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Jun stretched his aching back, his heavy stomach putting pressure upon his stomach and groaned slightly as the pain lessened a bit.  This pregnancy seemed so much longer and more tiring than what he had known before, but then, he was that much older.

He went back to stirring the thickening sauce, making sure it didn't stick to the base of the saucepan before tossing strips of vegetables in the wok. The rice cooker pinged, announcing the completion of cooking of the fluffy grains. Jun turned the heat from both pans before dishing up the rice into bowls. Now he just would wait for...

The stomping of rushed feet down the stairs spoke of their arrival before they burst through the door the kitchen diner, all hungry and drawn by the aroma of food.  Kazuhiko curled his arms about Jun's thick waist and placed a kiss upon his neck.  "You should have let me help," Kazuhiko chided him.  "You should be resting."

"I'm pregnant, not sick," Jun scoffed as he bent his knees to remove the pork cutlets from the oven. Kazuhiko took the oven gloved from him and ushered him away at this point. "Could you also take out the torikatsu..." The fried chicken cutlets we're keeping warm within the top oven.

A head of golden blond hair peered through the door.  "Mum, have you seen my tablet?"  The young man's voice was deep, on par with his father's.  If he answered the phone to someone a little less familiar with the family, they would have called him Fumiko-san.  "Abhi wanted the web address for something, I want to check its history."

"It's in the downstairs toilet on top of the bathroom cabinet," Jun told Keiichi, who nodded and ran off in search of it.  "Though I have no idea how it got to be there."

Kazuhiko chortled and pulled out the chair at the head of the table, after finishing placing the dishes on the table, sitting closest to Kou, who had claimed the sit to his left.  His sister, Himi, sat next to him, playing on her phone.  Jun placed a bowl of miso soup in front of his beloved husband, the man had aged well in the last ten years, his hair was still full and golden of hue and there were just a few laughter lines about his eyes.  His heart still beat strongly and glowed with warmth whenever he took a moment to look at the man.  He'd not once regretted marrying him.

A little more than ten years had passed since they took their marriage vows.  It had been a small, private affair, unlike their engagement party.  Just close friends and family in front of a minister in a registry office.  Himi had come into the world just ten days later, a squalling bundle of angry red alpha baby, with a mess of midnight black hair and eyes that would darkened before her first birthday to gems of obsidian.

They did not move back into the Fumiko school and residence, instead choosing to move into a four bedroom property that had come up for rent just a short distance away. And three years later, their family would expand again.

"Where's your brother?" Jun asked as he finished placing bowls about the table, rubbing his back once more.  He sat with cautiously upon the chair to the right of Kazuhiko, sighing as the weight lifted from his swollen ankles.

No sooner had Jun said these words had a yawning Kenzan entered the room, rubbing his green eyes red.  He might be seven already, but he occasionally could be found curled up napping on a bed... not necessarily his own, though. Towering over him, Keiichi shadowed him, affectionately ruffling his blond hair.  "Come on, squirt," he said, teasing the boy, who was overly protected by each of his older siblings.  Kenzan was a shy child, quiet and gentle.  The introvert little alpha boy was very close to his mother and favoured playing with flowers to playing with instruments unlike his older siblings.

"Grandmother says we don't have to come for lessons today," Himi told Kou, as she placed down her phone. "She says we performed well at the recital, we can take the time off."

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