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Nicki POV

This may not be how I pictured the night going, but I was sure as fuck on board. When Marshall pulled me to the side and kissed me, a fire lit inside. Everywhere he touched me, the blaze spread. I could feel his lips on my neck, even when we were in the car on the way to his place. He was damn right: I wasn't playing anymore, either.

After he pulled into the garage, he swung around the car and grabbed my hand, much like he'd done back at the restaurant. His eagerness was sexy. He wasn't even remotely trying to hide how much he wanted me and it was getting me going just as much as his kisses had.

When we got over the threshold, he pushed me back up against the wall and kissed me again. My hands speared through his short hair as his slipped around my waist to my back. He was everywhere and there wasn't one thing wrong about how good it felt.

Em tasted slightly of coffee and mint and his hands were hard and insistent on me. I could feel them running up my back and I gloried in the sensation as I delved into his mouth. He pulled me back with him, keeping us plastered to each other as we walked and stumbled toward what I was sure was going to be his room.

In mere seconds, we were there and I was pulling the buttons of his shirt through the material. His tie still hung from his neck and when he moved as if to pull back, I gripped it and drug him back to my mouth, swallowing his moan as he returned the kiss. His hands were insistent now, seemingly searching for something. Suddenly, he pulled his mouth away from mine and tore down my neck.

"The fuck you take this thing off, woman?" He demanded, his fingers apparently searching for the zipper. I chuckled and reached under the arm on one side, pulling the tag down as my eyes caught his.

I've never seen eyes the color of Em's turn dark the way they did when my dress hit the floor. It was mesmerizing, watching him watch me. There was no doubt in my mind that he was all in and I was so damn hot for him right now that I felt like I was burning up.

Em stepped closer, stroking his hands over my skin as his mouth traced lines down my neck once more. He pushed me to the bed, letting me fall on it as he joined me. Our mouths fused again as my hands tore his shirt and tie off of him, giving me access to his back and letting me feel the warmth of his chest as I moaned under his magical lips.

He was demanding, but he wasn't rushing us, either. As my nails scraped along his flesh, I could feel him laying kisses on every inch of my collarbone and breasts above my bra. When his left hand slid down and he cupped me over my underwear, my eyes closed in the pleasure of the heat of his palm.

"So fucking hot, Nic," he murmured, biting me through the fabric of the bra.

His hand tore underneath me, unclasping the straps with ease. He then leaned back as he pulled it off me, tossing it over his shoulder in complete disregard as his eyes took me in. When his gaze met mine, he smiled and I was wrong. That look had me hotter than the fucking Sun.

I pulled him back to me and he came without any hesitation, swooping down and capturing my right nipple between his lips as one hand squeezed and pulsed over the other. I couldn't breathe; the sensation of the warm, wet cavern of his mouth was too much. I was going to die from a lack of oxygen and it was going to be the best possible way to go.

When he had tortured me with pleasure on one side, he moved to the other for the same. I could hear the harshness of my breath and the sweet sound of him sucking on my skin, the eroticism of both just hinting at what was going to come later. But, I wanted it fucking now.

"Em," I cried when he sucked hard enough on me to just come near the line of pain, but not cross it. "Lose your damn pants," I demanded.

In response, Em nodded against me, but didn't pull away. Instead, he continued to trail his mouth over me, moving lower and lower as his hands worked at his belt and then pushed the material off of him. He was still in boxers when his mouth clamped over me through my underwear and I swear, I saw fucking stars.

I arched against him, desperate to feel more, and he chuckled lowly. My eyes narrowed for a second and I was going to give him a ration of shit until he quite literally tore the fabric away, the sound of the material breaking in response to his pull with both hands filling the room. Then, his lips were on mine and oh fuck, I really was going to die.

Em's tongue flickered and laved, pulsed and licked and it drove me insane. The comforter below me was clenched in both hands as my thighs fell wide, offering everything up for him. His arms wrapped around my legs from underneath, keeping them open and pulling as he dove into me like I was the last meal he'd ever have.

"Em," I called out, moving against him while he tugged me closer. "Fuck, baby, please," I begged and he moved quickly, climbing up my body with teeth and mouth until he could reach into the side table. As he pulled out the packet, he bent to my neck and spoke in my ear.

"Told you so," he whispered, his voice raspy and husky and what the fuck was he talking about? My brain couldn't connect the dots to reality. I was too overcome with desire. With swift movements, he lost the boxers and wrapped up and then suddenly, I was in the center of the fire.

One hard thrust had Em buried inside of me. His hands were on either side of my shoulders, lifting him up as he looked into my eyes and pulled back and then thrust back inside. I was right there with him as he moaned and I fucking loved it when he collapsed upon me and rolled his hips.

My arms wrapped around him and my legs tangled over the back of his thighs as Em continued to stroke in and out, over and over. His mouth met mine, his breathing rushing against my own as we met and parted. The room was a furnace, our bodies' heat blowing past all semblance of normal temperatures as I clamped around him.

"Fuck, Nic," Em murmured against my neck, his words pushing air past my ear. "Goin' to lose it," he murmured, his thrusts becoming harder and harder as my moans got louder and louder.

The inferno took me when Em slipped his arms under mine and held me by the shoulders. I could feel every delicious inch of him, inside and out and the way that he sounded as he held me like he couldn't get enough was too much to hold back. I blazed, shaking around him as everything burnt up and his pulsing within me became erratic until he called out and buried himself in me as far as he could, his head falling to my neck as he sank into me, spent.

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