16 - oceana

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merliah ->

I wake up to find Grayson's heavy arm was still in my waist. I push it over and check the time. We had 1 hour to get ready.

I groaned and brushed my teeth, showered and put on Cameron's clothes. I tried to wake Grayson up which took forever.

"Grayson wake up!"

"Five more minutes."


He stays quiet for a while until he opens his eyes and pulls me back to the bed.

"Gray get off me!" I say laughing.

"Morning."He smiles sleepily.


We both were ready and decided we should join with Ethan and Cameron.

"Ready to go?" Ethan says holding the steering wheel.



We hop out of the car and Grayson puts his arm around me making me freeze a little.

I hear a ring in my phone so I open it to see a text from Talya.

t: liah you need to go back to oceana

me: whats wrong?

t: i cant explain it right now but you have to

me: can it wait?

t: yeah
after school meet me in the cafe and we'll dive down together

I shut my phone off and my thoughts go everywhere. The last 'emergency' Talya said to me was that she misplaced her dumb collection of seashells.

I must have been so focused because I didn't realized Grayson was talking about.


"Huh? I'm sorry, I got this text from Talya and it's complicated and stuff-

He laughs, "Liah you don't really need to explain to me. I was just asking if you're okay."

"Yeah, let's head to class" I smile.


Ms. Dune kept talking and talking making the class seem so boring. I was about to fall asleep when I felt a tap on my shoulder.


"Hi, Grayson wanted me to give you this."

It was a tiny piece of paper folded. I quickly opened it under my desk so Ms. Dune wouldn't see.

you look pretty today :)

I couldn't help but smile and roll my eyes. Without wasting any time, I wrote back in another piece of paper and gave it to Aaron.

you dork.

A couple minutes pass by and as soon as I forgot I even wrote back to him, Aaron taps on my shoulder again.

"This is so cheesy." Aaron rolls his eyes as he hands me another small paper.

"Shut up." I laugh.

wow, you weren't even going to tell my i looked good today!

I giggled and wrote back,

because you don't! now don't write back, Ms. Dune might catch us. hehe <3

I gave to Aaron and watch him tap Grayson's shoulder. But before he could read it, Ms. Dune snatches it.

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