Chapter Eighteen

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Author's note; 18+

Jun tugged at the collar upon his t-shirt letting out a slight gasp as the cool air touched his skin, before it melted into a silent moan. He exhaled his breath, closing his eyes for a moment to gather himself, before trimming the stems of the roses and placing them into the bucket of fresh water. Thankfully, that was the last of the flowers that needed to be dealt with today.

Eiko closed the sales book upon the counter behind him and stretched out her body. "I'm done for the day," she decided, "so I'll be leaving first."

"Alright," Jun answered, his voice sounding slightly deep and raspy as it left his throat. Eiko glanced at him with a frown and noticed the flushed expression and deep colour of his cheeks.

"Are you okay, Jun?" She asked then. His limpid eyes glanced over at her and he offered a rather weak and tepid smile.

"I'm fine," he replied, rising to his feet, unstably. "The suppressant is just wearing off more quickly than I thought."

"Suppressant..." Eiko echoes and her eyes widened with realisation. "You are in heat?" She couldn't sense his pheromones, but that was natural, he was technically claimed by an Alpha, even if that Alpha had abandoned him. Not that his pheromones would have affected her if she had been able to smell them, it would have been like his aroma and presence being that much more obvious is all.

Jun nodded, his smile still a little wobbly. "It's fine, I'll just take another suppressant."

"How many have you taken so far?" She asked, with a hint of worry in her voice.

"I'm not sure, three maybe?" Jun tugged at his t-shirt subconsciously, trying to allow the cooler air to reach his heated skin. "I must have bought a bad batch, they don't seem to be working as long as usual."

Eiko glanced at the time, before hurrying to close the shop. It was the day before New Year's Eve, their customers had been very few today. Losing an afternoon of trade would not be too big a deal. "Why don't I take Kei with me for a couple of days?" she offered. "Who normally takes care of him while you are in heat?"

"Hanako, but she was so excited about meeting her boyfriend's parents... I didn't want my issues to take that away from her."

Eiko scowled and pushed upon Jun's back, feeling the scorching heat of his skin beneath her fingers. "Go on up," she ordered. "Go take a shower, while I pack a bag for Kei.  And no more suppressants for a few hours, you'll get sick."

"But..." Jun protested.

"No buts!"

Kei was reluctant to leave his mummy, he'd wanted to stay with Jun and watch the fireworks though the glass windows as midnight hit tomorrow night.  All his friends had spoken about it. Jun had chuckled, when Kei first had mentioned it, thinking that he doubted his child would be able to stay awake so long. Jun promised, instead, that they would stay up for the Chinese New Year festival. China town was not so far away and their displays were often beautiful and elaborate.

"But why do I have to go?" Kei pouted, his large eyes looking pleadingly at Jun, who felt himself wavering at the sight. He felt better after his cool shower and the shop was closed until new year, so...

He almost doubled over as an intense burn emanated from his core and stirred his lower body until it began to feel painful. He bit down upon his lip to stop himself from crying out in front of Kei. His heat periods had not been so intense before, he complained to himself, bitterly as the sweat began to bead at his temple. "Sorry, Kei," was all he could mutter. "Mummy needs to rest... like when Aunty Hanako came to visit last."

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