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Nicki POV

I stumbled into my hotel room after an excessively long fucking day. For a week, I'd gone from one publicity event to another, but thankfully, the one tonight was the last for a while. Closing the door behind me with a sigh and moving the security lock over, I kicked off my shoes and stretched. What I needed right now was a long soak in the Jacuzzi this suite came equipped with.

Stepping past the small hallway of the room, I dropped my bag and started shedding clothing, completely uncaring as to where the pieces landed. By the time I hit the tub on the other side of the room, I was naked and the tension of the day was starting to ease. As I got the water flowing, I glanced over my shoulder. Maybe, a trip to the minibar was in order.

The tub was big enough that it took a good ten minutes to fill. In that time, I got the back side of it set up with three small mixed drinks, turned up the heat in the room, and got some music playing in the background. The only thing that would have made it all better were if I had candles. Well, maybe a certain mouthy rapper would too, but I was still punishing him for the bullshit he'd pulled.

Sliding into the water with a sigh, I closed my eyes and leaned back as I thought over exactly how to address the situation with Em. I wasn't pissed enough that I was going to walk, but he and I needed to have a conversation. I had assumed that there were some rules that didn't need to be stated. Apparently, that wasn't the case.

Taking a drink of my rum and Coke, I wiped my other hand on a nearby washcloth and picked up my phone. I'd gotten no end to the texts and calls over that damn article, but then, that wasn't too much of a surprise. The press loved it when Marshall was in the forefront; it worked wonders for their wallets.

I didn't feel like answering the messages, so I flicked over to YouTube. I didn't find any relief there, either, though. Sure enough, someone had leaked portions of the raw video of the interview. With a twist of my lips, I clicked on it. Some more context might do me some good.

Sliding the bubble across the screen, I got past the preliminaries and into the meat of the discussion. As I did, I heard the tone of the interviewer. I should have known.

Q: It's been said that you don't have an identity other than what you've appropriated. What is your reaction to that?

A: Well, if there's still someone out there who thinks I'm not me, then I can't convince them otherwise.

Q: Sure, sure. But, it's long been commented that you are standing on the shoulders of other people – black people – in order to get where you are today. What do you say in response?

A: There's a lot of things I've done in my life that I'm not proud of. Rapping isn't on that list. Other artists, black, white – whatever – they do their thing and I do mine. People have felt my shit for a long time. Even if you just go back to '99, I've been doing this for two decades. You don't have that kind of longevity if you don't have something to say that people want to hear.

Q: Isn't it possible that you're just catering? Patronizing, even?

A: I don't feel like I am. I put my heart into my work. This shit isn't the kind of thing you do if you don't have a sense of pride in your work. You don't go through years of questioning, targets on your back lyrically or otherwise, if you're just pandering.

Q: And to all those who say that you just want to be black, what do you say to them?

A: I don't have shit to say to that.

Q: Really? Because it has been noted that you now have a black girlfriend.

A: Are you fucking kidding me? What the fuck is this?

Q: I'm just trying to get to the heart of what people really want to know. With you and Nicki-

A: Don't you fucking say her name.

Q: Mr. Mathers, it's not like I'm saying it. I'm just giving you an opportunity to respond to those who say that you are simply looking for another way to be a black man.

A: She's with me because I can give her something she wasn't getting elsewhere, asshole.

Q: Are you suggesting that a black man can't satisfy Ms. Minaj?

A: No. I'm saying that there isn't anyone who can satisfy her the way I do, you fucking prick. I'm done.

With those final words, Em stomped off screen. I sighed and put my phone aside. The published article cut out more than half of what had led to Marshall's explosion. I hadn't talked to him about the details yet because I'd been too pissed about him mouthing off about our sex life to the press to get them from him. Now, seeing how it had played out, I acknowledged that it wasn't as bad is it could have been. Em hadn't been puffing his chest and bringing our shit into the public eye because he was being a dick. He'd just lost his temper with a bitch who was looking to push his buttons.

With the newfound knowledge, I could accept that Em let personal details out, but not with any intention to hurt me. His pride had gotten the better of him and so he'd let his words run. It wasn't alright and he'd have to fucking learn not to let that shit get to him so much, but I wasn't going to bust his balls too much. After all, he'd tried to keep me out of the conversation.

The question now, however, was how I was going to react. Thus far, I'd managed to keep all of my appearances in the last week completely on the level. Between my agent and my assistant, it had been made clear that I would not respond to anyone trying to fan the flames after the article had gotten out. Knowing what I did about the background to Em's statements, I was now prepared to speak my mind.

Smiling to myself, I grabbed my phone. What I was thinking of wouldn't be sold by his people, but I was sure some rando had to have made something up that I could put to good use. Sure enough, it only took a few minutes to find the perfect response. After I'd purchased the pair and set it for delivery tomorrow, I gave my agent a call. If we were going public, then we were going fucking public.

"Hey, Nicki, what's up?"

"I know this was the last one, but I need you to set up something else for tomorrow night. Make sure it's a casual thing and that there's good coverage. I've got the response that they've all been waiting for," I said with a grin.

"Uh, should I be worried?"

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