Chapter Nine

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Two large, dark blue eyes peered upward as the tiny body in blue swayed, hands and knees pressing firmly against the tatami mat, little thoughts running through his mind. Could he crawl to his daddy this time? In the end, the baby lay back down upon his tummy and cried pitifully in frustration, wanting the man to pick him up and comfort him. Fortunately, his daddy did as he wanted.

"Hush, Kou," The man murmured softly and held his son to his chest. The tears quickly vanished and the baby made a few noises, before settling comfortably in the man's lap. "You've almost the hang of it."

"You expect too much of him," Madam Fumiko entered the living room to witness the play of her son and grandchild, but held no affection for it. "He's not an Alpha, you cannot expect him to perform as well as one."

"Mother, subgender has little relevance to a child's development," Kazuhiko informed her as he rose to his feet, Kou carried in his arms.

He had researched much about omegas since the birth of his son and was aware that much of his previous knowledge was false rumours born of ignorance. Omegas were not 'animals' that had little control over their sexual urges and they would not bring down an 'Alpha' line by making their descendants less intelligent or skilled. Touching an omega or even being near one would not mean that you would produce omegas in your family line. Yes, they did experience heats during their fertile times usually beginning at the age of fifteen and yes, their pheromones were difficult for an Alpha to ignore. But drugs had already been developed to help with this. Accidents could indeed occur, he knew too well, but was it too much different to two strangers of other genders waking up after a drunken mistake? He sighed, knowing that it was when the Alpha in question got carried away and claimed the Omega in heat.

Regardless, his son was born an Omega and not due to a curse or ill fate. His gender meant that he would eventually have a more difficult life like other Omegas, but that was not their fault and somewhat due to the stereotyping of others. However, at this age, Kou was no different to an Alpha or Beta child. And he, his father, was here to protect him.

Madam Fumiko clearly did not believe his words and simply wrapped the silk scarf over her shoulders more securely. She was wearing a beautiful, emerald green kimono with hand painted black and gold detailing. She was clearly getting herself ready to leave for the evening.

"Going out, Mother?" Kazuhiko asked.

"Yes," the woman replied. "To an ikebana presentation. The Yoshinaga group wish to present the work of their top students. Petra Yoshinaga and Michelle Yoshinaga will also perform before an audience. I informed you of this a few weeks ago. Petra's engagement to the Miyabe's was recently cancelled."

"Mother, no more matchmaking," Kazuhiko warned.

"Oh? And I thought you were getting on well with Kurea-chan," Madame Fumiko said, nonchalantly.

"She is a child," Kazuhiko replied. "Much too young for me, even were I considering remarriage so soon."

"Petra Yoshinaga is currently twenty three and quite talented in the art of flower arranging," his mother pressed, ignoring the growing irritation upon his face. "Not quite as artistic and original as Hanako Midori, mind you. She would have made you an excellent wife had she not vanished after the death of her mother. Quite the pity."

"Mother, enough!" Kou squirmed in his arms, clearly feeling the tension that Kazuhiko was feeling. Kazuhiko drew in a deep breath and forced down his emotions, before inwardly sighing. He knew the woman meant well, but he also knew he was not ready to jump into another relationship so soon, even for Kou.

Beautiful green eyes leapt from his memory and teased his resolve. He regretted letting him walk away yesterday, no... he regretted turning him away all those years ago. But regrets were reflections of hindsight. There was no turning back the clock and if there were, what of Kou? He loved this small bundle of smiles and drool more than he could say.

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