Chapter Twenty Seven

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"No," Jun immediately rejected him, startling the man holding him. However Kazuhiko's arms did not fall from his body nor did they tighten around him. They did not stop from rubbing his back in comfort.

"Why not?" Kazuhiko asked him, his voice cracking just slightly as he did so.

Jun pushed against him, slipping out of his embrace. "Because you are only asking because of the baby," Jun replied, ignoring the stinging sensations building in his nose and eyes.

"No, I'm not," Kazuhiko denied, his chest beginning to ache. "I swear it, Jun."

"I can't trust you!" Jun cried out in harsh whisper, his grievances rising in his stomach. He didn't blame Kazuhiko, honestly he didn't. They had been naive, neither aware of the potency of pheromones that came with the heat, nor knowing how their physical compatibility could call to the Alpha on an instinctual level, instructing him to claim his omega. And no one knew more than Jun how the ties of a family could bind a person to the desperate point that had lead Kazuhiko to reject him. So no, he didn't blame him... but it didn't mean that deep down he had forgiven him nor forgotten about it.

Kazuhiko's heart beat painfully, each thud loud in his ears and causing painful jolts about his body. He deserved these words, no matter how much they hurt to hear. Jun was not a heavenly saint, there was only so much a person could truly bear and with his seed once more bearing fruit inside Jun's fertile body, the omega's pain, his fears of what had happened last time he had fallen pregnant had resurfaced. Only this time, Kazuhiko was here for Jun to spill out his sufferings upon.

"I understand," Kazuhiko said, finally, possibly breaking both their hearts, but adding before the pain became too much to bear; "so I will wait and I will prove to you that I will not run and abandon you again. I will earn your trust no matter how long it takes Jun. I love you."

Jun saw the earnestness in his melting brown eyes, but was not ready to accept it at face value. Instead, he lowered his head and leaned forward until his forehead rested against Kazuhiko's chest. "Alright," Jun allowed him this chance. This one and only chance. Kazuhiko let a sigh of relief escape him and pressed a kiss upon the silken, midnight tresses atop Jun's head.

After pressing a second kiss, a sly grin curved his lips and he grasped Jun's arms to steady him as he stepped back a pace. Jun glanced at him, questioningly. "I just have one last thing to grab from my car," Kazuhiko told him, taking the little stick and placing it on the sink behind Jun.

"What is it?" Jun asked, curiously.

"My luggage," Kazuhiko said, cheekily. "I'm moving in with you!" Jun let loose a slightly strangled cry.


The apartment really wasn't big enough for the family of four, especially knowing that there was also a little one on the way, but Jun refused to rely on Kazuhiko thus could not move out and Kazuhiko refused to leave him be. Kei and Kou really did not mind the cramped conditions. Kei beamed with happiness each morning to see that his daddy was still there, he could even put up with his annoying little brother sharing his room and crying loudly for no reason at times. Kou instinctively adored his new omega parent, seeking comfort in Jun's lap whenever possible and Jun thought nothing of placing the child upon his knees to placate him.

At night, Kazuhiko would not press his luck by seducing Jun, no matter how tempted he was to bury himself inside the omega's deliciously scented body. It did create for him some very painful mornings where he would have to lock himself in the shower to relieve himself, with only a hand and his memories for comfort.

His restraint was both endearing and a tad frustrating for Jun as it softened his resolve and crumbled the protective walls he had been trying to build around him since discovering that he was pregnant again. It was frustrating that he couldn't use Kazuhiko's wandering hands against him, but the man had pressed no further than a few kisses upon his forehead and an occasional hug. He would wake a little sleepily in the morning to find cooling sheets as Kazuhiko left him each morning for the shower and he couldn't help but feel a little sour over that as well.

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