Chapter Twenty One

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Kazuhiko sat behind the wheel of his car taking one deep breath after another, trying to calm his rapidly beating heart.  Feeling a little better, a little braver, he placed the vehicle into park and turned off the engine, before getting out of the car.  His eyes were drawn to the front sign of the florist, that happened to be named "Language of Flowers" before swallowing the building lump in his throat.

It had been two weeks since he had last seen Jun and Keiichi, although he and his son, via Jun sent many texts and had spoke on the phone every other day.  His old man, Yoshimune suspected Kazuhiko had someone in his life, partially thanks to this and although he would say nothing about it, he occasionally nodded knowingly when Kazuhiko went somewhere private to take Jun and Kei's calls.  His mother was less subtle in her wondering over his behaviour.

"Who phoned this time?" She would demand.  "What's with all of the secrecy?  If you hold no shame, there is no reason to hide is there."

"I'm not ashamed," he had announced in response, "and I am not hiding anything. But mother, please understand that I am not a child and you don't need to know everything that goes on in my life."

His father had burst into a hefty chuckle. "He is right, my love," he had said. "That being said, please use protection and remember you also have a son now."

Two in fact, though he did not say this aloud and not long after that, his phone had chimed in his pocket and he had excused himself to answer it.

Said mobile phone was currently in his coat pocket and he could feel the weight of it. The phone currently held an unsent text that he had composed more than five times and was also waiting to call the number he selected upon his contacts, but suddenly could not.  He wanted to do this person.

Having used Rishu as excuse to cover his absence for the entirety of New Year's Day, he naturally had owed the man a favour. This came in the form of an expensive meal, a drink and details of where he had actually been. Although Kazuhiko had not told him that he had, in fact, spent the entire day in bed after a passionate encounter that had stolen his sanity and made him want a certain omega beyond reason, he admitted who he had been with.

Rishu had listened and grinned inwardly, hearing the unspoken words as if they were screamed at the top of his friend's voice. Naturally, he wanted to help, having met and deciding to approve of Kazuhiko's eldest son's other parent.

"So what will you do now?" Rishu had asked.

"I want a relationship with him," Kazuhiko admitted, swirling the whiskey in his glass as Jun's soft smile came to mind.

"Well, you already have a relationship with him," Rishu had replied.  "He's your son's mother.  What I am asking is what type of relationship do you want with him?  Just a physical one?  As friends? Or more?"

"I want everything," Kazuhiko had sighed.  "I want to be his everything, I want him to be my everything.  I never told you this, but despite being married off to Esme, despite trying to be a good husband to her, I would still think of him and that one night.  And not every so often, either.  More like several times a week.  He haunted me."  Rishu had assessed the smile that crept upon Kazuhiko's face and realised that the Alpha was not unhappy about this and grinned knowingly back.

"Well, then first," Rishu had suggested.  "You ought to take him on a date."

"Date?" Kazuhiko had questioned.

Date.  He was at the florist to ask Jun out on a date, something that Rishu had acted like was obvious.  But in actual fact, apart from a few drunk kisses at parties thrown by a few college friends, Kazuhiko had never attempted to connect 'romantically' with anyone.  He'd never chased or tried to woo another.  His life had been mapped out by his parents, to bring a girl or boy into that would have been too cruel to that person.  Jun could be considered the one person who smashed that moral code he had kept to, to smithereens.

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