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Nicki POV

As I stared up to the ceiling, a strong, tattooed arm wrapped around my waist from the side, I smiled. I hadn't known what to expect from Em. Although we'd known each other for a while, things were different, now. To find out that he was more than capable of being romantic – if a bit traditional in it – was a pleasant surprise. To discover that he was in this enough to have made such an over the top gesture was better.

There's not supposed to be a time frame on feelings. Sometimes, they hit you hard and fast. Other times, it's a slow burn that builds until the wildfire is out of control. That reality had been proven to me time and again in my life. Looking down to the man who was sleeping by my side, I acknowledged that, this time, it was a mix of both.

The way I felt now reminded me a bit of a song with a long intro before the words started up, setting a furious pace once they began. I was swimming in feelings. And, although I'd been a bit freaked at first, I was now one hundred percent on board. My new leggings weren't just a response to the bullshit article, but were also a statement to him.

Of course, there were some things to "manage", as he'd put it a month ago. My king wasn't going to be down with leaving his kingdom and I'd been a California girl for a fair amount of time at this point. We couldn't exactly mesh those two things; geography didn't work like that. Eventually, it was going to take someone compromising. With so much of Em's personality and sense of self tied to where he came from, I knew the score: the compromise would likely be on my end.

Then again, there might be a way to have more of a middle ground. Em wouldn't have to leave Detroit. I could keep a place here and just pull his pasty ass with me to get some sun once in a while. It would do him good, after all.

"You're thinking too loud," he grumbled from my shoulder. "Go to sleep." I chuckled and shifted, facing him as he opened his eyes. The blue in those eyes was electric and it was all for me.

"We should talk," I said softly, running a hand up from his elbow to his shoulder. He tensed, his brows coming together as he looked at me.

"Thought you accepted my apology," he said gruffly and I shook my head and leaned over to kiss him lightly.

"I did," I said. "This is about that whole "managing" things stuff," I explained.

Em's hand moved to my hip, tracing invisible lines over it. His eyes dropped to his fingers, watching them for a bit before they came back up to mine. He nodded, but stayed silent.

"Seems silly," I said. "Wasting our money on hotel rooms when we each have perfectly good homes," I noted. Em nodded again, raising his head to rest on a hand as the other continued to whisper over my skin.

"We could just skip the hotel rooms and stay with each other – during the times that we're not on the road, that is," I offered.

"It would be the financially responsible thing to do," Em agreed flatly and I rolled my tongue over my bottom teeth.

"I'm being serious and you're cracking jokes at me," I said, exasperated. Em shook his head, widening his eyes in mock innocence.

"No jokes here," he denied. "All those celebrities that went belly up should have thought through their choices so well. Hotel room savings would have kept them from bankruptcy."

"Ugh," I uttered, flopping back to face the ceiling. "You're impossible."

Em's hand moved from my hip to trail up and over my chest as he leaned in. He squeezed my right breast lightly as he bent his head to my left, dragging his tongue up from the side until he pulled my nipple into his mouth. I moaned and arched, unable to control the response he pulled from me. For long minutes, there was no more talking as he continued to fondle and kiss me. When he lifted his head, he stared into my eyes and shook his head.

"You're not moving in to save money, Nicki," he said firmly. "You're moving in because you love me."

I choked on air a little, caught off guard by his bold statement. He looked at me without a hint of remorse and I shook my head in disbelief. He was unbelievable.

"And what makes you think I'm in love with you?" I asked, my voice haughty. Em shifted until he was leaning over me, his lips now working from the swell of my breasts up to my neck. My hands came up to the back of his head on their own volition.

"You told me," he said as he got closer to my ear. "And you keep telling me."

"We should schedule you an appointment," I responded, my voice breathy as his hand slipped between our bodies. "You're hearing voices."

"Hmm," he murmured, biting my earlobe as one finger slid inside of me while his thumb moved circles over my clit. "Every time you kiss me, every gasp, every joke, every look – you've been telling me you love me for weeks."

I swallowed, moaning as the magic of his hand continued. Digging the back of my head into the pillow, I gave myself over to the feel of him as he spoke. He wasn't wrong, but I wasn't going to admit it right now.

"There's some specialists out here," I countered, my voice dipping on a low sound as he hit just the right spot. "I'll make some calls in the morning and get you seen right away, boo."

Em's response was to move his hand away and slide himself up over me further. I could feel him at my entrance as he kissed me deeply, his hands pulling mine up over my head. In one, slow motion, he pushed inside and we both groaned in pleasure.

His scent was surrounding me as he ground down. My legs wrapped around him, my hips moving to urge him faster, but he ignored my demands. Instead, he moved deliberately, in circles and then waves, ratcheting up a coil of heat in the pit of my stomach.

"Faster, Em," I demanded when he lifted his head, but he shook it and bent to my neck.

"No," he replied, his voice dark as he rolled into me again and again. "Feel everything, Nicki. Every fucking word I'm saying back to you," he continued.

I felt my heart constrict, realizing what he meant. He wasn't saying it and I wasn't saying it, but we were both feeling it. It was there in our actions, in our touches. Emotion filled the room as our mouths captured each other once more.

The buildup became too much; the intensity of feeling too overwhelming. I cried out, calling his name as my body tipped over the edge, clenching around him and dragging him deeper as pleasure swept through every inch of me. Making love had never felt so beautiful.

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