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Nicki POV

Hours after I called Em, I toyed with whether it was a good idea to keep stoking the flames. Just as I'd thought would be the case, my fan base was a little...rabid, over the idea of us pursuing things. When he posted one of his ridiculous selfies that never actually show much other than his eyeballs with the clock in the background, his fan base joined in the theorizing. The maelstrom was exactly what I'd been shooting for, but now I was having doubts. 

When I'd posted the picture of the sign to the airport, I hadn't actually planned to go all the way to Detroit. On some whim that I couldn't give any solid reasoning for, I chartered a flight when I hit the halfway point to LAX. Worst case scenario, I'd thought that I could play it off by heading to New York after. 

It was early morning when I landed, and I was still feeling the effects of the wild hair that got me playing this game  to begin with, so I'd called Em. To say that he was super excited to have me waking his grumpy ass up would be overstating things. A lot. If there was any doubt about the sharpness of his tongue and ability to freestyle insults, I sure didn't have them. 

After he'd let a string of his complaints loose, he'd grumbled that he'd meet me at his studio, but I better have some 'goddamn coffee' for him when he got there. Of course, I couldn't let his shit go without a challenge, so I'd done exactly as he asked. I stopped at the nearest Starbucks to his studio and I'd ordered him the most frilly, ridiculously sweet, teenage girl drink I could think up. I had the barista put "baby" as the name on the cup.   

When I got to the studio, it was only slightly melted. I had just a couple of minutes wait until Em stalked in, his eyes glazed over with the need for more sleep. Of course, I gave him the biggest, sloppiest kiss on the cheek before I handed over his pink and purple blended masterpiece. The barista had put whipped cream and swirled chocolate over the top of it.  Em looked at the concoction in shock and I had a moment of pure joy - I'd rendered the legend speechless. Then, he'd glowered at me and barked at the receptionist. 

"Get me some coffee, Celia," Em demanded. "Blackest you can come up with, and if it happens to wake me up within five minutes of drinking it, I'll give you a raise." Celia had smirked a little and caught my eye, but had nodded and jogged off. 

As Em lead me back to his office, I took a look around and smiled. I loved being in studios. It didn't matter where they were - even the shittiest ones had this feel about them. They called me to the mic. When everything else was falling apart, the sound booth was still there, waiting for me. It was an oasis, a paradise, and challenging as fuck but it was something I cherished. 

Once in his office, I wandered to glance at the things at the wall, only to hear a distinct slump of a male body into faux leather furniture. Sure enough, when I turned around, Em was lying spread out over the couch, a forearm over his eyes. He must have felt my stare, because he spoke without raising his hand. 

"Don't talk until I have caffeine," he begged. I'd say it was a demand, but his tone wasn't quite there. Poor guy really wasn't doing so well on the lack of sleep. 

Trying to abide by his request, I continued with my examination of his office. A half a minute later, Celia walked in with a carafe and a large mug. Instead of speaking, she set them by his head on the floor. Even from across the room, I could smell that it was tar. Whatever she'd come up with, if it didn't wake him up, it would surely kill him. That sludge wasn't fit for human consumption. 

On the smell of the acid eating away at the insides of the silver pot, Em perked up. With a quirk of his lips, he leaned over and poured the dark liquid into the mug, keeping his face in the steam of it. After a few seconds, he leaned over and picked up the mug, bending to half sit so that he could drink it. 

"If that's the face you make when you drink caffeine, what do you look like when you're nutting?" I teased. He'd had the purest, most relaxed face of pleasure on tasting it. Em took another drink, moving to sit up more fully and then glance at me over the rim of his mug. 

"Don't be jealous, bae," he responded. "There's room enough in my life for the love of coffee and you." I laughed, nodding as he continued to awaken. 

"That sounds like you owe Celia some more dough, boo," I replied. Em nodded, picking up both the mug and the carafe and walking with them over to his desk. 

"Too true," he answered. I waited on him to drown more of his fog in his mug, moving to sit in a chair across from him. As I watched him come to the land of the living, I got to thinking. 

All the joking and whatnot aside, there was something about Em that was fascinating. He had a presence that was hard to describe, other than that it was magnetic. His wordsmithing could become a problem. It had been a long time since I'd been challenged by anyone. And, I fucking loved a challenge. But, loving the challenge he presented could lead to some disastrous results. After all, this was all a publicity stunt. Catching feelings for the man in front of me would be stupid on an epic level. 

"You're looking pensive," Em said, catching me in my thoughts. I shrugged and looked around. 

"Just thinkin'," I replied, unsure of whether to push the game that I'd started. It would be great for both of us on the professional level - so long as it stayed professional. 

"Too early in the fucking morning for whatever's causing that sour face," Em noted and I leaned back in my chair and rose a brow. 

"Says the man who colored the air with his pissiness when I called him this morning," I countered and he pointed at me with his mug. 

"Because it wasn't too early for shitty behavior then," Em said with a flat expression, though his eyes were twinkling. 

"I haven't had a chance to check and see how it was taken." He continued, changing the subject. I grinned, nodding my head at his computer. 

"People be crazy 'bout the rap royalty," I said with a spark of pride. 

"Royalty?" Em questioned, his lips quirking as he booted up his computer. 

"Well, I'm not ready to call myself a rap goddess yet, so we'll go with your last title," I teased and he chuckled. "For real, though, your fan base and mine are dying over the possibilities. Gotta say, it makes that feature I've been pestering you about sound really good." In response, Em nodded and set his mug aside. 

"Which is exactly why we should do it."

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