pt1 | Picnic

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It feels good to play specially when you have so many toys to play with, but it's boring. I never liked playing. I love reading but here the books are all children books. They're boring too.

"I'm bowing!!!" I whined with a pout and banged my fists on the small tea table in front of me.

"Hey hey, no banging on the table" Bubba said holding my arms, "You're a good girl and good girls don't hit anyone. See you hurt Mr Table and now he's crying. Apologize"

I gasped at that. "I'm so sowwy Mista Tabel. Did I hort you?" I lightly rubbed on the spot I hit and apologised again.

"Bubba me bowing...!!! " I yelled again.

"Now what does my princess want? How about we go on a picnic? Everyone. I'll call our friends and we can enjoy"Bubba said.

"YAY! PICNIC ME GO ON PICNIC. ME LOVES PICNIC. LE'S GO!" I screamed successfully waking up Daddy who was asleep on my bed. I ran up from my place and started shaking Daddy by his shoulders, "DADDY DADDY WE PICNIC. GO GO. COME!! I WAN' GO!! BUBB-MMM" Daddy stopped my hollering by putting his hand on my mouth. I stopped but continued shaking him. He sat up yawning and stretching.

"Baby you shouldn't shout when you're inside the house. And definitely never wake anyone up when asleep, got it?" He said sternly but softly. I nodded at him but frowned remembering that they wake me up.

"What is it cupcake?" Bubba came up from behind and picked me up. I turned around in his arms so that my legs were around his waist and arms around his neck. "Daddy and Bubba wakey wakey me. But me no wakey wakey you"

"No baby you can always wake us up if you need anything, don't listen to Daddy" , Bubba whispered in my ear, " he's just being a grumpy butt". To which I giggle

Before any of them could say anything the door to the nursery flew open and banged the wall making me shriek and hold on to Bubba.

"Shh it's ok. It's ok." He murmured in my ear rocking me side to side. A bunch of footsteps and laughter erupted from the I slowly turned around to see who was in the room.

"Gableil!!! Mish ew!!" I squealed yet again but this time reached towards Gabby so he can carry me and he did. And my excitement got the best of me, "WE ALL GOIN' FOW A PICNIC!! GABLIEL WANN' JOIN US? WE'LL HAV-" I shut up when I heard Daddy groaning and realising my mistake I bit on my tongue and giggled, "Sorwy I forget we're inside".

"It's ok sweetie pie, so what do I hear? A picnic? Oh maybe the we'll get to see magic when we go down. You wanna see it?" I nodded my head quickly and started wiggling to get off so I can go downstairs and see the magic but he didn't let me go.

"Uh uh. Not gonna see it until we dress you up, muffin" he said and sat me down on Bubba's lap. I sat quietly with a pout on my face and watched him take out clothes from the wardrobe.

"But you can't dwess a muffin!! I'm cupcake!! I need cleam!!"

"But for now you need to wear one if these, choose baby" he held a unicorn onesie in one hand and a tigger onesie on another while he kept a giraffe onesie around his neck.

"Nuuu! I not wea that outside!!"

He walked back in huffing and Daddy and Bubba laughed.

He came out with a midnight lolita dress, a light pink top and suspender skirt and a blue high neck striped top with black jeans.

"Which one would you want to wear then?" Daddy asked as he sat beside us and gently caressed my head.

I turned and hid my face in Bubba's chest, "I wan alls". Bubba's chest shook as he laughed again, "She wants over alls , not these." He turned me back around and I saw Gabby coming out with a black overall with another plain white top.

"You okay with this, muffin?" I thought for a second and offered an excited 'yes sir'. He also brought a pair of black Chucks.

I got dressed in the bathroom after fussing for another half an hour or so. And came out all ready to go.

All four of us went downstairs to see the others all ready too and Kate had a picnic basket in her hand. "WE AVE A BAKSET!!" I jumped up and down in my place and Hans picked me up making me giggle for a God-knows-what reason.

The car ride to our destination was not too long yet it was long enough to help me get my nap. But of course not everything goes smoothly with me and they had a little problem settling me down in the car seat. Though I fit in perfectly fine in the seat, I felt suffocated and at the end sat in Erik's lap.

We were at an empty field that was so spacious we can make a second Disneyland here. No no. I'm just kidding. But it was very big.

While I drank the great view, they'd already laid down a mat and were all settled on it leaving just that much space for me to squeeze in between Kate and Jo.

"Let's play a game, yes?" Hans said clapping his hands.

"Truth and dare or Drink the devil?" Jo asked with an evil laugh at the end that moved me to tears. Not the sad way but the opposite.

"No, no one's drinking in front of her." Bubba said sternly shutting me up somewhat.

"T and D it is then. Let's start"


Word count:940

I know it's been long since I posted. I've got a lot going on. And I just got promoted to class 10!! Yay!! The studies keep getting harder and harder. But here ya go.

Enjoy your read. Thanks

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