The days proceeds Chapter 8

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Aaryan and Anjali drove to office in Aaryan's car as he insisted her to go with him.Anjali had replaced her white shirt with a black top,as it got soiled when she fell, she also tied her hair back into a ponytail and applied some lip gloss and perfume, before going with him.

They didn't make any conversation en route to the office,and

Anjali, on the way, was thinking hard on how to avoid entering the office together with Aaryan.If they did so,everyone would necessarily think that they were together..which was not totally untrue..but she couldn't bear people making fuss about them.Already Tia was teasing her at every other opportunity.

She knowingly left her keys in the car, so that she had to come back again, to take it..and Aaryan would go alone..and thankfully her plan worked..Aaryan gave her his car keys and left, without any comment , when she announced that she'd forgotten her keys in the car.

She took the staircase while going back to the ground floor and strolled along the longest route to the office as to consume more time.Anjali laughed at herself..just a few while ago..she was impatient to rush to the office..and now she was loitering in the corridors.After 20 long minutes, she went back.Anjali pushed the office door open, which creaked a bit and attracted all the attention that was unnecessary.

She walked through the office to Tia's desk.

"Hey how're you doing?", Anjali asked gleefully.

"Hello Anjali..why so late?"

"I slept in the morning..after talking to mom.dunno how.."

Anjali noticed that Tia looked paler than usual.

"Tia , you don't look fine, anything wrong?", Anjali asked.

"Umm nothing..just a bit too worked up", Tia responded with a fake smile.

But Anjali could understanding that she was lying by the tone of her voice.

"Common, you have to tell me..What's troubling you? Anything serious?", Anjali pressed.

"Anjali ..",Tia paused for a moment then added..."I'll tell you later..not here..".,Tia was really sounding stressed.

"Okay, as you wish",.Anjali sighed.

Anjali then went to her cabin..revised her files for the next half an hour..and it was lunch time by then.

After lunch , Anjali resolved to meet show the files.

Anjali pushed his cabin door slightly ajar to find Kaira standing right beside Aaryan and scribbling something on paper, and making notes of whatever he was dictating.

"I am sorry to disturb.",Anjali said instantly, closing the door back by a few inches when Aaryan stopped her.

"Its okay, come in! I need to talk to you"

Anjali dragged herself to his desk.All the time she was giving Kaira sharp comtemptous looks which Aaryan could tell that these two women were not comfortable with each other.

Aaryan politely asked Kaira to go outside and wait until he finished his meeting with Anjali.

Kaira crept out of the room hesitantly.

Then Aaryan turned his gaze to Anjali.

"This is whatever I could manage..for the tender.I tried to put together all that I thought was important.".Anjali said seriously as she positioned her file before him on his desk.

Anjali stood like a mummy with her feet together, hands by her side

while he examined each and every page sincerely.She was trying to decipher his opinion from his expressions but it gave away nothing.

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