Chapter Eight

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Kazuhiko wrapped the fine lambs wool scarf about his neck, before brushing down his coat and stepping into the frigid air.  A long and cold winter was predicted and at this moment, he could quite believe it.  He was glad that he had decided not to take Kou with him on this outing, he felt that the weather was far to unforgiving at this time.  A guilt about leaving his son behind with the nanny still lingered, so he decided to bring back a small gift for the child once his duties were completed.

It was not an arduous task, it might even prove to be a futile one.  An apparently talented shamisen player had begun busking at a nearby shopping arcade.  Due to that person's unusual and expensive choice of instrument, they had attracted attention and they were mentioned by one of Fumiko family's students to their teachers.  Their circles were often far too small and talent that learned from their family was pooled mostly from said circles.  Should the shamisen player truly prove to be talented, Kazuhiko could extend a hand that could prove beneficial to both the family and to the shamisen player.

This was all conjecture, of course, he would not be certain until he had witnessed that person playing.

As it was the weekend, Kazuhiko thought it would be better not to drive himself and requested the family's driver to take him and drop him off close by.  He didn't feel like navigating the one way streets leading to that shopping arcade and dealing with the city traffic in general.  His choice was wise.  After being in standstill traffic for nearly half an hour, Kazuhiko chose to walk the remainder of the way and advised his driver that he would make his own way back to the house.

The shopping arcade was large, containing a variety of shops, though most were well known and common across the country.  Buskers often applied to ply their trade in one of its many open areas, attempting to attract people with their music and vocals.  Kazuhiko felt that many of these individuals should simply pack up and go home, that as with him, some dreams should remain only dreams. 

It took a while to find the shamisen player.  The young man attracted a fair crowd, mostly people curious about his instrument.  The three stringed instrument with its long neck and small squarish body only very loosely resembled a guitar or banjo and was played using a large plectrum, rather than plucked by fingers or with a pick.  Many of the onlookers did not know what it was that they were listening to.  Kazuhiko focused on the player and music for a while and noted that the youth did have some skill.  Still, he chose not to disturb the young man while he played and simply added a business card as well as a monetary note into his collection plate.

Kazuhiko then turned to leave, his thoughts turning to gifts his son might like.  He also thought about mittens and a hat.  The nanny had already purchased the child one set, but they were rather unlikeable and cheap looking as if no thought went into them. 

A soft scent of flowers drifted before him and his nostrils immediately flared as if demanding he take in more of the teasing perfume.  His lower body stirred, something that had not occurred for more than a year and his head whipped around, was there an omega close by falling into heat?  But no one else about him was reacting and while that may be due to a high population of Betas being amongst the crowd, not every single one would be of that gender.  And besides that, the scent was oddly familiar.

And then he noticed him.  His black hair was a longer and its cut more choppy, his waist seemed a little thicker not waif like as he recalled.  But there was no denying that brilliant smile nor pale skin.  Kazuhiko's heart thudded loudly in his chest as he took a step towards the man who had haunted his dreams with verdant eyes for far too long.  However, he hesitated.  He had wronged this man back then, claimed and abandoned him.  What right did he have to approach him now?

As he faltered, that man disappeared into the crowd and Kazuhiko was unable to catch sight of him.  With a heavy sigh, he, too, began to walk away. 

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