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"I cannot stop clying, cannot bleed. Head hults and this hand and that hand hults. My leg hults also two. My nose stuffy." I whined hitting my head with my fists to get the throbbing ache away. Jake held my hands down with his left hand and gently rubbed my forehead. I struggled to get my head on his lap. He helped me up and I snuggled as close as possible to his body for the warmth I was lacking.

"It's okay baby bear, it'll be just fine. I'll take all the pain away ok, just get something in that little belly of yours. Open your mouth c'mon" El cooed as he put the thermometer he'd usedon me away and brought a spoon full of soup near my lips but I continued whining and turned away. I'm not hungry just feeling so bad.

"Please darling, a little bit. You've got a temperature, if you don't eat you'll get weak"

I whimpered but let him feed me the yellowy liquid anyways. I kept the fluid in my mouth for a while taking in it's taste before gulping it down and started coughing hysterically. They sat me up patting my back after a while of coughing I calmed down.
I had about five to six spoons but couldn't keep the food down. My stomach started churning. I felt my head getting light all of a sudden. My whole body felt like on fire suddenly. I knew this feeling well and hated it.

Pushing them out of the way I ran out of the room but sadly before I could reach the bathroom I threw up on the floor and broken sobs left my burning throat as I held my abdomen to ease the pain. Soon they rushed out of the room behind me ans I noticed Daddy was the one to come to me first. The thought of getting scolded or worse being sent away made me cry even more.

"Let it our babygirl it's okay. Your okay" he said as I doubled over and threw up again and again. Sobs accompanied by the dry heaves racked my body as one or the other kept caressing my head and back. It was hard breathing and throwing up together. I gagged continuously even though there was nothing in my system to throw. One of them gave me a glass of water and carried me over my mess inside the bathroom and it was none other than Kate. She sat me down on the little chair present inside and washed my face while I hiccuped all the time. She stripped me of my pajamas and brought a packet of baby wipes and cleaned my face and hands and legs before getting me into the shower. "We'll dry you up quickly, but you cannot stay without a shower" she washed me and put another pair of top and pants on me after drying me and my hair.

I made grabby hands at her and she took me in her arms with me hanging on to her like a koala with my head on her shoulders. She walked out of the bathroom but started walking towards El's room. I managed to glance at the floor in the now empty corridor where I'd puked, they'd cleaned it up already. Knocking once or twice she walked inside and everyone was present there sitting quietly and talking in hushed murmurs which stopped after they saw us coming in and Jo was the first one to rush to us and take me from Kate. He carried me in a similar manner like a mother carries her child while feeding them and he pecked me face every now and then.

"How are you feeling now little one?" Adamson asked. I glanced at him and hid my face in Jo's chest wanting to disappear. Firstly he saw me wet myself and now vomit, what's left. Someone caressed my hair which actually had a calming effect on me and I loosened my grip on Jo feeling relaxed.

"Hey big girl how're you feeling?" Erik asked, i refused to answer and he continued, "Oh, maybe she's not a big girl, i made a mistake, she's a little girl who cannot be brave like our baby can. Ok well we will send her away and cal-"

"No no!! I...my... thoat is bulning, I feel bad. No send me away pwease" I turned slightly to see them sending sad smiles in my direction. It was silent in the room as no one spoke but not a minute later some footsteps were heard in the house. On cue the door burst open with Nate and Hans barging in. El walked up to Hans and took the big white box from him meanwhile Nate walked up to me taking me in his arms. "Hey apple pie, what's wrong?" He questioned in a soft voice that for some reason made me wanna cry. I held onto him tighter as he bounced me walking up and down the room.

I heard scrunching of plastic wrappers and I looked up from his shoulder and saw El fiddling with a syringe and needle. He picked up a canister from the table and started filling the pump. Tears once again filled my eyes and I clutched Nate as if my life depended on it. "Hey sweet pea what's the matter?" He asked worry laced his voice.

"N-n...no...NEEDAS! NO NEEedemmmph" my cries were muffled as I buried my face in his shoulders bawling.

"Baby bear, I won't hurt you okay. You'll get more sick if you cru baby bear. This is just for your fever okay. Don't cry it'll-"

"Needas..bad . Dat bad! Er bad ! No needas.." I screamed.

"Shh. It's ok. It's El babygirl." Jake decided to carry my thrashing form as it was becoming difficult for Nate to handle me, like for God's sake after all I 'am' a girl of 18 who's crying her ass off.

" Jake... Jake pwease no nee-"He placed his finger on my lips ceasing my cries.

"Shh. It's ok. Calm down first." I sniffled beginning to sob again. "Stop Elle. You've got a high fever if you don't take this one medicine you'll have to take a lot more. Would you like that?" I didn't say anything at his stern voice and failed miserably at following his words. My breaths came out as huffs and pants and my tears didn't show any sign of stopping anytime soon. "Fine then. Take care of yourself and dare you whine about your headache or sickness to any of us, little lady, 'cause I'm not gonna tolerate that" he said and put me down on the bean bag in the corner of the room even though I had a death grip on him and wailed at him to not put me down.

"Please..." I yelled out at Jake's retreating figure through the door, "I'm sorry. I'll take that medicine. I promise!! Please!! Jake please. Don't go" my voice deminished at the end. He still didn't come back. He didn't turn around. He didn't kiss me goodbye. He doesn't want me anymore. I broke into another round of sobs and somehow managed to speak at the same time, "El please give me that...thing and call Jake, please" El simply nodded and came up to me with the filled syringe and a soaked cotton wool. While he rubbed the wool on my arm Adamson and Kate held my arms rubbing soothingly and cooing soft words in my ears when they saw me getting scared at they sight of the needle. Not wanting to create any more scene I bit onto my lip stifling the scream that wanted to come out due to the pain. The needle tore into my tense muscles causing me more pain though it was temporary. The fact that Jake walked out at a time like this made me want to hit myself.

As soon as he pulled the needle out I wiggled out of their hands and ran out of the room, not knowing where I was going but I successfully ended up in the balcony still a weeping mess. Peering down I saw Jake leaning on his motorbike with his arms crossed over his chest. I yelled out at him, "Jake! Please I took my medicine. Sorry. Please come back!" He simply turned up to look at me with an expression less face and getting up on his bike he rode off. I stared at his back till he was a speck in my view and all that was left behind was a cloud of dust.

I choked on my cries and held onto the railing trying to breathe properly once again. He left. He left. He left. He left. He left. He left. He left....

"...ou listening? Elle! Hey! " I woke up from my trance only to realise I'm in Erik's embrace. I instinctively hugged him crying my heart out. "It's ok, brave girl. He'll be back in no time. Don't cry. It's gonn-Elle?" I didn't notice ny breathing had become more ragged than before and it was hard getting my supply of oxygen in my lungs. "Breathe Elle, breathe. It's ok. Calm down. Hey, Elle, hey"

My cries never stopped, nor did my wails. It was getting difficult to breathe at all. At the end all I could do was hold on to Erik for my dear life as he carried me in his arms running off to some room and darkness swallowed my mind.


Heya all!! Hope you liked this chapter . Don't forget to vote and comment. I'm putting my whole mind in this story and tell you what, while writing the 'getting sick' part i got sick. LITERALLY!!! I threw up the whole day yesterday and I'm not sure if I'm ever writing anything like that again.

Or maybe it was Elle from the story giving me a taste of what she felt, saying, "See bitch it ain't fun getting sick and you can't go 'round writing shit for fun. It ain't even fun"

Anyways guys, hope you really enjoyed it and please vote and support. Love ya. Sorry for any mistakes. I am not really in a condition to act in my right mind.

See ya soon.

Word count: 1597

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