7 - Testing Waters

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Saki's POV

Another restless night. Again. Filled with agony, sadness and pain. Those words from Saiki. He chose me.

But why? Why me? He doesn't like anyone. Why is he concerned about finishing things with me?

"Oi, you awake?" Saiki says.

"Saiki?" I say looking up.

Saiki's glasses were crooked. It was clear he threw them on.

"Hey, I know why Ichiro needed you and I to have offspring," he says.

I gulped as he looked up to me.

"It's the volcano," Saiki says, "but I actually might know how to stop it now."

I look to him.

"Really?" I say shocked, "how so?"

"Meet me tomorrow at the location, and we'll go from there," he says.

"Saiki, you don't need to wear your glasses around me," I say.

"Yes I do, you have no idea what happens if-..."

I pulled them off of him as he looked at me.

"Saki!" He says.

"Don't you know, I'm immune to this," I say rolling my eyes, "besides, back to the main point, it's actually also easy to control your stone power."

"What?" He says, "no... I've tried... it doesn't work..."

"Just don't think about it," I say, "Ichiro had always done that, and he's never needed glasses since."

"I'll try, but if you fuck up, I'm done helping you," he says.

"Whatever you say," I giggled.


"Kaidou-kun!" I say to Kaidou as Yumehara glared at me.

I smiled at her as Kaidou saw me.

"Hey Saki," he smiled, "how are you?"

"I'm good, I was wondering if you'd like to hang out after school today," I say.

I glanced over to see Saiki with his his thoughts.

"Baka, you're such an idiot to think he'd like you, and he's an idiot himself too," Saiki says.

"Poor Saiki, maybe if I give you a dog biscuit it'll make you feel better," I giggle, "it's not like you want to do anything fun with me ever."

"Sorry Saki, I have a club to attend to today, but I'm free tomorrow," he says, "fine with me."

I sit down next to Saiki and smile.

"Idiot. Fine, you wanna see fun? Come over today."

"Okie dokie," I smirk.

Saiki's POV

I nervously sat in my room as I awaited Saki.

Saki and I? Together? I never could see myself with anyone... not ever...

"Kusuo! Your girlfriend is here!" Mom says.

"Mom, she's not my girlfriend," I say.

"Sorry, What was your name dear?" She asks Saki.

"I'm Miyu Saki," She smiles.

"Well, I'm heading out, so I'll see you two later, Kusuo's father is at work."

She had left as me and Saki looked at each other.

"Saiki," She says, "so what do you have in mind?"

I ported us to a rain forest I frequently go to to think. The water dripped from the leaves as Saki looked around.

"Saiki..." she says, "why here?"

"Because, I love this place. Besides, we also need to get back to why we need to reproduce," I say, "the volcano."

"You said you knew how to stop it," she says.

"Yes," I say, "I do."

"Well, how?" She asks.

"We need to work together. I've always tried doing it alone, and so has Ichiro, but if two physics attempt it, there's a possibility that we can fix it," I say.

"Well, let's do it," she says.

Saki's POV

"Saki," he says, "you ready to figure this out?"

"Yes," I say.

I place over my head my headset to block out Saiki for a moment.

"I just need to think to myself," I say.

I feel strange around him. Not like I like him, but we have grown close...

"Okay Saiki, lets close the gap," I say.

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