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Nicki POV

I had no idea what Em was complaining about. The dinner party wasn't boring in the least. Although, my views on it might be due to the fact that he and I had caused a low-key stir just by walking in the door – a fact that continued to be the case as the time moved on.

The event was being held in some upscale restaurant overlooking the city-scape. Em hadn't said there was a theme, but looking around the room, it was clear that the decorators had been imagining something along the lines of champagne. Everywhere I looked, there was a golden hue to things and sparkles that captured the eye. It was pretty, when the soft light of the candles up the center of the very large dinner table were combined with the total effect.

As Em and I had walked in and I'd taken a look around, I'd noted the glances we'd gotten. On the drive, Em had told me that the dinner would include some of the executives from various labels, producers on a couple of his works, maybe a few artists and their various dates. As it turned out, it was the group of plus ones that were the most obvious in their interest. Time after time, I caught the calculating or curious eye of men and women who appeared to be analyzing everything that Em and I did.

Being in the spotlight is nothing new to me, so I was more than willing to play. Why wouldn't I be, when Em had proposed this event as exactly something to further the flames? So, it was no accident that I stood closer to him than what would be reasonable in most situations. It wasn't a mistake when my hand lingered as I removed a thread from his shirt. It wasn't unintentional when I touched him as I laughed at one of his offhand jokes. And, it wasn't a hardship.

Em's dry sense of humor was out in full force tonight. Although he kept much of his statements low enough for only me to hear, there was a near never-ending commentary on the guests. To be frank, anyone who thought the man no longer had the chops to tear someone down on a freestyle hadn't spent any time with him. Even just playing, his observations were pointed and clear to the bone, not to mention funny as fuck.

Time and again, I was struggling to keep my laughter to a reasonable volume. When the bleach blonde date of one of the producers nearly had a meltdown because she'd tripped over her own two feet in heels that were best left to the poles in Vegas, Em was quick to tease about how things could have gone instead. When one of the executives' sons, who seemed to have engaged in quite the pre-party, nearly fell asleep in his plate, Em had me in stitches. Over and over, Em and I kept a low tone back and forth that made the evening easy and fun.

"Didn't know you were in town, Nicki," Paul murmured to me from across the table, cutting my attention away from Em's side of the mouth jokes about the couple half way down the table. I looked to him with a nod and a smile, aware that those around us were pretending to maintain their conversations as I answered.

"It was a quick decision," I said, glancing at Em. "I had some things to do and some ideas that I needed to work out. A change in scenery is usually good for getting my blood going, so I figured I'd give Detroit a shot." Paul nodded, his eyes curious. Em must not have told him what was happening under the surface.

"And has it succeeded so far? The change in scenery, that is?" A woman next to Paul asked. I nodded with a slight smile this time, letting the table take from the conversation what it will.

"This town has a lot of attractions to it," I replied.

Under the table, I felt Em's hand slide over my thigh and I nearly choked. He kept it there, burning an imprint into me as I took a large drink to try to cover. Around us, everyone looked on in concern. Everyone but Paul, that was. He had his head tilted to the side as if he were trying to determine why I suddenly didn't have any air.

I waved my hand at those checking on me, sliding one hand under the table to squeeze Em's. He gripped my thigh just a little bit more and then relaxed his hand, as if to acknowledge that he'd put it there, but not responding to my unspoken question of what the Hell he was doing. When I looked at him in question, he was busy eating and avoiding my look.

Letting it go, the conversation at the table moved on and the night progressed. Soon, the plates were removed and it was down to coffee and dessert. When I stifled a yawn, Em tightened his hold and then jogged his head toward Paul.

"We're going to head out," he said, standing from the table. Paul nodded in acknowledgment, but I pointed off to the side.

"I'm going to use the ladies first," I said. Em nodded and stayed standing, moving off to the side where a few folks were mingling as the party started to die down.

I wasn't in the restroom for long. It had to have been less than five minutes. When I came back, though, I found that two of the dates for the big wigs in the room had Em near a corner.

Marshall was faced toward the woman who was away from him, which put most of his back to me. As I walked over, I heard both women gushing about his work and then the one that was closer reached out her hand and straightened his tie. Except, she wasn't motherfucking straightening a damn tie, she was copping a feel of his chest.

Setting my jaw, I walked over with just a little quicker steps. When I came up to Em's side, I slid in between the woman who was standing too close and him. He looked down, a question in his eyes when he saw my expression, and I shook my head slightly. Instead, I put on a sweet smile and raised my hands, undoing his tie in front of the other two.

"Now that we're heading out, I think you can lose this," I said. Em looked down at me with a raised brow, noting that my action effectively required both women to step back further. Although he didn't smile, I saw the twinkle in his eyes.

"You ready to go?" He asked and I nodded, slipping an arm through his and turning toward the door without any comments to the women. Those hoes knew what they were doing and who he'd come with. If they were going to ignore that he had a date, his date was going to ignore their existence.

I was about to comment when Em and I stepped outside of the far door, but I didn't get the chance. In a flash, he pulled me off to the side, behind another door and then leaned in close, pushing me up against the wall. By instinct, my hands came up to his chest as his lips fell down to mine.

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