Having Fun

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Marshall POV

"Hey, Em," Nicki said. It was late in the evening, close to midnight. From the background noise, it sounded like she was at a party.

"What's up?" I asked, wandering around my house. I'd been toying with going to bed or staying up when I'd gotten her call.

"You cool with me havin' some fun?" Nicki asked and I frowned as I looked out the window.

"What do you mean?" I asked, curious.

Nicki and I had been the source of some pretty hefty speculation after she'd dropped a verse that suggested we'd fucked. When she'd done it, I hadn't really thought that too many people would get worked up over it, but it had turned into a thing that was pretty funny in the long run. We'd led the world down the rose path; it wondered about our relationship for months before the status as friends became obvious.

"You know I been wanting you to do a feature on my next album. I was thinkin' it wouldn't hurt to make some noise again, see what happens in the clamor," Nicki responded, which didn't really tell me anything.

"What kind of noise?" I asked, wanting the specifics. I'm not above being intentionally wild, but I prefer to have a game plan in mind these days, even if it is barely sketched out.

"Maybe, when I leave this rat hole, bullshit party I'm at, I suggest that I got a man waitin' on me?" Nicki said, her voice teasing. "Maybe I suggest that my flight lands in Detroit?" She asked. I chuckled, shaking my head as I turned back to the room I was standing in.

"Well, if you're gonna do that, you should at least make it believable," I responded, getting into the spirit of her game. Nicki and I had developed a playful, easy friendship over the last year and a half or so. If she wanted to rattle some cages, I wasn't going to spoil it for her.

"Oh, really?" She challenged. "And what would I need to do to make it believable?"

"I'll send you a text," I offered. "You want me to be the jealous, over-the-top demanding type, or the sweet and lovable type?" I asked, thinking about what I'd send to her.

"Oh, jealous, for sure," Nicki replied, her voice light with laughter as the sounds of the party started to fade. She must have been moving into a different room. "Just not stalker, psycho-killer type of jealous," she said.

"Now, you're going to ruin my fun," I countered. She just laughed.

"Fine, fine," Nicki responded. "But when that shit bites you in the ass, don't pretend I didn't warn you."

"You sound like Paul," I noted, earning a gasp of mock outrage from her.

"You take that back!" She demanded. I shook my head, investing my voice with as much false sadness and resignation as I could.

"No can do, boo. Someone's gotta be the one to tell you the truth – you're just a little conservative. It's okay; I'd do you anyway." I explained, waiting for her to lose it. Nicki was great for a quick response. She never let me down in rising to the bait.

"I'll show you conservative," she muttered.

"Baby, I promise there's nothing to worry about. I'm just out having a little fun," she continued, her voice turning sweet and pleading. She had an audience, now.

"Your fun involve a bunch of half-naked assholes?" I demanded, getting into the spirit of it. I wasn't sure if she'd put me on speaker.

"No," Nicki denied, though her voice turned a bit hesitant. She really was quite good at playing shit up.

"Get your luscious ass back to Detroit before I come get you," I responded, letting my voice harden.

"But, baby," Nicki replied, the sounds of the party were getting louder now. She was walking through it, likely on her way to the door.

"Don't make me repeat myself, woman," I commanded, rolling my lips in as I tried not to lose it. If she had me on speaker, then she wouldn't appreciate me fucking up her joke with my laughter.

"Maybe, I should just stay here, huh?" Nicki responded, becoming taunting.

"I'm sure there's a man about who would be more than happy to see to my needs." I must have been getting too into the role-play. Oddly, I felt a spike of real jealousy hit in response to her words, which meant that my reply wasn't fully acting.

"Your needs are no one's business but mine," I stated flatly. "Now, you get on the damn plane."

"Ugh," Nicki responded, hanging up the phone. Knowing that she was expecting a text, I switched over to messages immediately, starting three different things before I landed on the one that I felt like captured the exact tone I wanted.

U know where u should b and u know who u want. Come to Detroit.

I nodded, satisfied that the text would do whatever Nicki wanted it to do. Once I hit send, I wandered over to my computer and booted up. If my guess were right, Nicki was going to be posting any minute.

Letting the computer do its thing, I walked into the kitchen and got myself a drink. Sitting on the couch, I scrolled over to my Instagram to see if anything had popped up there. Nothing showed up, so I moved over to Nicki's. As I did, a new post appeared, causing me to smile in the anticipation of the crazy that she and I both knew was coming now.

When bae just can't handle you being on the other side of the country...

Nicki had posted a screen shot that blacked out my number, but showed what I'd written. Just after, she took a picture of an interstate sign directing her to the airport. As expected, it took all of a second before her fan base jumped on her post, commenting on who had to be behind the text. Considering all the hype from a few months back, it didn't take long for people to start guessing that the only reason for her to go to Detroit was me.

Grinning, I switched over to my own page and considered what I wanted to say. Looking over the room, I licked my lips and nodded. Taking out my cellphone again, I took a partial selfie, letting the glow of the computer light my face while the clock on the wall behind me showed the time.

I hate waiting

I posted. Nodding to myself, I shut everything down. Tomorrow morning, the internet would no doubt be full of speculation and intrigue. Some would be guessing that Nicki and I were playing, while others would certainly be dying at the idea we were really together.

As I moved down the hallway toward the master bedroom, I chuckled at the thought. Who knew if Nicki's desire to spark up the speculation would get her what she was looking for or not, but I couldn't deny it was fun to fuck around with it. Shedding my clothing before I slid under the covers, I thought about her request for me to do a feature.

If she came to Detroit after all the fuss she caused tonight, I planned to tell her yes.

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