No Playing

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Marshall POV

Nicki's lips were full and sweet and they moved as if they were fucking made to be kissing mine. As I pushed her further against the wall by the door I'd just yanked her through, I felt her hands slide over my chest. Sinking into the kiss, my left hand slipped behind her neck and held her as I delved deeper.

As tonight had progressed, I'd had more and more fun. These events had always been nothing more than a pain in the ass for me. I'd show up, struggle through the painfully slow process of eating with a crowd, and figure out a way to disappear before dessert. This time, however, it had been different.

Nicki's presence had made the whole thing not just bearable, but enjoyable. She'd teased and joked with me, keeping my focus on the ridiculousness of the night, instead of what would normally be the all-consuming desire to escape. Having her as my date, I'd stuck around later than I had ever done with one of these things, a fact that I knew Paul had picked up on. As he had, no doubt, also picked up the absence of one of my hands part way through the meal.

With every minute, I'd become more and more invested in Nicki's game. After not being able to shake the thought of our call, and knowing that the occasional touch here or there would play into her request, I'd stopped fighting the urge to caress her skin. So, I took complete advantage of the situation and slipped my hand onto her gorgeous fucking thigh and I'd kept it there all night. I'd considered it an internal win, that I'd managed to keep it where I'd first put it, rather than tracing up her leg. The cut of her dress would have allowed it, a fact that my brain had been none too shy about pointing out when she didn't move my hand away from her. 

Seeing her act jealous over the woman who was never going to be even remotely within my interest had fanned the flames. I wasn't going to be okay with a simple touch after that. I had to kiss her and fucked if that need wasn't proven in what I was feeling right then.

Nicki's perfume was subtle and it seemed to weave magic around me as our kiss became more and more heated. What started as a simple need to taste had turned explosive. Our tongues were tangled as our bodies melded to one another. Even when I needed air, I couldn't leave her. Instead, my head dipped to trace my tongue and mouth over her jaw and down her neck.

One of Nicki's hands came up to my neck, cradling it there as my leg shifted as much as possible into the V of her thighs. Her breathing was heavy and the slightest of whimpers were coming from her throat as I nipped and sucked on it. Her sound when she spit was nothing compared to those small signs that she was enjoying my mouth on her.

I couldn't tell you how long we were there, our bodies molded to the other. I was too lost in the passion she'd inspired, in the need to feel, to taste, to have. In the span of just a few hours, I'd gone from playing a role to motherfucking wanting it, and I wasn't going to let the opportunity to see it happen slip through my fingers.

"Em," Nicki murmured, a half moan, half whisper of sound that was sweeter than all the sugar cane in the world. I grunted in response, unwilling to move from my present task, which involved sucking on the skin at the rise of her left breast just above the fabric of her dress.

"We should take this somewhere else," she continued, the breathlessness of her voice and the fact that she wasn't saying we should stop about the only thing that was registering in my overheated blood.

"Mine," I responded, meaning my place, but then again, I could take the other interpretation as well. She nodded, her hand still clasping my neck.

"That works," she replied and I stood back and looked her in the eye. Her gaze was liquid desire and the combination of it and the marks I'd left on her neck were fucking with my mental processing. With a nod, I grabbed her hand and towed her with me, striding quickly toward the door I'd pulled her through and then the exit.

Nicki giggled at my insistence, which only heightened my need, because I fucking loved the sound of her laugh. When we got downstairs, the valet took way too damn long to get the car. I kept a hand on her waist, unwilling to go too far with all the people with cameras on their phones around.

Once the car was there, however, I pulled open her door and then slammed it before jogging around to my side. Nicki chuckled lowly at me, causing me to look at her in question as my hand found her thigh once more. I rose a brow and she shrugged.

"Seem a little thirsty," she said, her eyes twinkling and I shook my head, but not in denial.

"There's probably going to be more than a couple of photos leaking about this," I noted as I weaved through traffic.

Nicki nodded, tilting in her seat and leaning over. The position put her breasts resting against my arm as her right hand squeezed my thigh. I cursed, narrowly avoiding a vehicle that was encroaching on our lane and licked my lips.

"How's it feel?" Nicki asked, her voice thick with amusement and desire. "Being distracted by wandering hands, that is?" She prodded. I nodded and glanced at her, rolling my jaw a little.

"I'm going to make you beg, Nicki," I warned her. She laughed, sliding her hand further up my leg and causing every fucking muscle in my body to clench.

"I think I might not be the one begging, Em," she countered. In response, I slid my hand up, tracing a finger over her under her dress. She sucked in air, dropping her head to my bicep, and I smiled, gratified by her response.

"Sure about that, bae?" I taunted. We were nearly to my place now, me having driven way too fast. Nicki tilted back her head, capturing my gaze. The look in her eyes was all I had in warning before she unclicked her seat belt and leaned in to me, sucking on the side of my neck hard.

"Fuck," I groaned, fighting to keep my eyes open. The pulse of energy between us had hit overwhelming proportions at this point. Lightning had nothing on the sparks that were flying as I entered the code for the community and then raced toward my house.

I slammed the car into park when I hit the drive and grabbed Nicki's face, holding it still as I devoured her mouth. She moaned into mine, driving a streak of satisfaction and need right through the tip of my cock. When I pulled back, we were both breathing hard.

"We're going in that house, Nicki," I declared. "And there's no playing about what I'm going to do to you."

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