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Marshall POV

When I finally had the energy to pull away, I got up and cleaned up. Nicki was looking at me with a smile on her face when I got back in the room and I couldn't help but return it. Fuck, she was beautiful, spread out on my bed like that.

I climbed up and over her, enjoying the feel of her hands over my arms and up my shoulders as I bent down to kiss her softly. I then flopped to the side and pulled her close, wrapping one arm around her as her head nuzzled into my shoulder. It was quiet in the room for several minutes as I traced patterns over her back.

"How do we manage this?" I asked quietly. There was a big fucking difference between playing at being together and actually giving it a shot. Nicki tilted her head and kissed my skin near the collarbone before she responded.

"Are we managing something?" She responded and I frowned. I pulled back a little to catch her eye and she looked at me innocently.

"The fuck you mean, are we managing something?" I demanded and she sat up and looked at me with her head tilted.

"Fucking doesn't mean relationship, Em, we both know that," Nicki replied and I sat up, too.

"And we were just fucking?" I asked, my voice hard and my eyes narrowed. I was not used to being the one on this end of the conversation and I didn't appreciate it one damn bit.

"That's why I asked the question!" Nicki answered, seemingly frustrated. She huffed and stood, looking like she was going for clothing. I got up, too, coming around to stand with one foot on top of her bra before she bent to pick it up.

"Really?" She asked, cocking her head at me. I rose a brow at her and smiled slightly, proud of myself.

"Really," I replied and then I pointed to the bed. "Your ass belongs in that bed, in either nothing or in my clothes. Your pick, but I prefer nothing." I said.

"You are not standing there, telling me what to do, Em," Nicki warned, her ire making her eyes captivating and frankly, getting me ready for another round.

"You're gorgeous when you're pissed," I said, unable to help it. Nicki had looked about ready to rail at me but, when she heard my words, pulled up short and sighed.

"That's not fair," she sighed, deflating a little. I stepped closer, tentatively sliding my arms around her waist as I looked down into her eyes. She could take me out with one knee to the nuts and so I had to handle this with at least a little tact.

"We weren't just fucking," I said baldly. "No playing, remember?" Nicki's hands were on my upper arms now. She squeezed them as she nodded.

"Alright," she responded. "So, we're not playing. What does that look like?" She asked and I tugged her with me toward the bed. When I got us to the side, I pulled down the covers and gestured and she shook her head on a smile, but got in.

"That's the managing this thing I was talking 'bout," I muttered into her hair drily. Nicki chuckled and sighed, sinking back into my side as one of her hands came up to my chest.

"Well, we still have a feature to work on," she said and I nodded. "Maybe, we just go with it and see where things land." I shook my head, though, denying her option.

"Nah," I said. "That feature won't take more than a little bit of combined time, and I said I'd do it before this, so I don't want it tied to what happens between us now."

"Well, then what were you thinking?" Nicki asked and I rolled over her, looking down as I answered.

"I'm thinking that we give this a real shot," I replied.

"Not some wait and see approach and not some casual bullshit that means neither one of us knows where we stand." I continued before I bent to start kissing a trail from the base of her neck down to her nipple. She moved against me restlessly, her hands tightening their hold as I went about my task.

"You tryna' lock me in with sex?" Nicki asked and I nipped her before I looked up.

"Would that work?" I asked in response and she grinned.

"Nah, but I'd let you go ahead and try, boo," she answered and I chuckled and then returned to kissing her skin. It was so soft and warm; it called to me.

"So, if we aren't casual," Nicki said, arching to me, "then we're what, together? As in no one else? An actual relationship?" She clarified and I nodded but didn't stop. I loved the breathlessness that was taking over her voice.

"We do this," she said, moaning slightly on the last word, "you gotta know that I'm not putting up with creeping." I lifted up and stared her square in the eyes, more than good with talking that piece out.

"Same," I said. She nodded and licked her lips, trailing her manicured nails over me lightly and raising goosebumps down my skin.

"Then, I guess the rumors aren't really rumors anymore, are they?" Nicki asked, tilting her lips up on the side. I shook my head and leaned on one hand while the other slipped between her legs. She moaned, closing her eyes as I touched her and fuck it was so damn sexy.

"Not anymore," I confirmed.


The following morning, I woke to a pair of beautiful, warm breasts pressed up against my back, a soft arm lying over my waist from behind. Nicki's breath slid over the back of my neck, raising the hairs slightly in response. Her scent was on the sheets around us and, no doubt, over me as well.

I turned slowly, taking the huff of her breath as an indicator that she was still sleeping. She was peaceful in her sleep, her face smooth and easy and last night's makeup still giving her an ethereal look. The sheet was down to our waists, leaving her half exposed to my eyes.

Smiling a little, I considered the best way to wake her. We had shit to do today, and although I was down with watching her sleep, I wanted to see her eyes again – wanted to hear her joking and laughing with me. Leaning forward, I bent to her ear.

"Baby," I whispered. "I can spot you from a mile away, Nicki sexy any time of day," I murmured before pulling back. She smiled and opened her eyes, which twinkled like stars at me.

"You spitting my shit, bae?" She whispered and I shrugged. Nicki pushed me back and bent over me, kissing my neck as her legs straddled my hips. I hummed into her kiss and she raised her head, chuckling.

"We got things to handle today, right?" She asked and I nodded, my hands moving to her waist. This position had me thinking, which she of course noticed, because she ground into me with a devilish look in her eyes.

"Later," I said, pulling her down to kiss me. "We can handle shit later."

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