Too Full

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Marshall POV

"What do you mean, there's another?" I demanded as I talked to Nicki's agent. She was supposed to be done last night, yet this asshole was telling me she had another publicity event to go to this afternoon.

"This event was a last minute addition to the schedule," he responded. "It is, however, the only one for about a month or so," he offered, trying to calm me down.

I still hadn't gotten Nicki to fucking talk to me. She hadn't really ghosted me, but she'd been 'too busy' handling one thing after another to spend any time on the phone. I'd been in enough relationships to know that I was being given the cold shoulder and if I didn't get our shit figured out soon, it might linger too long and fuck things up permanently.

"Fine," I said. "Send me the details of where she's staying. I'll meet her at her hotel," I said, picking up the two boxes from the jeweler. I could rearrange the flower deliveries.

"Um, we don't give out those details," was the tentative response I got back. My eyes narrowed, I took in a deep breath and strove for patience. It was not my strong suit; the breath didn't help.

"Give me the fucking hotel information," I demanded. "We both know who I am to her, so it's not like you're giving up anything that she wouldn't want me to know anyway."

"Wouldn't she have told you, if she wanted you to know?"

I let the silence stretch for a moment as I pictured stringing this asshole up by his tie. As satisfying as it was to imagine, I needed to take a different tack, if I was going to get anywhere. Working to channel my latent Zen, I spoke again.

"Look, man," I said with a sigh. "I need to surprise her. If it turns out she wants me gone, then I'll go and I won't give up that you were my source for information." A huff came from the other side of the line, but then the answer I was looking for.

"Alright. I'll send the details to this number."


Three hours later, I was sitting in Nicki's hotel room, directing the florists on where to put the arrangements. Every flat surface in the room was covered with blooms. Hopefully, she wasn't fucking allergic.

When the delivery guys all got out, I checked my watch. If Nicki's agent were right, then she finished up her shit about half an hour ago. He was going to have her assistant push her to head to the hotel to rest up before a later dinner, which would mean that she'd be headed my way any time now. Glancing around the room, I twisted my lips in consideration. When my eyes hit the tub, I nodded. That should do it.

The tub had just filled and I'd kicked on the bubbles when the door to the suite opened. Nicki walked in with a cat-like smile, her eyes on her feet as she took off her shoes. When she turned to close the door, I started grinning.

There, spread across the ass of her tight, black leggings, was a simple phrase: "∃'s Booty."

When Nicki turned back toward the room, her eyes widened in surprise. I was still grinning like a fucking maniac, but I couldn't help it. She wouldn't be wearing that right now – wouldn't have worn it to an event where she was intending to be photographed - if she were still furious with me.

I watched as Nicki's eyes swept the room, taking in all of the flowers and the tub behind me, to which I'd added rose petals. When her gaze came back to me, she was smiling and nodding. I bit my lip, walking up to her as she approached. Without any words, I slid my hands over that fantastic ass and kissed her.

It had only been a week, but I'd missed the fuck out of this woman. It made it clear that keeping up a long distance thing would be difficult; I wasn't leaving Detroit and Nicki was unlikely to move until we got more settled with each other. But, I wasn't going to worry about that right now. Instead, I was going to squeeze the booty that was clearly marked as mine as I smelled her scent and tasted her lips.

When I raised my head, I jogged it over to the bed, which held the two velvet covered boxes. Nicki looked at them and then to me, a slight frown marring her features.

"The smaller one is to help with the apology," I explained. "The larger one is because it belonged to you, regardless of how bad I'd fucked up."

Nicki chuckled and stepped away, moving over to the bed to open the lids on the two jewelry boxes. I came up behind her, sliding my arms around her waist and putting my head in her neck. I was probably going to be clingy for the night, but she couldn't really expect much else, when she'd announced to the world her view of things.

"These are gorgeous," she said, her voice awed. I smiled and kissed her neck, tightening my arms.

"I know I shouldn't have let that fucker get to me," I said. "I tried not to, but when he pulled you into it, I got a little hot." Nicki leaned back into me, pushing her ass into my crotch.

"I saw the video," she said. I tensed, waiting for what was coming. "Don't let those assholes get to you, boo." Nodding into her skin, my voice was muffled as I spoke.

"No promises," I said. Nicki chuckled and turned in my arms, her brow raised. "What?" I asked.

"Well, you still haven't actually said sorry," she noted, her eyes twinkling. Mine narrowed as I looked around the room.

"A room bursting with flowers, jewelry, and a tub filled with hot water isn't enough?" I asked. Nicki rolled her lips in, trying to control her grin but failing miserably at it.

"Nope," she said. "I expect you to crawl."

Getting an idea, I nodded and stepped back. Nicki watched me as I tugged my shirt over my head and tossed it to the corner before I kicked off my shoes and dropped my jeans. She giggled, surprised, as the rest of my clothing came off.

That giggle turned to a shocked gasp for air, however, when I hit my knees and put my mouth on her over her leggings. Nicki's hands hit the back of my head as I blew hot air over her through the material. When I looked up, her eyes had dilated.

"I'm sorry," I said, my voice husky. "Let me show you how much in that tub."

Nicki licked her lips and nodded, pulling her shirt over her head. As she removed her bra, I yanked her leggings down her hips and to her ankles. Her hands burned into my skin as she used me for balance to kick off the fabric. When she was naked, I rose to my feet and slipped my hands around her waist, pulling her backward.

"The tub might be too full for this," she said as I tugged her in with me.

"Eh," I responded. "I'll pay for any water damage."

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