh nothing just a few ..things you have to keep in mind"

"Those are?" I pried.

"1: Don't call me by my name, daddy will do."

"Da-What?!" I said confusion evident in my voice.

"You'll get used to it, dear" Elijah said from beside Kate who just gave me a bright smile and thumb's up.

"Continue" I sighed.

"Wow, my girl's getting demanding eh?" Jake returned with a tray filled with cups of coffee for them and sat beside Adamson across from me.

"2: LISTEN and do what I say" he said emphasising a bit on the words, "3: Always ask and act. 4: Don't argue or talk back. 5: Always let me know if something is wrong. 6: Take your punishments like a big girl when you've had the audacity to act like one. "

I froze up at that, "P-Punishments?" I stammered.

"Don't worry those will be just time outs, early bedtime, no electronics and, if necessary, a spanking" he said the last words slowly.

"Spanking my ass!" I interjected and crossed my arms over chest huffing.

"Yes, I will spank your ass if you ever act up. And another thing, you won't curse" he stated with a huge smile on his face that could scare me away too easily for my liking.


Hey there. Another chapter for you lovelies reading my book. Please leave some comments letting me know how the chapters are and if I need to improve or stop doing, add something or anything in particular.

Hope you've enjoyed reading it. I'm not really in the best of moods but I'm still trying my utmost to write these chapters making them as interesting as possible.

Vote and comment.

Love y'all for the patience. I know I post too often but. The more the better no?

I'll post the next chapter shortly that's done too. Just a recheck.

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