18 - we'll be okay

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-> merliah

"But Merliah-

A phone rings, interrupting whatever Grayson had to say. I look at my pocket to see it was my phone with Talya calling. I get it out and answered it


Her shaky voice and no words coming out already tells me the words she's about to say.

"She's gone."

I end the call immediately and closed my eyes.

"Merliah? What is it?" 

 I whispered having a shaky voice, "She didn't make it."

I held my hands on my face while I feel Grayson's warm embrace. He hugs me tighter than ever while I hold his hand.

"I'm so so sorry, Liah." He kissed my forehead.

I couldn't speak anymore and just be with each others embrace and presence.


I jumped off and spun my necklace, swimming as fast as possible to Oceana. I went to the kingdom and already hear Talya's cries making my heart wrench. I had to face the music, so I swam and opened the door.

"Mom!" I shout as soon as I saw her laying there. Her chest wasn't moving any longer and she's actually gone.

She's gone. My only parent.

Talya grabs my shoulder, "Merliah, you know I'll always be here for you. I-I'll be right beside you when you rule Oceana."

I wrapped my arms around her and deeply exhaled, "I know, I won't leave you too."

I turn around to ask the servant, "Am I going to be the ruler effective immediately?"

The servant nervously replies, "N-no Princess Merliah. You will be given  seven months and when it is finished you will be Queen."

"But then who will rule the merpeople during the seven months?"

"It is usually the son of the queen, however since you are both women, Talya will be in charge."

Talya and I's faces drop in shock, "Huh?!" We both say at the same time.

The servant panicks, "I- I don't know why Princess Merliah and P-princess Talya, it has just been always this way. Tradition." As soon as the servant spoke she quickly swam away.

"Will you be okay?" I rub Talya's shoulder.

"I'll be fine. Mother gave us a manual I think, it's in her drawer. I'll just do some reading and soon enough I'll be ready." She shrugs and smiles making me do the same.

I hugged Talya and rested my head on her shoulder.

"We'll be okay Merliah."


6 months later and it's been going great. I'm still dating my wonderful boyfriend, Andrew came to visit here 2 weeks ago, and Stef and I have been closer than ever. Talya decided to discontinue school for a while and stay in Oceana however she joins us whenever we hang out. However, it's one week left until I'm Queen. I've been dreading this but it's for the best. 

I enter our classroom for our homeroom period and just wait for time to pass by since I didn't even want to go to school. However, it was still bearable since Grayson was here too. We couldn't talk because our professor was strict. Instead we steal glances from each other making me giggle. 

"Alright, class. Since this school year is about to end, unfortunately, we're going to have this year's prom!"

Noises and chitchat burst into the room, some girls excited and some boys groaning. I look at Grayson and he looks at me too, shooting me a wink. I giggled and rolled my eyes, and went into my thoughts. 

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