Chapter Thirteen

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Three figures wrapped up warmly with coats, scarves, hats and gloves and braved the crisp air, walking down the path to a little known park hidden amongst the array of houses. As it happened, the distant sun was shining down upon the three, two adults and a small child nestled between them, as if in approval. Others might glance out the window and smile, watching the child holding the two adults' hands and swinging merrily between them. They appeared a cute family, to those who were unaware of the truth.

Jun's scarf hid much of his face and his downcast eyes curled gently only whenever they caught sight of their son, so Kazuhiko couldn't be sure what the omega was thinking. After drinking their beverages, little Kei had asked if they could go to the park. Jun had hesitated, but clearly saw no reason to refuse and he had looked directly at Kazuhiko, his verdant eyes questioning, wanting to know what Kazuhiko planned. Would he insist on coming with them or would he leave and go home?

Those expressive eyes were once again burned into his memory, taking their place against the others within his mind. Those darkened with lust, those tinged with sadness and hurt, those overflowing with pure love for their child. It made Kazuhiko long to see more. He had found himself nodding and asking if he could accompany them, Kei had leapt up and wrapped his arms about his father's neck and Kazuhiko's heart was completely captured.

Keiichi ran off immediately when the small slide came in sight, his small legs moving swiftly as he ran to climb up the frame to reach his goal. Jun kept his eyes firmly upon the boy, a hint of worry in them, even though there was also happiness. "He's a fine boy," Kazuhiko said, gruffly. "You've done amazingly well." A flicker of what might have been guilt or shame crept over Jun's face, but disappeared within the next moment.

"W-what are your intentions?" Jun asked, wringing his fingers together, his heart beating loudly in his chest, almost deafening him.

Kazuhiko frowned. "What do you mean, Jun?" He asked.

"Are you planning on taking him away from me?" Jun blurted out, turning to stand firmly in the face of whatever truth came to light, although those beautiful eyes showed fear. "I'll not let you! I'll fight you with everything I have!"

Kazuhiko placed his hands upon Jun's shoulders, which trembled beneath his palms. This is what a mother should be, he felt, a lioness willing to fight for her cubs, not like Esme who threw her's away just because her son could not live up to her expectations of perfect. Why could Jun not have been Kou's mother? Kazuhiko tried to imagine the smaller man swelling with his child and failed, what a fool he had been to throw away the chance to witness this. The chance to see him hold their baby and love him.

"I'll not take Kei away from you, Jun," Kazuhiko promised. "It would break his heart. Anyone with any sense can see how much he loves you."

"He does?" Jun's head tilted to one side, before he glanced over at his shoulder to see the boy waving at them before he slid down the slide, arms in the air and a joyful shriek escaping his throat. Kazuhiko brows furrowed once more. Why would he question this? He grasped Jun's hand in his own and tugged him over to the cold, hard wooden bench and had him sit, not noticing Jun's blushing cheeks as he glanced at the connection.

"Tell me what happened," Kazuhiko demanded as he sat beside him, his eyes not leaving the man. Jun turned away slightly, choosing to watch Kei as the boy played instead.

"When Kei was one week old," Jun said, softly. "The results of his gender check arrived. I'm an omega born to an alpha family. There was another heir, but... my sister lacked the traits my mother desired. Mother decided that Kei was another chance for our bloodline, but she didn't want others to know he was born to an omega and convinced me to sign away my parental rights."

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