Chapter Three

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Kazuhiko closed the door to the bedroom suite just a moment prior to the sound of a large thud and breakage of fragile porcelain.  The newborn in his arms wept pitifully, his tiny cries tugging on the strings of even the most hard hearted of people... with the exception of his own mother.  Kazuhiko rocked the small bundle, hushing him softly until his sobs quietened and he drifted off to sleep. Muffled cursed screams continued within the bedroom, so Kazuhiko pushed himself away from the door in order for the little boy to be able to sleep undisturbed.

He made his way towards his study, requesting a servant to fetch the child's moses basket, so he might be able to keep an eye on his son while he worked. His son. How was it that just over a week ago everyone was so excited for the child's birth and yet now, the baby was the heart of a dissatisfied storm blustering through the household?

The servant, a nanny who his mother had hired to watch baby Kou, change him if necessary and contact the young madam if he needed feeding (although she now would have to feed him formula as his mother had rejected him), placed the basket beside the young master's desk. He dismissed her, he would watch over the child for now. Gently, he lay the sleeping baby into the cot and watched him for a moment, tears filled his eyes, but he did not let them fall. To cry over the baby's lost future was a futile act and would not change his circumstances.

He sensed, rather than saw, his own mother enter the room. "Are you certain with your decision?" Madam Fumiko said, looking intently at her blond haired, brown eyed son. "No one would blame you, you know."

"I would blame me," Kazuhiko retorted, but there was no heat behind his words. He kept his voice calm so not to disturb his son, but his mother understood that he meant every word he spoke.

"Esme's parents are calling for a divorce," his mother advised him and he glanced at her, one brow slightly raised in question. "They blame us for the taint in bloodline."

Kazuhiko chuckled bitterly. How moronic. The need for purity of bloodline, for the strength of the Alpha gene and yet his son was an Omega. In truth, the dormant gene could have come from either line, could have entered the lines several generations ago and what was 'pure' anyway. Their family descended from Japanese and carried the name, but for the exception of certain features such as his mother's black eyes and his phoenix shaped brown ones, they appeared of mostly western makeup now. Esme, a woman who was at half British, with her straight midnight hair and soft features, seemed more oriental than they.

"They may change their mind if we give him up for adoption," the older woman continued, her eyes falling coldly upon the basket. "There is plenty of time for the pair of you to produce another child, prove his birth a bad fluke."

"I am not giving my son up for adoption," he said between gritted teeth. "If Esme wishes for a divorce, as she cannot handle to truth of the matter, then so be it. But my son stays with me."

His mother shook her head in dismay. Clearly her son had inherited her stubborn nature, she would not change his mind now. It was a pity, but she would not let her son suffer this burden alone, no matter how she disapproved. She left the room as quietly as she had arrived, shuffling out in the designer kimono she wore.

"I'm sorry, Kou," he murmured softly into the basket, watching the rise and fall of his son's tiny chest as he slept. "I am so sorry!" In truth, he did not blame Esme, neither for her behaviour nor her rejection of him and their son. Theirs was an arranged marriage, they had been brought together for the good of the families, for the good of their Alpha lines. From childhood, they had been taught that a good marriage partner would not only have fertile Alpha genes, but would be from the circles in which they socialised; circles that kept the traditional arts of their fatherland alive.

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