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All of them were just gossiping and drinking their coffee like it's a normal evening and not in the middle of the night. Well that reminds me, I'm tired. My headache has turned into a light beating at the back of my head that stopped bothering me a while ago. I yawned, unfortunately, too loudly that everyone turned to face me.

I stared back with wide eyes before giving a sheepish smile, "Sorry I'm just tired" I looked down playing with the empty cup.

"Let's go and get you tucked in then, alright?" Adamson stood up, offering his hand for me to take. I hesitantly did so which he did not comment on and walked towards the indoor stairs that led to the first floor. He started climbing the stairs but I stood at the end of it and turned to look over my shoulder at Jake who was already looking at me with a smile I loved to see on his face.

I completely turned around and frantically motioned him to come over. He obliged and walked up to me but before he could speak, "You coming up or no?" Adamson looked down over the railings. "Sleep with her Ace, she's afraid to sleep alone" Jake called out while caressing my cheek and lowering himself to peck my nose, "Goodnight cutie" he wished with a smile whereas I felt like crying out. I wanted to sleep with him. I've always slept with him. How can he just leave me.

"Aww, it's ok princess I'll sleep with you if you want, you can tell me if something's wrong okay?" He started coming down the stairs but before he could come to me, I hugged Jake tightly with my face against his chest. "Lay with me?" I asked looking up at him.

"No, sweetie, you've got yourself a Daddy now no? Ask him to sleep with you. I'm sure he'll be happy to do so." He said softly moving away.

"C'mere princess, I'll read you something if you'd like. Let's go " Adamson didn't comment on my choice of Jake over him but, I just couldn't sleep without Jake.

Stubbornly I shook my head and crossed my arms to show I'm fully determined. To this Jake sighed but Adamson didn't take it lightly, from the corner of my eyes I saw his knuckles getting white beside him.

Slightly sad at not having my own way I stomped up my way past Adamson but because I didn't know the way around I stopped at the top of the stairs, waiting for Adamson to come up.

I heard Jake say he's tired and soon everyone followed suit.

Were they leaving?

No right?

He can't leave me no?!

I felt the familiar sting in my heart at the thought of Jake leaving me and couldn't help the tears that sprung up in my eyes. Wiping them roughly with the back of my hand I stood there motionless as I saw everyone getting up the couches. Adamson too walked up to me and reached for my arm to hold me but I walked away and followed him silently.

He unlocked a door that looks exactly the same like any other in this place and made way for me to walk in and...Whoa. Yes, just wow it's a nursery any kid will die for. The four walls were diagonally divided and painted in bright sky blue and baby pink colours. A corner rack filled with numerous stuffed animals, a showcase with glass slides that gave me the full view of all the colourful blankets and bed sheets folded nicely and kept on the lower part of the case and the upper one was filled with toys, Lego's, blocks, puzzles, barbies, tea sets and so much more than I can just point out . The adjacent side had a big window with a study table in front that had lots of story books (kid's ofcourse) and colouring books on the shelf side and on top of the table was a box full of crayons, oil pastels, pencils, pens and all necessary stationery items including glitter, glue, and chart papers. On the opposite side of the room there was a crib. A FREAKING CRIB!!! I'm dreaming right? But good thing was there was a small bad , big enough to fit me, beside it.

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