6 - phone call

216 6 4

-> grayson

I wake up at around 10:30. I check around only to find Merliah sleeping. I look to my phone and saw a message from Ethan.

Ethan: Yo the rest of us went out to get breakfast at Denny's. Text me if you want food or you'll grab breakfast with Liah!

I sighed and replied that I'll be grabbing food instead. I check Merliah groaning, waking up. She pulls on her phone and goes through social medias.

"Good morning Grayson." She looks to me.

I smile and reply back, "Morning Liah."

"Where are the others?"

"They left to have breakfast at Denny's. If you want, we could get breakfast together in IHOP." I shrugged.


We both get in my car, wearing pyjamas. She ties her hair into a braid while I was driving. I decided to play Raining Love by Kyle. A few minutes go by and we reach to IHOP.

"Find us a seat, I'll be the one to order." I say to her.

"Okay, I'd like just classic pancakes." She gives me $20 but I didn't take it. From a distance, I see her sitting in a booth and browsing through her phone.

I have to admit, she's kind of pretty.

I get our food and go to the booth. She takes her phone starts to film me.

"Smileee." She says. Saying that made me actually smile and laugh too. She didn't post it, but she kept it in her camera roll.

"Thank you. I love pancakes." She smiles and cuts a piece.

"No problem."

"It kinda sucks doesn't it when your own twin left you to eat at Denny's." She laughs.

I laugh too, "Yeah, but one time I taped him against a door and left him for hours."

She turns shocked, "Really? That's so mean!"

"That's what brothers do."

"Honestly sisters too. Talya put dye instead of shampoo in my bottle. My hair became blue for like 2 weeks." She takes a bite of her pancake.

Talya you're a savage.

My eyes widened, "So, what happened after that?"

"Well I kept it there until it faded, using so much dye removers, and once it grew back to blonde, I shaved off her eyebrows."

I spat my drink and burst out laughing.

I caught my breath, "I can't you guys are savages."

She winked and ate some more.

Once we were done, we left and I took her to the cafe near the ocean.

"Why do you love it here?" I asked.

"I love the ocean."

It was silent for a few seconds until Merliah shouts something which almost gave us into a car crash.

"We should go surfing together!" She shouts.

"Merliah we could've died!" I shout back.

She laughs, "Seriously though, it would be fun!"

"..Will it be just the two of us?"

"Course not! The friend group! You know, Ethan, Andrew, Alex, Stefanie, and Talya."

"O-oh. Okay."

Why did I even ask that?



"Okay, text our friends, I'll get going. Bye Gray!" She leaves the car and heads to the cafe. I drive back home and see Ethan on the couch.

"Hi Gray."


"Merliah was asking if we would like to go surfing with her." I sit right beside him.

"Yeah sure." He says.

"Ok, I'll text her."

I halfway upstairs until Ethan calls my name.


"What do you want, penis face?"

"Oh sorry I forgot."

I took only one step up until he calls me again.


"What now?!"


Hearing her name made me relax and actually pay attention to Ethan.

"Tell Merliah I can't."

"Why not?"

"Alex, Andrew, and I will be watching the football game on Saturday."

"You won't be inviting Talya?" I ask him.

"Oh yeah! Ok." He agrees with me.

"Anyway, ask Stef, she'd probably go with you guys." He talks with his mouth full of chips.

"You're gross. Okay, bye." I go upstairs and plop myself into my bed. I pull put my phone my pocket and start to text Stef.

me: stef merliah is asking if you could come to us, we'll go surfing on saturday

Stefanie: oof sorry i'm going to the mall with stacy on sat :/

me: who's dat

Stefanie: some friend you don't know, duh

me: okay fine ms. popular

Stefanie: byeee!!!!

me: byee


I gave a sigh and tried to call Merliah. I try to find her number, but then I realize I didn't even have it!

"Hey Ethan!" I yell.

"What!" He shouts back.

"What's Merliah's number!"

"Hold on! Ill text it to you."

bro: 169 478 0990

me: ty

With enough courage I decided to call her. It rings!

"Hi! this is Merliah Winston."

"Hey its um- Grayson." I laugh nervously.

"Oh hi." I can feel her smiling through the phone.

"All of them aren't available for surfing."

"Oh man! ..Even you?"

"No-no! I'm available." I smile too.

"Well I'll see you on Saturday." She hangs up the phone.

wait..is this a date?

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